Making the case for sanitation and hygiene: opening doors in health Background note Newborne, P. (2010)

Advocates of sanitation and hygiene have redoubled their efforts to raise the profile of sanitation and hygiene in development in recent years. The 2008 International Year of Sanitation (IYS) generated new political and media interest, helping to reduce the stigma associated with sanitation. Subsequently, advocacy for sanitation and hygiene, in follow up to the ‘IYS’, has opened up further opportunities for debate. Much, however, remains to be done. In many developing countries, sanitation and hygiene still come low down in political and policy priorities. In many central ministries and regional/district agencies, budget holders are not yet convinced of the benefits of Investment in sanitation and related hygiene (and water) interventions. ODI, Tearfund and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) have gathered views from sanitation and hygiene (‘S&H’) specialists and health practitioners to review progress in advocacy for S&H to the health sector, as a prime target for the promotion of S&H services.

Bibliographic information

Newborne, P. (2010). Making the case for sanitation and hygiene: opening doors in health Background note Overseas Development Institute, London, UK

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Making the case for sanitation and hygiene: opening doors in health

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Making the case for sanitation and hygiene: opening doors in health

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

Overseas Development Institute, London, UK

Newborne, P.

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