La présente stratégie régionale mise à jour en 2015 a été lancée en 2012 face à la crise nutritionnelle et alimentaire au Sahel, révisée lors du processus de consultation en 2014, elle reste une orientation intersectorielle adaptable aux spécificités nationales et locales de chaque pays.
English "WASH-in-Nut" Programme: Integration of a minimun WAS package in undernutrition treatment programmes Francais Programme « WASH-IN-NUT » intégration d'un paquet minimum EAH dans les programmes de traitement de la sous-nutrition
English Impact of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Interventions on the Nutritional and Health Status of Children under 5 years old and mothers French Impact des interventions du secteur Eau Assainissement et Hygiène (EAH) sur la santé et le statut nutritionnel des enfants de moins de 5 ans et des mères
This publication is the background article to one of the case stories in the SuSanA case story collection “Making WASH in Schools more Sustainable” (Vol II.). It has been selected as one of the focus case stories on monitoring under the umbrella of the SuSanA Working Group 7 on school sanitation. The project "School Sanitation in Underserved Urban Areas in India" has shown that in the […]
Public relations as a communication practice contributes to a full functioning society by bringing organizations, groups and individuals together to discuss issues. Public relations also helps to build advocacy coalitions. Rhetoric enables the creation and sustainment of coalitions and helps coalition members achieve a shared understanding of the events and issues they seek to address. Social capital emerges from the communicative relationships within a coalition’s […]
The publication illustrates step by step how to improving management of urban sanitaion. 1. Access exisiting sanitation services 2. Access sanitation socio-economic context 3. Conduct an institutional stakeholder mapping 4. Disseminate sanitation assessment information 5. Build consensus with key stakeholders for action 6. Define and clarify institutional roles and responsibilities 7. Develop and implement a near term fecal fludge management plan 8. Develop a mid to long term investment plan 9. Mobilize investment for […]