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Blankwaardt, B. et al. (2008) Local Governance for Basic Urban Services Country cases from Burkina Faso, Egypt and Sri Lanka 2003-2007

This short booklet presents a summary of IRC’s activities within the framework of the Basic Urban Services (BUS) Initiative, carried out over a five-year period (2003-2007) through an Agreement of Cooperation with UNCHS (UN-Habitat). The activities formed an integral part of, and contribution to, the implementation of the Second Phase Dutch Support to the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP). This second phase aimed at ensuring that […]

Online since: 20.10.2015
Views: 5933
Downloads: 90

Donati, P. F. (2015) Sanitation in Mongolia Experiences, Challenges and Recommendations

This work was motivated by the fact that sanitation in areas not served by water and sewer infrastructure has not registered a visible improvement during the last ten, fifteen years in Mongolia. This is true both at Soum or Aimag level as well as at Ulaanbaatar level where 65% of the population, approximately 180.000 household relies on unimproved pit latrines characterized by very poor construction […]

Online since: 19.10.2015
Views: 4166
Downloads: 92

Huhn, L. (2015) Greywater Tratment in Sand and Gravel Filters Low Tech Solution for Sustainable Wastewater Management - Manual for Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance

This manual provides the background of greywater characteristics and gives guidance how to construct and operate a low-tech sand filter for onsite greywater treatment. It describes all aspects to be considered in the process of planning, construction and maintenance of greywater filters on the household level in rural areas. This manual is made for practitioners, technicians and interested households who want to design, construct and […]

Online since: 19.10.2015
Views: 6741
Downloads: 508

Budge, F. (2012) The power of shit Reflections on Community Led Total Sanitation in Nepal

The article by Fiona Budge asserts that ‘Shit’ is still a highly sensitive topic across all cultures, which has led to diverse problems establishing programmes that aim to prevent Open Defecation. On basis of a case study in Nepal and theories of disgust this publication reflects on the reasons for the taboo state of the topic and possible solutions.

Online since: 19.10.2015
Views: 12009
Downloads: 180

Snel, M., Nothomb, C. (2015) Key challenges for Sustainable Sanitation Services

There are today more people without access to adequate sanitation than in 2000, despite the commitment included in the MDGs to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to basic sanitation. This has many consequences for the well-being and potential of many people: sanitation related diseases account for about 800,000 children death per year; open defecation leads to increased risk of stunting […]

Online since: 16.10.2015
Views: 4268
Downloads: 93

Various authors (2015) The 5th International Dry Toilet Conference 2015 Conference materials

The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland organizes an International Dry Toilet Conference every three years in Tampere, Finland. The 5th conference took place at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences on 19th to 22nd of August 2015. The theme was Dry Toilet Conference 2015 – Solutions. The conference is an excellent platform for all actors working with ecological sanitation to network and share their […]

Online since: 16.10.2015
Views: 5705
Downloads: 810

Online since: 08.10.2015
Views: 4412
Downloads: 7334

Various authors (2015) Improving consumer voices and accountability in the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 08.10.2015
Views: 5819
Downloads: 74

Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) (2015) 25 years Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015 Update and MDG Assessment

Online since: 06.10.2015
Views: 9398
Downloads: 265

JMP (2015) WASH Post-2015 Proposed indicators for drinking water, sanitation and hygiene

Online since: 06.10.2015
Views: 4262
Downloads: 100

Online since: 06.10.2015
Views: 2926
Downloads: 32

Online since: 05.10.2015
Views: 993
Downloads: 5

Online since: 05.10.2015
Views: 3417
Downloads: 5677

UN (2013) A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Online since: 05.10.2015
Views: 3161
Downloads: 23

Online since: 05.10.2015
Views: 4748
Downloads: 65

Online since: 05.10.2015
Views: 3030
Downloads: 26

WHO (2014) GLASS 2014 Report. Investing in Water and Sanitation: Increasing access, reducing inequalities UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water

Online since: 05.10.2015
Views: 3844
Downloads: 72

Online since: 01.10.2015
Views: 5992
Downloads: 94

Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India (2015) Technological Options for Solid and Liquid Waste Management in Rural Areas Swachh Bharat Mission (GRAMIN)

Online since: 15.09.2015
Views: 21666
Downloads: 3211

INTI (2015) Sistemas de saneamiento seco con separación de orina (Baño seco) (In Spanish) Dry Sanitation Systems with Urin Separation (Dry Bath)

Online since: 07.09.2015
Views: 4432
Downloads: 159



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