WASH in Schools - What's next after 100% coverage? - A Thematic Discussion Series Synthesis hosted by the SuSanA India Chapter and India Sanitation Coalition Jacob, N. (2017)

From 4 – 23 September 2017, the India Santation Coalition under the umbrella of the SuSanA India Chapter organised a thematic online discussion about WASH in Schools in India.

The discussion examined how to improve WinS to a level where boys and girls have separate and adequate toilets, hand-washing facilities, hygiene is addressed in schools, and adolescent girls have usable menstrual hygiene facilities. The discussuion focused on these questions in particular:

1. What innovations have you come across in WinS by the government, companies or NGOs that are worth emulating?
2. How has shifting the responsibility for WinS to MoHRD affected the condition of facilities and hygiene? What challenges remain and how can they be overcome?
3. How can companies contribute to WinS? What are examples of successful WASH contributions by companies? This is one of the mandates of the India Sanitation Coalition
4. Is the current monitoring system under DISE adequate and how can it be improved and tied to the SDGs?

The main outcomes of the discussion, including various country reports, are covered in the synthesis report.

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Jacob, N. (2017). WASH in Schools - What's next after 100% coverage? - A Thematic Discussion Series Synthesis hosted by the SuSanA India Chapter and India Sanitation Coalition SuSanA

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School WASH synthesis

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WASH in Schools - What's next after 100% coverage? -  A Thematic Discussion Series Synthesis hosted by the SuSanA India Chapter and India Sanitation Coalition

Published in: 2017
Pages: 22


Jacob, N.

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