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Devidas Kisan Nimje (2020) Waste Water Management - Participatory Planning, Budgeting and Implementation

This presentation discusses how local rural governments and people can determine grey water treatment options that are local, affordable and manageable.

Online since: 04.09.2020
Views: 1119
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Sandhya Haribal (2020) Approach & Options for Grey water management

This presentation discusses grey water treatment methods suitable for rural areas, challenges and solution for local governments

Online since: 04.09.2020
Views: 2520
Downloads: 4187

Chanakya Hoysall (2020) Grey Water Reuse Potential and Technical Challenges

Characteristics and technical options for grey water management in rural India.

Online since: 04.09.2020
Views: 1775
Downloads: 164

Toetzke, J. (2020) Discussion Paper on WASH & Health Prevention is the best medicine - WASH in times of COVID-19

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is an essential component to “ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment” (Agenda 2030, preamble). The intrinsic link between health and WASH becomes evident in many facets: The combat against many Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) requires WASH in the prevention and even treatment. Controlling zoonoses assigns WASH a central […]

Online since: 01.09.2020
Views: 2144
Downloads: 124

WASH in Schools Network (2019) 7th Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools International Learning Exchange in Manila, 11-15 November 2019

WASH in Schools (WinS) is a key element of universal access to both Education for All and WASH for All as defined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Schools are important settings to provide environments where children learn and acquire essential hygiene skills for life; and where their health growth and overall development thrive in dignity.

Online since: 28.08.2020
Views: 1996
Downloads: 67

CSE (2020) SFD Promotion Initiative Phase III SFD Promotion Initiative

An excreta flow diagram (also often described as shit flow diagram, SFD) is a tool to readily understand and communicate how excreta physically flows through a city or town. For more information on SFDs and the SFD Promotion Initiative visit During the first two phases of the SFD Promotion Initiative, the SFD approach and the tools and methods for the production of SFDs were […]

Online since: 10.08.2020
Views: 2092
Downloads: 3464

Morgan, P. (2020) My Garden Laboratory Experiments in technical approaches to rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene carried out in my garden and home and then in the world beyond

There is something about being an experimenter and a scientist that never quite fades despite ones age or the fact that, as the years pass, as one gets older, the brain and the body never quite functions as efficiently as it used to do. Having been a student of Zoology in my early years and trained in the scientific method of a bygone era (1960’s) […]

Online since: 07.08.2020
Views: 2383
Downloads: 76

Klinger, M.; Gueye, A.; Manandhar Sherpa A.; Strande, L. (2019) Scoping Study: Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants in South-Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

Worldwide over the last years, a shift has taken place in the acceptance of faecal sludge management (FSM). It is now considered by many to be a viable solution alongside sewer-based systems in achieving citywide inclusive sanitation, and faecal sludge treatment plants (FSTPs) are starting to be constructed throughout Asia and Africa. For example, more than 40 FSTPs started operation in India and Bangladesh in […]

Online since: 06.08.2020
Views: 2411
Downloads: 117

WoMena (2020) Are Menstrual Cups regulated by governments around the world?

WoMena Summary and Approach WoMena sometimes gets the question: Are menstrual cups (MCs) ‘regulated’ by governments? This is an important question for Government Departments, donors, NGOs and others when planning MC interventions to ensure safety and efficacy of the products. The question sometimes extends beyond MCs to other menstrual health management (MHM) products – washable and disposable pads, tampons etc. This FAQ tries to address this question […]

Online since: 03.08.2020
Views: 2089
Downloads: 3458

Gerlach, E. (2020) Sanitation for Millions - Curtain call for Caretakers: the Hausmeister concept

Universal access to adequate sanitation is one of the under-appreciated achievements of many societies – and unfortunately remains a distant dream for millions. Even in countries where there is no home without a toilet, public institutions tend to have facilities that are part of the unseen fabric of civilisation. Familiar signs guide the way to public conveniences that are usually open to patrons and passers-by, […]

Online since: 21.07.2020
Views: 2495
Downloads: 4130

UN-Water, World Health Organization (WHO) (2020) Hygiene - UN-Water GLAAS Findings on National Policies, Plans, Targets and Finance

Frequent and proper hand hygiene is one of the most important measures that can be used to prevent infection with the COVID-19 virus. Actions by governments to promote hygiene, including handwashing with soap and water and providing hygiene infrastructure such as public handwashing facilities, are critical at this time. These actions should be complemented by activities to ensure access to water and sanitation. To understand […]

Online since: 09.07.2020
Views: 2117
Downloads: 39

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (2020) Thematic Working Aid “Leave no one behind in practice: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene” by SDC (in English and French)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognises “that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development”. In adopting this Agenda, the international community pledged to leave no one behind, to see to it that the Goals and targets are met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of […]

Online since: 03.07.2020
Views: 2655
Downloads: 112

WASH in Schools Network (2020) WASH in Schools Checklists to Manage COVID-19 Response Checklists for school entrances, classrooms & toilets

WASH in Schools Checklists to Manage COVID-19 Response - Checklists for school entrances, classrooms & toilets

Online since: 30.06.2020
Views: 7332
Downloads: 1198

WHO, UNICEF (2020) Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative

The Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative is led by WHO and UNICEF. It aims to implement WHO’s global recommendations on hand hygiene to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic and work to ensure lasting infrastructure and behavior. It calls for countries to lay out comprehensive roadmaps to ensure hand hygiene is a mainstay beyond the pandemic. It also proposes a framework for coordination and […]

Online since: 29.06.2020
Views: 1393
Downloads: 25

ASCI (2020) Menstrual Hygiene Management Booklet

Menstrual Hygiene Management is fundamental to the dignity and wellbeing of girls. Menstrual hygiene education, availability of water and toilets, safe sanitation facilities with access to sanitary products, are important factors enabling girls to attend school and lead a healthy life, not interrupted by menstruation. This guidance booklet is an education resource to help girls to manage, with confidence, their critical menstruation period. It aims to […]

Online since: 29.06.2020
Views: 6469
Downloads: 10772

SCALE, PRO-WASH, USAID (2020) Make Me A Change Agent: An SBC Resource For WASH, Agriculture, And Livelihood Activities

Make Me a Change Agent: An SBC Resource for WASH, Agriculture, and Livelihoods Activities is an adapted version of the Make Me a Change Agent: A Multisectoral SBC Resource for Community Workers and Field Staff guide (produced in 2015 under The TOPS Program) and was co-created by the USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP)-funded SCALE and PRO-WASH awards. This adapted Make Me a Change Agent […]

Online since: 29.06.2020
Views: 1340
Downloads: 40

WoMena (2020) Rapid Assessment Infographic: COVID-19 & MHM

WoMena Uganda conducted a rapid assessment in collaboration with WoMena’s Knowledge Management team in six districts in Uganda to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on menstruating girls and women. The infographic shows the assessment’s preliminary findings on menstruation status and practices, gender-based violence (GBV), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) status, accessibility to markets, MHM product accessibility, and livelihoods.

Online since: 23.06.2020
Views: 1900
Downloads: 41

WASH in Schools Network (2020) The Mini International Learning Exchange (ILE) on WASH and Schools Re-opening Virtual Conference

An overview of, as well as the presentations from the Mini ILE can be found following the first external link below "Resources and Overview of the ILE Virtual Conference". Additional resources are provided following the other external links as well as in the provided PDF "WASH in Schools Checklist to Manage COVID-19 Response".

Online since: 23.06.2020
Views: 4586
Downloads: 264

Jacob, N. (2020) Synthesis document for the thematic discussion Testing Sewage for Early Warnings about COVID-19

Research from past epidemics of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by coronaviruses has suggested viruses are excreted in stools by infected human beings. They have been detected in sewage. Mapping where they were found can help determine if there were infections in a geographic area. This method has been used to keep tabs on polio and use of drugs, especially cocaine. Traces of the […]

Online since: 23.06.2020
Views: 3663
Downloads: 184

Guruswamy, S. (2020) Transmission of COVID in sewage schematic

Schematic depiction of workflow for testing sewage for COVID-19

Online since: 22.06.2020
Views: 1010
Downloads: 18



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