The Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative is led by WHO and UNICEF. It aims to implement WHO’s global recommendations on hand hygiene to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic and work to ensure lasting infrastructure and behavior. It calls for countries to lay out comprehensive roadmaps to ensure hand hygiene is a mainstay beyond the pandemic. It also proposes a framework for coordination and collaboration among global and regional partners, with the primary aim of supporting and growing country-led efforts and investments. The Global Initiative is designed around three stages: Responding to the immediate pandemic, Rebuilding infrastructure and services, and Reimagining hand hygiene in society. Each stage has three core dimensions: creating an institutional and policy environment that enables progress, ensuring the availability of hand hygiene stations, alcohol based hand rubs, soap and water, and drawing on evidence-based behaviour change approaches to encourage sustained hand hygiene practices. The Global Initiative is working with a number of partners to further progress in specific settings, including health care facilities, schools and child-care centres, workplaces, transport hubs, households, institutions and places of worship.
The Global Initiative is designed around three stages: Responding to the immediate pandemic, Rebuilding infrastructure and services, and Reimagining hand hygiene in society. Each stage has four core dimensions: securing political leadership to embed a culture of hand hygiene, strengthening the institutional and policy environment to drive progress, ensuring the availability of hand hygiene stations, alcohol-based hand rubs and soap and water where they are needed, and drawing on evidence-based behaviour change approaches to encourage sustained hand hygiene practices. The Global Initiative is working with a number of partners to further progress in specific settings, including health care facilities, schools and child-care centres, workplaces, transport hubs, households, institutions and places of worship.
WHO - Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative
WASH in HCF & Covid-19 Webinar Series: Session 3 - Hand Hygiene
Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for the COVID-19 virus: interim guidance
WHO, UNICEF (2020). Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative WHO, UNICEF
Peri-urbanRuralSchoolsUrban (entire city)Urban informal settlements (slums)EducatorsPoliticians and local decision makersGuidelines and manualsPosters, brochures and flyersPresentationsEnglish
WHO - Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative
WASH in HCF & Covid-19 Webinar Series: Session 3 - Hand Hygiene
Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for the COVID-19 virus: interim guidance