There is growing global momentum around addressing menstruation as an important health, education and gender equality issue. However, a critical barrier to making progress on addressing menstruation and the range of girls’ needs around this issue, is the lack of adequate validated measures related to measuring menstruation within global health and development. Measures are most needed that are aligned to five priority areas (sexual and […]
This guide will provide the school community the basic and necessary information on the installation process, Operation and Maintenance, and common troubleshooting of the WASHaLOT 3.0.
This presentation shows several methods of sourcing primary and secondary data, that is required for the preparation of SFDs. It also features CSE's experiences with data collection and pictures from field surveys.
On 13th of May SuSanA and GIZ (Sustainable Sanitation Programme & Support to the Health Sector Programme Nepal) jointly hosted a webinar on "Improving healthcare waste management and WASH during the COVID-19 pandemic". With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing a rapid increase in healthcare waste. Countries and health systems are struggling to safely manage and dispose of this waste in a way that does […]
10 immediate WASH in schools (WinS) actions; 1. Handwashing 2. Water availability 3. Supplies 4. Cleaning and disinfecting 5. Waste management 6. Physical distancing 7. Establish a monitoring team 8. Operation or training 9. Checklists 10. Hygiene culture
This publication describes the beginnings of a movement to address the adverse effects of healthcare waste on both people and the environment in Nepal. Healthcare waste refers to all waste generated in healthcare facilities, research centers and laboratories. It includes a broad range of materials, from potentially hazardous items, such as used needles and syringes, soiled dressings, body parts and blood, diagnostic samples, chemicals, pharmaceuticals […]
One of the best ways to protect public health is to follow good hygiene and sanitation practices as outlined in Sandec publications. The new coronavirus spreads primarily directly from person to person when they cough, sneeze, or speak. Indirect transmission can occur by touching surfaces with your hands, and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. These are the main pathways of transmission, not safely […]
In Uganda approximately 86% of South Sudanese refugee arrivals are women and children (UNHCR, 2017a). Globally, girls and women often lack the ability to manage their menstruation with dignity due to lack of adequate and private facilities, safe, acceptable and accessible menstrual health products and knowledge, which can be further exacerbated during conflict and displacement. Menstrual health management is, however, often an overlooked component in […]
For fecal sludge from households in low- and middle-income countries to be treated offsite it needs to be removed, which can be greatly affected by the pit latrine floor design. However, it is unclear whether precast pit latrine concrete floors (latrine slabs) can withstand emptiers and their equipment. To investigate this issue, 28 prefabricated latrine slabs were purchased in two cities of Malawi. They were […]
In sub‐Saharan Africa, informal markets account for more than 80% of the total food selling. Fish is a major protein source for households in Malawi and is commonly purchased from individual vendors. The aim of this study was to review national acts and policies and local regulations focused on fresh fish sold at open‐air markets or by mobile vendors and to further examine the water, […]
Please find the presentation below. A factsheet on this topic will follow shortly.
This paper describes a methodology for rapid assessment of sanitation in cities including a graphical representation (a shit-flow diagram or SFD) and reports on findings from implementation in 39 cities. The SFD provides high level information for planning purposes covering the entire sanitation system in a city. More than half of the human excreta produced in these cities is not safely managed. The most significant […]
Abstract Innovators in the water and sanitation sector are focused on closing the sanitation gap in developing countries through innovation in technologies that enable waste treatment onsite. To ensure universal access, these technologies need to meet the practices and preferences of different genders. This paper uses an online survey and follow-up telephone interviews with technology developers and examined the different technology development processes through a gender […]
Frequent and proper handwashing with soap is vital to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In response, we have developed this Handwashing Compendium for Low Resource Settings. Bringing existing information from different organisations into one place, the compendium provides guidance, local examples of and further resources on accessible low-cost handwashing facilities, environmental cues and physically distanced hygiene promotion. The compendium is a living document which will be updated […]
In this webinar development practitioners and religious actors shared their experiences in collaborating to jointly achieve the fulfillment of SDG 6.2. . The speakers showcased best practices and innovative approaches and elaborate their view on the importance of religious actors on achieving universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene. Unfortunately there were technical difficulties towards the end of the webinar - the recordings of the missing […]
This Resource Book is a compilation of important Govt of India Advisories and other Knowledge Resources relating to Urban Sanitation and COVID. National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) along with the National Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (NFSSM) Alliance Partners, has taken up this initiative of creating a repository of important government advisories and practitioners’ guidance material for Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), state governments, elected […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), menstrual health is often considered a taboo and many girls and women lack access to safe and appropriate menstrual health management (MHM) products. This can have far-reaching implications for women and girls’ physical, social and mental wellbeing, as well as for their sexual reproductive health and rights. These MHM issues are often further exacerbated by insufficient access to safe and […]
This mini-FAQ is being updated as we get new information and comments. At this point, the scientific evidence is limited, so we also use informal sources such as media as well as our own observations in WoMena’s work. Comments, questions, corrections are welcome. WoMena’s contribution: WoMena works in a wide range of contexts in Uganda, including refugee settlements. In the COVID-19 crisis, we find […]
WoMena receives many questions from the women and girls we reach out to, from our trainers and our partners. Therefore, the team collect a series of questions and answers regarding topics like Menstrual Cups functionality, maintenance, health & safety, economy, and other concerns. WoMena periodically update the questions and answers.
# Context The list of publications in this entry are outputs of two BMGF funded projects with our collaborators Tide Technocrats in India (OPP1188987) and Duke Center for WaSH-AID (OPP1173370). # FSM5 Conference; Cape Town, South Africa, 2019 Presentation: Demonstrating Pathogen-Free Thermal Treatment Solutions Towards ISO/PC 318 Energy Neutrality Requirements Presentation: Development of Tools for Efficient Remote Monitoring of Faecal Sludge Treatment Units Poster: Combined Heat and Power with Micro […]