An excreta flow diagram (also often described as shit flow diagram, SFD) is a tool to readily understand and communicate how excreta physically flows through a city or town. For more information on SFDs and the SFD Promotion Initiative visit During the first two phases of the SFD Promotion Initiative, the SFD approach and the tools and methods for the production of SFDs were developed. More than 120 SFDs have been prepared worldwide. As part of phase three of the SFD promotion initiative, the Center for Science and Environment in India (CSE) has the aim to scale up the Shit Flow Diagram approach 1) to bridge the existing gap in availability of data for monitoring safely managed sanitation (SDG 6.2) and 2) for improved planning to achieve citywide sanitation. CSE therefore has partnered with a) WaterAid Bangladesh for scaling up in South Asia, and with b) the Water Research Commission South Africa for scaling up in Africa and c) the National Mission for Clean Ganga for scaling up in India. The initiative was launched for South Asia in Bangladesh in face to face workshop and virtually for Africa and India.
SFD Promotion Initiative Webportal
SFD phase 3 launch in India in collaboration with Ministry of Jal Shakti
SFD phase 3 launch in South Asia in collaboration with WaterAid Bangladesh
SFD phase 3 launch in Africa in collaboration with WRC, South Africa
CSE (2020). SFD Promotion Initiative Phase III SFD Promotion Initiative CSE
EnglishSFD General Library
SFD Promotion Initiative Webportal
SFD phase 3 launch in India in collaboration with Ministry of Jal Shakti
SFD phase 3 launch in South Asia in collaboration with WaterAid Bangladesh
SFD phase 3 launch in Africa in collaboration with WRC, South Africa
Published in: 2020
Pages: 4
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