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Mishra, M., Tripathi, A. (2020) SFD Lite Report - Haldia, India

Haldia is a city and municipality in Purba Medinipur district in the Indian State of West Bengal. The Haldia Township is bordered by Haldi River an off shoot of the Ganges River. Haldia is located at 22.03˚N 88.06˚E. The temperature ranges between 24˚C to 39˚C, during summer and 7˚C to 22˚C in winter. The city gets an average rainfall of 1440mm annually and monsoon months […]

Online since: 09.12.2020
Views: 1342
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Mishra, M., Thripathi, A. (2020) SFD Lite Report - Cuttack, India

This report was compiled as part of the SFD Promotion Initiative project funded by Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Cuttack is located at 20˚31'23” N and 85˚47'17” E. The city has a tropical wet and dry climate. Temperatures may exceed 45˚c in summer and may fall below 10˚C in winter. It gets most of its annual rainfall of 144 cm from July to October (CMC). […]

Online since: 09.12.2020
Views: 1859
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Mishra, M., Tripathi, A. (2020) SFD Lite Report - Chunar, India

This report was compiled as part of the SFD Promotion Initiative project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Chunar is situated on the banks of River Ganga and River Jargo, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. City lies in the Vidhyan Range, 42 km from the district headquarters, Mirzapur, and at a distance of 273 km from the state capital, Lucknow. […]

Online since: 09.12.2020
Views: 1763
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Kumar, N. (2020) SFD Lite Report - Barwar, India

Barwar is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in Lakhimpur Kheri District in the state of Uttar Pradesh It is a crowded town situated near Shahjanhanpur. The Gomti river flows through the town. The town is divided into 11 wards. As per Census 2011, Barwar has a population of 14,196 residing in 1,229 households. The population of the city as per Swachh Survekshan (Country wide annual […]

Online since: 08.12.2020
Views: 3570
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AMCOW, WaterAid, Young Water Solutions, AWSPN, Kithinji, L. (2020) Webinar-Innovative and evidence-based water initiatives that advance water sector transformation and catalyze systems change for improved gender equity

On the 2nd of December, SuSanA Africa Regional Chapter in collaboration with the Africa Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation (ANEW) hosted a webinar on the topic: Innovative and evidence-based water initiatives that advance water sector transformation and catalyze systems change for improved gender equity. Questions, such as "What is being done?" and "What more do we need to do?" will be raised and […]

Online since: 08.12.2020
Views: 1453
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Naeem, K., Kugedera, Z. (2020) Sanitation Market Analysis Summary Report: Pakistan

Following the 2010 floods, the Government of Pakistan developed the Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation (PATS) as a country specific strategy to scale up sanitation programmes, particularly in rural areas to end open defecation. PATS has helped almost 18 million people to construct and use toilets. The last ten million people who need to construct toilets are mostly poor, whereas 176 million need to […]

Online since: 08.12.2020
Views: 1424
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Shrestha, S. (2020) Sanitation Market Analysis Summary Report: Nepal

Nepal has made an impressive progress in eliminating open defecation across the country in the last two decades. As a result, the percentage of households using improved (not shared) sanitation facilities in Nepal increased from 15% in 2000 to 62% in 2017, and open defecation rates fell from 67% to 21% over the same period (WHO & UNICEF, 2019). Nepal celebrated gains made towards ending […]

Online since: 08.12.2020
Views: 1356
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Alam, M., Hakim S., Johnston, D. (2020) Sanitation Market Analysis Summary Report: Bangladesh

Sanitation coverage in Bangladesh has improved significantly over the last three decades; this has been mainly driven by government, development partners and NGO-led programmes. Most households either purchase their toilet components from local latrine producers (LP) or sanitation service providers and complete all or some of the construction themselves or else hire the services of the LP to install the whole toilet. Some LPs have […]

Online since: 08.12.2020
Views: 1338
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Luthra, B., Gupta, E., (2020) Managing Septage in Ganga Cities An analysis of excreta management in 21 priority towns through SFDs

Namami Gange (a national mission for cleaning the Ganga River) is not just about physical cleaning of the river, it is about rejuvenating it and ensuring that it is ever flowing (Aviral) with clean (Nirmal) water. To achieve the same, a comprehensive approach is required which cuts across a lot of sectors. Human excreta (wastewater, faecal sludge, and supernatant) is one of the main causes […]

Online since: 04.12.2020
Views: 1901
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Nitya Jacob (2020) Synthesis document of thematic discussion - O&M of Rural Community Sanitary Complexes

From 14th October to 24th November, 2020, the India Chapter of SuSanA conducted a thematic online discussion and webinar on Operation and Maintenance Opportunities in Rural Community Sanitary Complexes. This was to support efforts of a task force to provide inputs to the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India under Swachh Bharat Mission Phase II. In addition, the Chapter conducted a webinar on the […]

Online since: 03.12.2020
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Sarkar, D. (2015) Community Sanitary Complexes: issues and challenges from a study in West Bengal A study in West Bengal, India, on all community sanitary complexes

This study covered nearly 1200 government-built and 150 NGO or community build sanitary complexes. The purpose was to understand how they were running and improve their maintenance.

Online since: 03.12.2020
Views: 715
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Umar, A. (2020) Experiences with community sanitary complexes Results from the Aga Khan Foundation's programme across several states in India

This presentation provides an overview of the experiences from the Aga Khan Foundation's rural sanitation programme from several states in India regarding community sanitary complexes.

Online since: 03.12.2020
Views: 639
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Singh, A. (2020) SFD Report - Lucknow, India

Lucknow is the capital city of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow is also the tehsil and the district headquarters of the Lucknow district (TCPD, 2018). The urban local body governing the city is Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC)/Lucknow Nagar Nigam (LNN). Lucknow is a part of the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and the Smart city Mission of the Government of […]

Online since: 30.11.2020
Views: 2383
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Rai, A. (2020) SFD Report - Kanpur, India

Kanpur is the tenth most populous city in India and the largest city within the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is situated on the southern bank of Ganga River (KMC, n.d.). Kanpur is a part of the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and the Smart City Mission of the Government of India (GoI). The urban local body in Kanpur is Kanpur Municipal […]

Online since: 30.11.2020
Views: 2924
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CSE (2020) SFD Lite Report - Dharamshala, India

Dharamshala is a town situated in the foothills of the Himalayas in the District of Kangra and State of Himachal Pradesh, India. Dharamshala has two distinct features namely Upper and Lower Dharamshala. Kotwali Bazaar and areas further down into the plains of the Kangra valley (at the average height of 1,250 metres) are called Lower Dharamshala while McLeod Ganj (at the height of nearly 1,800 […]

Online since: 30.11.2020
Views: 1934
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Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network (KEWASNET), African Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation (ANEW) (2020) Sex for Water - Promoting Safe Space for Girls and Young Women in Kibera Project

The Sex for Water (SFW) Baseline Report assesses and provides evidence of existence of sextortion practice in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector for better intervention programming. It discusses the linkages between access to WASH services, corruption and sextortion. It also highlights other aspects of sexual abuse and the associated response and redress mechanism. The survey was conducted in Kibra and Embakasi South Sub […]

Online since: 30.11.2020
Views: 10299
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Koehl, F., Spitzer, A. (2019) National Guidelines on Planning, Implementation, O&M and Monitoring of FSTPS in Small Towns Consultancy Services

Summary Guidelines: German Development Cooperation implemented by GIZ supported the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment in developing the National Guidelines for the planning, implementation, O&M and monitoring of small FSTPs (up to about 5,000 m³/a). It is expected that these Guidelines will contribute to enhance the cost efficiency and sustainability of FSTP investments by ensuring that they are based on high-quality standards that reflect […]

Online since: 26.11.2020
Views: 2223
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DIN SPEC (PAS) (2020) Quality assurance of recycling products from dry toilets for use in horticulture (German) DIN SPEC 91421:2020-12 - Qualitätssicherung von Recyclingprodukten aus Trockentoiletten zur Anwendung im Gartenbau

Diese DIN SPEC wurde im Zuge des PAS-Verfahrens durch ein DIN SPEC (PAS)-Konsortium (temporäres Gremium) erarbeitet. Die Erarbeitung und Verabschiedung dieser DIN SPEC (PAS) erfolgte durch die im Vorwort genannten Verfasser. Dieses Dokument legt Anforderungen an die Qualität und die Unbedenklichkeit von Recyclingprodukten aus Ausgangssubstraten menschlicher Herkunft zur Nutzung als Düngemittel beziehungsweise zur Bodenverbesserung im Gartenbau fest. Zu den Produkten, die aus Inhalten aus Trockentoiletten […]

Online since: 25.11.2020
Views: 1204
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Villagra, M., Blanco, I., Aguatuya, Tedesco, M., Mesquida, G. (2020) Presentations of the SuSanA Latin America World Toilet Day Webinar Propuestas Regionales para Avanzar en el Saneamiento

El tema del Dia Mundial del Retrete 2020 es “No dejar a nadie atras”, la promesa central de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Este anno, queremos evidenciar que un retrete no es solo un retrete: salva vidas, salvaguarda la dignidad y crea oportunidades. En la actualidad, 4 200 millones de personas carecen de servicios de saneamiento gestionados de forma segura, 673 millones todavia se […]

Online since: 24.11.2020
Views: 918
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GIZ (2020) O&M App Calculate the Cost

This O&M App supports you: Calculating operation & maintenance costs for implementing water, sanitation and hygiene in schools. Including pandemic preparedness and response measures.

Online since: 24.11.2020
Views: 2993
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