There is limited documented information about the WASH experiences of women with disabilities in Cambodia. It is critical to listen to their voices in order to better shape programs and policies, and begin challenging discriminatory attitudes. Greater participation is the first step to ensuring that women with disabilities can access the facilities, services, and products to manage their WASH needs effectively, safely, and with dignity. […]
The publication voices the importance of social context and collective action as a mediating factor between programme implementation and its success. CRSHIP assesses the social factors that influenced sanitation uptake, indicating the efficiency of communities participating together with local community leaders or NGOs to work cohesively in achieving their S&H goals.
Rapid and timely approaches for learning are vital for quality and sustainability. The Rapid Action Leaming (RAL) Workshops outlined in these Guidance Notes are an efficient means for sharing of innovation, good practices and lessons learnt.
The MHM Lab’s aim is simple: to transform menstruation into a matter of pride and help women and girls stop suffering in silence. By enabling safe and hygienic menstrual management (MHM), as well as safe reuse and/or disposal of menstrual hygiene products, the Lab allows women and girls to regain control of a basic but fundamental part of their well-being. Creating a welcoming yet efficient […]
This Manual has been developed for trainers of WASH and for health practitioners, to enable them to speak confidently about an issue that is regularly shrouded in silence, and which impacts upon women and girls health, education and livelihoods. The Manual includes a series of learning units (LUs), which are aimed at teaching practitioners how to improve menstrual hygiene for women and girls. It covers […]
A practical guide for the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) supported programme teams and Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) facilitators on how to collect information related to Equality and Non-Discrimination (EQND) at community level, and in particular to learn from people who may be disadvantaged. This guide provides insights into the key ethics principles for information gathering and documentation, offers practical qualitative learning and participatory tools, […]
From 2014 to 2018 the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and UN Women implemented the Joint Programme on Gender, Hygiene and Sanitation. The objective of the programme was to support governments with the design of inclusive and evidence-based policies in the water and sanitation sector with special attention to the needs of women and girls. The programme used Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), a […]
The Equality and Non-discrimination (EQND) and Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Handbook provides practical guidance for ensuring that behaviour change interventions leave no one behind. Drawing on experience from across the sector, this handbook is specifically targeted towards those implementing or supervising CLTS interventions at the community level. Key features include a summary of EQND principles, step-by-step guidance on applying these principles during pre-triggering, triggering meetings, […]
‘Do-no-harm’ means taking every precaution to ensure people will not be adversely impacted by the programme, including inadvertently. Whilst it is understood that ‘community problem, community solution’ should remain core to community-led approaches, facilitators also have an ethical obligation to step in if initiatives pose a risk to the rights, dignity or well-being of people who may be disadvantaged. For a more in-depth read on […]
WSSCC's Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme in Nepal was financed by WSSCC and implemented by UN Habitat Nepal. This evaluation brief seeks to provide a summative and a formative forward-looking analysis of the Programme. The analysis is framed around the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) evaluation criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. The methods and techniques of the […]
In September 2019, the Government of Nepal declared the country ‘open defecation free’ (ODF). Leading up to this milestone, the Government of Nepal and other sector partners focused on the challenging Terai plains - the ‘last mile’ of Nepal’s Sanitation Campaign. This Case Study documents the key success factors from WSSCC's Global Sanitation Fund programme in Nepal, executed by UN-HABITAT, concentrating on the Terai region. […]
Voices of youth, women, older persons, persons with disabilities, persons living with HIV, transgenders and LGBTIQ, sex workers, manual scavengers, Dalits, Adivasis, farmers, urban shanty dwellers, urban homeless, migrants and refugees. Leave No One behind is the core principle of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. A consultation was held in India in late 2019 involving 14 groups identified by Niti Aayog as the furthest […]
The 2019 Annual Report details the achievements and results of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), its members and partners at local, national, regional and global levels. This year has been one of progress and opportunity, as well as reflection and a strategic reset as we conclude our 2017-2020 Strategic Plan and look to the future. We have placed increasing emphasis on sustainability […]
For three decades the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) has operated as a global, multi-stakeholder membership and partnership organization working with poor people, organizations, governments, and local entrepreneurs to improve sanitation and hygiene at scale. WSSCC has been committed to a world in which everyone, everywhere can practice safe sanitation and hygiene with dignity and over the years has contributed by enabling all […]
For centuries society has seen that good hygiene and health conditions save and improve lives. Research and innovation continue to advance knowledge and approaches, but the importance of basic hygiene practices remains fundamental. This has been even more evident during the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The collaboration between Essity and Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) aims to bring much needed insights, […]
Sustainable Development Goal 6 for water and sanitation calls for the realization of safely managed services (SMSS) for everyone by 2030. While there has been significant research and implementation to improve the sanitation service chain in urban settings, little guidance is available on how to achieve and sustain SMSS in rural contexts. In 2019, WSSCC commissioned this study to examine to what extent Global Sanitation […]
This report explores the current situation of MHH in selected focus countries, reflecting on the recent progress made and the remaining challenges. The three in-depth country studies looked at progress at three levels: a) nationally; b) progress catalysed with the support of WSSCC funding (outside of the Global Sanitation Fund, GSF); and c) progress achieved through the GSF-supported programmes. The report considers MHM progress in […]
Cities are incredibly vulnerable to climate change. Although sanitation is a critical urban system and service, it is not widely considered a climate change issue. While water has long been recognized as a central component of climate change adaptation, there is only sparse research and evidence on the impacts of climate change on sanitation infrastructure and services, and therefore limited discussion of effective approaches for […]
There are several files in this library entry: (1) Poster presented at the 5th Biennial Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Forum, Lima, Peru, February 21 to 26, 2011 Summary: - Simple pottery techniques can be used in fabrication of an insulating material molded to the appropriate shape (bricks). - The composition of the stove material is 50/ 50 by volume of clay and a combustible material to give […]
COVID-19 pandemic swept across India in April and May 2021, and preventing infection became of paramount importance. The health systems were overwhelmed. Over the past year, we have learnt great deal of how the disease spread. This necessitated expansion of the earlier preventive measures promoted in the early stages of the pandemic in 2020 such as wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands. Collectively called […]