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Oxfam (2007) Building Trust in Diverse Teams: The Toolkit for Emergency Response.

What is trust? Why is it important in emergency-response teams? Humanitarian practitioners identify trust as one of the most important factors in launching timely and effective emergency responses. Building Trust in Diverse Teams can be used throughout the cycle of an emergency response and features a Trust Index, to assess and measure trust within diverse teams, and ten trust-building tools that can be selected based on […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 565
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GWC (2009) Hygiene Promotion. Training for Community Mobilisers.

This manual contains training materials and handouts to enable facilitators to rapidly prepare training for different levels of hygiene promoters. It can also serve as a resource for self directed learning by both hygiene promoters and others involved in supporting or managing WASH interventions.

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 1111
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GWC (2009) Training for Hygiene Promoters and HP Coordinators. Part 3 of 3. Additional Training for HP Coordinators.

This manual contains training materials and handouts to enable facilitators to rapidly prepare training for different levels of hygiene promoters. It can also serve as a resource for self directed learning by both hygiene promoters and others involved in supporting or managing WASH interventions.

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 674
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GWC (2009) Training for Hygiene Promoters and HP Coordinators. Part 2 of 3. Useful to Know.

This manual contains training materials and handouts to enablefacilitators to rapidly prepare training for different levels of hygienepromoters. It can also serve as a resource for self directed learning by both hygienepromoters and others involved in supporting or managing WASHinterventions.

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 1150
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GWC (2009) Training for Hygiene Promoters and HP Coordinators. Part 1 of 3. Essential to Know.

This manual contains training materials and handouts to enablefacilitators to rapidly prepare training for different levels of hygienepromoters. It can also serve as a resource for self directed learning by both hygienepromoters and others involved in supporting or managing WASHinterventions.

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 977
Downloads: 46

Ramos, M., Benelli, P., Irvine, E., Watson, J. (2016) WASH in Emergencies. Problem Exploration Report. Handwashing

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 663
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UNHCR (2020) UNHCR WASH Manual for Refugee Settings. Practical Guidance for Refugee Settings

The UNHCR WASH Manual (7th Edition, February 2020) is the result of an open and collaborative process with WASH actors who have active programmes supporting refugees. It has been written primarily for use by UNHCR staff, WASH actors, national governmental authorities, emergency response coordinating bodies, contingency planners, programme evaluators, and is a useful reference for any individuals or organisations involved in providing WASH services in […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 583
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Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 473
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UNICEF (2020) Handwashing Stations and Supplies for the COVID-19

Handwashing with soap, when done correctly, is critical in the fight against COVID-19, but 3 billion people have no ready access to a place to wash their hands with soap at home. WHO released interim guidance on 1 April 2020, recommending to all Member States to make hand hygiene facilities in front of public and private commercial buildings as well as at all transport hubs […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 559
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UN General Assembly (1948) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 514
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Knight, J., Kontos, L., Da Cunha Forte, J., Muktadir, G., Gautam, O. P. (2020) Technical Guide for Handwashing Facilities in Public Places and Building

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that all member states provide universal access to public handwashing facilities. Consequently, WaterAid and other organisations have been working with governments to install handwashing facilities in a wide range of public places and buildings, to support improved handwashing practices and reduce transmission of the virus. Locations include markets, public transport hubs, public/ […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 1168
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Alemu, F., Kumie, A., Medhin, G., Gasana, J. (2018) The Role of Psychological Factors in Predicting Latrine Ownership and Consistent Latrine Use in Rural Ethiopia: a Cross-Sectional Study

Inadequate sanitation is one of the leading causes of disease in poor and middle-income countries. The objective of the study was to identify the psychological factors that predict latrine ownership and consistent latrine use in the rural Becho district of central Ethiopia.

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 441
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Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 705
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De Buck, E., Van Remoortel, H., Hannes, K., Govender, T., Naidoo, S., Avau, B., Vande veegaete, A., Musekiwa, A., Vittoria, L., Cargo, M., Mosler, H-J., Vandekerckhove, P., Young, T. (2017) Approaches to promote handwashing and sanitation behaviour change in low- and middle-income countries: a mixed method systematic review

This Campbell Systematic Review examines the effectiveness of different approaches for promoting handwashing and sanitation behaviour change, and factors affecting implementation, in low and middle-income countries. The review summarises evidence from 42 impact evaluations, and from 28 qualitative studies.

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 451
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M. Peter, V. Misev, V. Schelbert, C. Lüthi, A. Panesar, J.C. Schlenk, N. Stauf, S. Semiyaga (2022) Handwashing Facilities Overview and Decision Support Tool with Case Studies from Uganda

Handwashing Facilities - Overview and Decision Support Tool with Case Studies from Uganda The objectives of this publication are twofold. The first objective is to give an overview of common types of handwashing facilities with a number of key aspects that need to be considered during the planning stage. Focus is placed on handwashing facilities that are generally suitable for installation at public and commercial buildings […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 5463
Downloads: 992

Oxfam (2012) Humanitarian Field Studies. Cholera Response in Haiti. Hygiene Promotion: Determining What Works.

When a massive earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010, followed by a cholera epidemic that broke out in October of that year, Oxfam rushed assistance—clean water, sanitation, and hygiene materials and information—to hard-hit areas to protect public health. Oxfam engaged in a wide range of hygiene promotion activities to encourage washing hands—specifically, washing hands with soap at key moments, such as before eating and after defecation. […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 430
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UNICEF (2020) Covid-19. Handwashing with Soap (HWWS) Facilities

Handwashing with soap for minimum 40 seconds is one of the precautionary measures suggested and advocated globally since the outbreak of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease). The pandemic has created a demand for behaviour change and sustained practices of Handwashing with soap. This calls for exploring existing options of handwashing stations and create newer designs of handwashing stations globally, majorly catering to the demand of COVID […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 799
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WaterAid Australia, IWC, IRC (2011) Promoting Good Hygiene Practices: Key Elements and Practical Lessons

The objective of this compilation is to strengthen the capacity of organisations to design and deliver effective hygiene promotion programs leading to the improved health of communities. This compilation of three keynote papers and 31 case studies searches for answers to the question: What makes hygiene promotion work? The case studies are written by authors from a wide variety of organisations working in South Asia, South […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 566
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GWC (2008) Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies A Briefing Paper

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 821
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UNICEF (2020) Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crises 2014-19

This Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crises (WiPC) is the first UNICEF global thematic evaluation focusing specifically on protracted crisis contexts.This evaluation provides both accountability for UNICEF’s perfor- mance as well as learning and practical solutions for adapting WASH programming and ways of working to better meet the unique challenges of providing appropriate and sustainable WASH services in protracted crises. WASH needs in […]

Online since: 21.12.2021
Views: 638
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