SuSanA Library

Kjellerup, B., Journey, W. K. And Minnatullah, K. M. (1989) The Tara Handpump: The Birth of a Star

This is the story of the Tara handpump. The Tara (Bengali for "Star") is a low-lift direct action handpump developed in Bangladesh using concepts now proving to be suitable for community water supply applications in a number of other developing countries.

Online since: 12.05.2021
Views: 559
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Kozisek, F. (2004) Health Risks from Drinking Demineralised Water

The composition of water varies widely with local geological conditions. Neither groundwater nor surface water has ever been chemically pure H2O, since water contains small amounts of gases, minerals and organic matter of natural origin. The total concentrations of substances dissolved in fresh water considered to be of good quality can be hundreds of mg/L. Thanks to epidemiology and advances in microbiology and chemistry since […]

Online since: 12.05.2021
Views: 1018
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Kumpel, E., Peletz, R., Bonham, M., Fay, A., Cock-Esteb, A., and Khush, R. (2015) When Are Mobile Phones Useful for Water Quality Data Collection? An Analysis of Data Flows and ICT Applications among Regulated Monitoring Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Water quality monitoring is important for identifying public health risks and ensuring water safety. However, even when water sources are tested, many institutions struggle to access data for immediate action or long-term decision-making. We analyzed water testing structures among 26 regulated water suppliers and public health surveillance agencies across six African countries and identified four water quality data management typologies. Within each typology, we […]

Online since: 11.05.2021
Views: 656
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WHO (2020) Cholera central reference kit

In 2016 WHO introduced the Cholera Kits. These kits replace the Interagency Diarrhoeal Disease Kit (IDDK) which had been used for many years. The Cholera Kit is designed to be flexible and adaptable for preparedness and outbreak response in different contexts. The overall Cholera Kit is made up of an Investigation Kit, Laboratory materials, 3 Treatment Kits (community, periphery and central) and a Hardware Kit. […]

Online since: 10.05.2021
Views: 1599
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 (2021) Call to Action for COVID-19 appropriate (protective) behaviours Call to Action for civil society organizations and others to promote actions that prevent COVID-19

At a webinar on 5 May, 2021, World Hand Hygiene Day, IRC, UNICEF, WaterAid India, WHO and the SuSanA India chapter organized a webinar with experts from the field of public health, WASH, disaster management and more. The objective was to reach civil society organizations from across India with a Call to Action. It urged CSOs, local government institutions and other local networks to prioritize […]

Online since: 10.05.2021
Views: 752
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Peal, A. and Kapulu, C. (2021) City-level quantification and profiling of sanitation workers Options for integrating sanitation worker assessments in the shit flow diagram process

Sanitation workers are a vital workforce, key to Sustainable Development Goal 6, and yet they are often denied their rights to safe work. But how can working conditions be improved, if authorities know nothing about them? This report presents options for how to carry out a quantification and profiling through assessments of workers at city level. The report contains the suggested scope for a sanitation […]

Online since: 06.05.2021
Views: 2110
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SWA (2021) Strengthening gender equality in access to water, sanitation and hygiene

This SWA Briefing Paper explores actions that can be taken by SWA partners that will improve gender equality in all aspects of their work. While there has been significant progress over the last few decades, gender inequality continues to be one of the most pervasive human rights violations throughout the world. Despite considerable attention and commitment, including through the SDGs’ gender equality goal, no country has […]

Online since: 05.05.2021
Views: 1241
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CWSC (2021) Ending Water Shutoffs: Deconstructing the law's punishment of poverty

The Center for Water Security and Cooperation (CWSC) recently published two discussion papers analyzing access to water and sanitation. One paper sets forth a global definition of "Access" to water and sanitation to chart a path for lasting progress. The second paper makes the case for repealing laws in the United States that allow water to be shut off to low-income households for their inability […]

Online since: 03.05.2021
Views: 1419
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CWSC (2021) Access Defined Linking Source, Shelter, and Service

The Center for Water Security and Cooperation (CWSC) recently published two discussion papers analyzing access to water and sanitation. One paper sets forth a global definition of "Access" to water and sanitation to chart a path for lasting progress. The second paper makes the case for repealing laws in the United States that allow water to be shut off to low-income households for their inability […]

Online since: 02.05.2021
Views: 1380
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 (2021) Call to Action to promote COVID-19 appropriate behaviour Calling organizations and networks to promote stop the pandemic - promote COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviour

Faced with a debilitating second COVID-19 wave, relevant messaging on CABs is vital to keep millions safe from infection, and support recovery of those infected. This Calls to Action urges CSOs working with communities, and with local Government to prioritize messaging on COVID-19 protective measures, address the need for new or more nuanced messaging, and use effective channels to reach communities directly, especially in rural […]

Online since: 30.04.2021
Views: 2264
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CSE (2020) SFD Lite Report - JJ Resettlement Colony, Savda Delhi India

The Savda Ghevra JJ Resettlement Colony was established in 2006. Spread across 250 acres, it was built on agricultural land owned by the neighbouring villages- Savda and Ghevra. It is located 30-40 km away from Delhi’s city centre near the Delhi- Haryana border in Tikri (Figure 2). There are no official estimates of the population but the colony is estimated to have a population over […]

Online since: 29.04.2021
Views: 2717
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Jones, H. & Reed, B. (2005) Water and sanitation for disabled people and other vulnerable groups Report of Conference and Workshop in Cambodia

Dissemination activities in Cambodia centred around a one-day Conference in Phnom Penh, followed by a one-day practical workshop. These took place on the 9th and 10th March, 2006. The objectives of dissemination were: 1. Distribution of the resource book and CD of “Water and sanitation for disabled people and other vulnerable groups: designing services to impaccessibility”. Fifty copies of the book and 30 CDs were […]

Online since: 28.04.2021
Views: 859
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report - Jamalpur Municipality Bangladesh

Jamalpur is a fast-growing city, which is 174 km away from the Dhaka city. It is beside the Brahmaputra River and well connected with road, rail and water. It is one of the oldest towns in the sub-continent and was declared municipality in 1869. Jamalpur is one of the 53 district level municipalities in the country. According to the population census in 2011 by the Bangladesh […]

Online since: 28.04.2021
Views: 1630
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Biscan, B., Pérez Monforte, S., Schöbitz, L., Kilbride, A. (2019) SFD Report - Cap-Haïtien, Haiti

Cap-Haïtien is located in Haiti, in the Caribbean region. It is Haiti’s second largest city after its capital, Portau-Prince, with an estimated population of 404,766 in 2017 (IDB, 2017). The city of Cap-Haïtien is located within the commune of Cap-Haïtien, which is divided into three communal sections (sections communales), the smallest official administrative unit. For the SFD graphic, two of the most populous of these […]

Online since: 28.04.2021
Views: 1807
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Madrigal, D., Pérez, S. (2019) SFD Report - Alajuela, Costa Rica

The Canton of Alajuela is located within the province of Alajuela in the north-central part of Costa Rica, covering an area of approximately 388.43 km². The canton is geopolitically sub-divided into 14 districts, holding a population of approximately 254,567. Eighty eight percent of its population is living in urban areas. There are approximately 45 slums reported in the canton, housing about 10,000 people. The districts […]

Online since: 28.04.2021
Views: 1810
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CSE (2020) SFD Lite Report - Bandipora, India

Bandipora city is the headquarters in Bandipora District. Bandipora District is one of the 22 districts of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory. The District lies in Northern Kashmir with Baramulla District in South and Kargil District in East. It is the 14th largest District by population in Jammu and Kashmir. Bandipora city is located at a distance of 47 km from Srinagar and at a distance […]

Online since: 27.04.2021
Views: 1588
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World Bank (2012) Rural Water Supply Design Manual Volume 1

This RURAL WATER SUPPLY DESIGN MANUAL is the first of three related volumes prepared for the use of prospective and actual owners, operators, managements, technical staff, consultants, government planners and contractors of small Level III and Level II water supply systems in the Philippines. Its purpose is to introduce the key concepts and considerations involved in the design of small waterworks facilities for Level II […]

Online since: 26.04.2021
Views: 5021
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WHO (1996) Surface water abstraction

A factsheet about surface water abstraction, its sources and maintenance tasks.

Online since: 26.04.2021
Views: 1008
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WHO (1996) Chlorine monitoring at point sources and in piped distribution systems

A factsheet about chlorination in epidemic and disaster situations.

Online since: 26.04.2021
Views: 1231
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Wegelin, M. (1996) Surface Water Treatment by Roughing Filters A Design, Construction and Operation Manual

Slow sand filtration applied as surface water treatment is particularly effective in improving the microbiological water quality. However, efficient application of this treatment process requires raw water of low turbidity. Pretreatment of surface water containing solid matter loads is therefore necessary. Chemical flocculation in conjunction with sedimentation for solid matter separation is generally inapplicable in rural water supplies of developing countries for a number of […]

Online since: 26.04.2021
Views: 3355
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