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Sanitation for Millions (2021) Increasing access to safe sanitation and hygiene through innovative financing mechanisms in Uganda Experience from the Sanitation for Millions programme

Globally, 4.2 billion people do not have access to safe sanitation services, and approximately 3 billion lack basic handwashing facilities. Even in 2021, almost 700 million people still practise open defecation and nearly 400 million children attend schools with no sanitation facilities at all. The large financing gap has been identified as one of the greatest barriers to achieving the water, sanitation and hygiene-related targets of […]

Online since: 19.11.2021
Views: 1260
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GIZ (2021) Support to Ganga Rejuvenation Factsheet

The river Ganga is of enormous historical, economic, physical and metaphysical importance to India and is lifeline to millions of Indians living on its banks. It is considered a goddess in Hindu mythology and also has been prime witness of other religions. Originating in the western Himalayas, Ganga flows south and east through five states in India. The  […]

Online since: 09.11.2021
Views: 1091
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GIZ (2021) Cities Combatting Plastic Entering Marine Environment

Current estimates based on a limited number of modelling studies suggest that globally some 9-10 million tonnes of plastics enter the oceans annually to become marine litter. Moreover, it is estimated that 15-20% of all plastics are entering oceans via riverine ecosystems of which 90% are contributed by 10 of the world’s most polluting rivers only. Two of these rivers are located in India, namely […]

Online since: 09.11.2021
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GIZ (2021) Sustainable Development for Smart Cities

Rapidly urbanising India is estimated to reach an urban population of 600 million from what was around 377 million in the year 2011. Th is implies that almost 40 per cent of India’s population would be living in urban areas by 2030. Th is rapid increase would add to the complex challenges that the Indian cities are facing such  […]

Online since: 09.11.2021
Views: 937
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UPM Umwelt-Projekt- Management GmbH (UPM) (2021) Hakimpara (Camp 14) Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh SFD Intermediate Report

This SFD report looks at Hakimpara, Camp 14, a sub-division of a larger Rohingya refugee camp site in Palong Khali union, Teknaf upazila, Cox’s Bazar District (CXB District) in Bangladesh. As for end February 2021, there were 32,815 people registered in Camp 14 and over 870,000 people (Inter Sector Coordination Group - ISCG 2021 & UNHCR 23.03.2021) registered in total in the 34 sub-camps and […]

Online since: 08.11.2021
Views: 2639
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IDB (2021) SFD Report Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

The town of Santa Teresa is located in the extreme southwest of the Nicoya peninsula, in the canton and province of Puntarenas, in the North Pacific Region of Costa Rica. Santa Teresa administratively belongs to the Cóbano district. Santa Teresa is formally only one of the towns of the district. However, Santa Teresa traditionally comprises the set of towns that extend linearly along the 15 […]

Online since: 08.11.2021
Views: 1451
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CSE (2021) SFD Lite Report Kanchipuram India

Kanchipuram Municipality is comprised of 51 wards with a total population of 2,32,816. The total area is 36.14 Square kilometers. The city is on the northeast side of Tamilnadu and is located 76 km away from the state capital Chennai (see Figure 2). It’s a Municipality administration city. The city is located in the banks of the river Vegavathi. Kanchipuram is considered one of the […]

Online since: 03.11.2021
Views: 1196
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UNICEF (2021) Snapshots on Hand Hygiene in South Asia

Three billion people – 40 per cent of the world’s population – do not have a place in their homes to wash their hands with water and soap. Three quarters of those who lack access to water and soap live in the world’s poorest countries and are amongst the most vulnerable: children and families living in informal settlements, migrant and refugee camps, or in areas […]

Online since: 28.10.2021
Views: 1648
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Tarabo Municipality, Narayanganj Bangladesh

The Tarabo Municipality is 14 km away from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. This sub-district town is recognized as the “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO. Tarabo Municipality is adjacent to the Shitalakkha river and the Dhaka-Sylhet highway has passed through the town. Within the last few decades, the sub-district town has been turned into an industrial zone of more than 300 medium to […]

Online since: 18.10.2021
Views: 1886
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Homna Municipality, Cumilla Bangladesh

Homna is a sub-district town of Comilla district in the division of Chittagong, Bangladesh. The town is situated beside the Titas River and well connected with road and water to the capital city Dhaka. It town was declared as Municipality in 2002. According to the population census of 2011 by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the Municipality population was 29,173. The urban population growth […]

Online since: 18.10.2021
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Bandarban Municipality Bangladesh

Bandarban is located in the South-East of Bangladesh. Bandarban is a hilly District and Bandarban municipality is the district town. It is a fast-growing city, which is 324 km away from Dhaka city. It is beside the Sangu River and well connected with road and water. It is one of the oldest towns in the sub-continent and was declared Municipality in 1984. Bandarban is one […]

Online since: 18.10.2021
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GIZ Sanitation For Millions (2021) Sanitation for Millions' approach to Safe Hand Hygiene

Sanitation for Millions has assessed its interventions in the three partner countries Jordan, Uganda and Pakistan in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and identified various WASH-related measures which represent an adequate and effective response to COVID 19 in particular and to pandemics and infection control in general. Handwashing is one of the core activities carried out regarding safe hygiene. According to international research results, infections […]

Online since: 14.10.2021
Views: 1132
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UNICEF (2021) Learning from The Disaster Capital of India: Responding to Cyclone Fani with Holistic WASH Programming

On 3 May 2019, Cyclone Fani made landfall in Puri district, in Odisha State, India. More than 1 million homes were destroyed, and approximately 16.5 million people were affected. Preliminary figures by the government estimated the damages and loss to more than Rs.12,000 crores (over USD1.6 billion). The UNICEF Field Office (FO) in Odisha, as part of their humanitarian assistance programme in the State, supported […]

Online since: 04.10.2021
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UNICEF (2021) W-SHARP: Linking Climate-Resilient WASH, Social Protection and Food Security to Empower Women in Maharashtra, India

The ‘Women-led Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Resilient Practices’ (W-SHARP) Project, was designed to increase the resilience of communities threatened by the risk of drought in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra in India. Drought is a significant detriment to Maharashtran communities, with those in Marathwada experiencing more intensive drought periods as of late. The project relied heavily on the participation of women of the Marathwada region, […]

Online since: 04.10.2021
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Jacob, N. (2021) Thematic Discussion Synthesis Document Convergent Actions for Improved WASH and Nutrition

This discussion attempted to understand linkages between the preventive and curative aspects of health and WASH and tease out what prevented them from working together. It explored ways to converge programmes in these two areas.

Online since: 04.10.2021
Views: 2265
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Emanti Management (2021) SFD Lite Report - Tarkastad

Tarkastad (GPS coordinates: 32.0048 S, 26.2717 E) is a primary development node and serves as the local administrative centre for Enoch Mgijima LM (Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality, 2017). Tarkastad used to form part of the Tsolwana Municipality which was subsequently absorbed as part of the Enoch Mgijima LM. Tarkastad initially developed as a farming area and later as a church centre and a municipality in […]

Online since: 30.09.2021
Views: 2865
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CSE (2021) SFD Lite Report Nehtaur India

Nehtaur is a small town in Bijnor District, Uttar Pradesh and is located 26 km to East of BijnorNehtaur is a small town in Bijnor District, Uttar Pradesh and is located 26 km to East of Bijnorcity, District Headquarters (Figure 2). According to Census 2011, Nehtaur had a populationof 47,834 residing in 7,438 households (HHs). The population of the city as per SwachhSurvekshan (country wide […]

Online since: 27.09.2021
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Centre for Science and Environment (2021) SFD Lite Report Nanded India

Nanded is a historical city located in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra State in India (Annex 1 and Annex 2)1. Nanded Waghala is regarded as the second most holy city after Amritsar due to the presence of Gurdwara Takhat Shri Hazur Sahib, one of the five Takhats of the Sikh community2. Nanded is also the second-largest city in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra and the […]

Online since: 22.09.2021
Views: 3346
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Rangamati Municipality, Bangladesh

Rangamati Hill District is a district in south-eastern Bangladesh. It is a part of the Chittagong Division and the town of Rangamati serves as the headquarters of the district. By area, Rangamati is the largest district in the country. Rangamati is one of the 53 district-level Municipalities in the country. According to the population census in 2011 by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the Rangamati […]

Online since: 22.09.2021
Views: 1523
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TRCSS, JNU (2021) SFD Lite Report Gurugram, Haryana India

Gurugram, located 30 kilometres (km) southwest of the national capital of New Delhi, etymologically traces its roots to the ancient legend of Guru Dronacharya (Figure 2). The city is located at 28o 7’21” N and 77o 1’44” E with a mean elevation of 217 m above sea level. While there are no perennial rivers in the city, smaller seasonal streams drain the city which have […]

Online since: 22.09.2021
Views: 2715
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