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Online since: 12.01.2022
Views: 807
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UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (2007) The Participation of Young People and Children in Emergencies A Guide for Relief Agencies, Based Largely on Experiences in the Asian Tsunami Response

Introduction Purpose and rationale Children have made significant and valuable contributions in emergency situations. They have taken on roles and responsibilities and they have taken action – including life-saving decisions. They have responded spontaneously and taken part in planned relief and recovery action. This has included them in protecting lives, providing health care, distributing relief, caring for children and adults, and offering a hand in psychosocial support, […]

Online since: 12.01.2022
Views: 887
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UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa (2020) Baby WASH Programming Integrating Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions Across Sectors to Impact Child Health Outcomes. Learning Note

The purpose of this Learning Note is to highlight the potential impact of Baby WASH, which sits at the intersection of critical interventions for childhood health, and to illustrate simple entry points and possible approaches to programming in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Online since: 12.01.2022
Views: 857
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UNICEF, GIZ (2016) Scaling Up Group Handwashing in Schools Compendium of Group Washing Facilities Across the Globe

Online since: 12.01.2022
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Online since: 12.01.2022
Views: 1503
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UNICEF, RSPN (0) Guiding Booklet for Village Sanitation Committee Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation (PATS). UNICEF’S Sanitation Programme at Scale in Pakistan (SPSP-Rural)

Online since: 12.01.2022
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Philippines Department of Education (2020) Wins Monitoring Results. School Year 2017/18 to School Year 2019/2020

This report provides an overview of the WinS situation in the Philippines over three years of program implementation from SY 2017/18 to SY 2019/20, and the big progress DepEd has made in improving the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) situation in schools.

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1594
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Philippine Red Cross (2018) PHASTer Report. Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation in Emergency Response

Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation in Emergency Response Barangay Mangsee, Balabac, Palawan

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1339
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Pezzullo, L., Corna, F. et a. (2013) ABC - Assisting Behaviour Change. Designing and Implementing Programmes in ACF Using an ABC Approach. Part 1. Theories and Models. ACF.

Behaviour change initiatives are fundamental to achieving project objectives through the reinforcement of positive practices, the identification of new or alternative practices and the promotion of structural changes of specific psychosocial variables such as knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and social norms. The behaviour change process can be divided into two aspects: initiating behaviour change and maintaining behaviour change. Within the first part of this manual you […]

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1449
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Petit, V., Zalk, T.N. (2019) Everybody wants to belong: A Practical Guide to Tackling and Leveraging Social Norms in Behavior Change Programming.

We are very pleased to present the Practical guide to tackling and leveraging social norms in behavior change programming. It provides UNICEF, its governmental and non-governmental partners with accessible and engaging information on social norms, the role they play in perpetuating or changing harmful behaviors, and best practices for programming.

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1584
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Petit, V. (2019) The Behavioural Drivers Model. A Conceptual Framework for Social and Behaviour Change Programming.

This Conceptual Framework for Social and Behaviour Change Programming gathers in one place a wide variety of theories and presents the Behavioural Drivers Model which informs a set of research and programming tools recently developed and used by UNICEF, including Everybody wants to belong: Practical guide to tackling and leveraging social norms in behavior change programming and Measuring Social and Behavioural Drivers – Guidance Tool. […]

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1774
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Peal, A., Evans, B. et al. (2010) Hygiene and Sanitation Software. An Overview of Approaches.

This document describes the various hygiene and sanitation ‘software’ approaches that have been deployed over the last 40 years by NGOs, development agencies, national and local governments in all types of settings – urban, informal-urban and rural.

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 926
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Palmer, J. (2020) Summary Report on Doing Community Engagement at a Distance. COVID-19 Hygiene Hub.

In this brief we consider how community engagement needs to be adapted to suit physical distancing recommendations. Hygiene promotion staff often play a key role in engaging and interacting with communities so this brief is written with them in mind.

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 608
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Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 993
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Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 885
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Oxfam (2018) Sani Tweaks. Best Practices in Sanitation. Booklet

Studies have shown that agencies are failing to properly consult or collect and act on feedback from the users of the latrines they build, leading many people – especially women and girls – to stop using those latrines as they find them inaccessible, unsuitable and/or unsafe. Consequently, this increases public health risks in emergency situations. To address this, the Oxfam WASH team has developed a series […]

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1027
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Oxfam (0) Safe Programming in Humanitarian Responses. A Guide to Managing Risks.

All Oxfam humanitarian responses must include proactive measures to ensure we do not inadvertently cause harm to people, nor undermine the values, standards and norms that underpin our work. Humanitarian work takes place in high-risk environments. Actively managing actual and potential risks enables us to do this work more effectively and safely. Managing risks systematically helps us monitor trends, avoid ‘knee-jerk’ reactions, and helps us […]

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 1696
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Oxfam (2009) Public Health Briefing Paper: Working with Community Committees.

Strong community participation, often channelled through beneficiary groups or committees, is the backbone of Oxfam‟s approach to Public Health programming. It facilitates community-led project design, implementation and monitoring, and encourages participation and accountability. Working with committees also allows us to work effectively with large populations and to continue activities when it is not safe or practical for staff to be present in the field. The […]

Online since: 08.01.2022
Views: 923
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IFRC (2020) Indaba: Participatory Video Monitoring on a WASH in Indonesia

A participatory video by youth from the community of Tumbit Melayu feedback on the water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) project implemented by the Indonesian Red Cross Society (Palang Merah Indonesia-PMI) with the support of IFRC in the district of Berau, East Kalimantan province.

Online since: 07.01.2022
Views: 703
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IFRC (0) IEC Materials for Health Promotion in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Resilience Library Southeast Asia Resources

The documents outlines information on health, water, sanitation and hygiene issues and includes 10 documents: Diarrhoea Prevention, Transmission of Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea Treatment for adult and child: Definition and signs, Diarrhoea prevention on food, cleaning, water use, sanitation, two main ways of transmission, 3 treatment ways for adults and children Personal Hygiene: in daily life during cleaning, cooking, washing etc., Environment Domestic Hygiene, Summary of good behavior and […]

Online since: 07.01.2022
Views: 2621
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