SuSanA Library

Chaix, O. et al. (2003) Coûts de l´assainissement. Informations concernant la protection des eaux (in French) Sanitation costs. Information on water bodies protection

Online since: 18.11.2010
Views: 4359
Downloads: 21

Fondation Hesperian (2005) Assainissement et propreté. Pour une environnement sain (in French) Sanitation and cleanliness. For a safe environment

Online since: 18.11.2010
Views: 4108
Downloads: 26

Naigeon, C. (2005) Lombri station. Epuration des eaux usées par les lombriciens (in French) Vermicomposting station. Waste water treatment with earthworms

Online since: 18.11.2010
Views: 4294
Downloads: 83

Online since: 18.11.2010
Views: 5109
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Laminou, S. (2006) Identification des risques sanitaires et des opportunités de production de fertilisant. Mémoire pour l´obtention du diplôme de master spécialisé en génie sanitaire et environnement (GSE) (in French) Identification of health risks and and opportunities in the production of fertilisers. Dissertation for Sanitation Engineering and Environment Master's Degree.

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 5130
Downloads: 51

Morgan, P. (2007) Latrines à compost. Des latrines hygiéniques à faible coût qui produisent du compost pour l’agriculture dans un contexte africain (in French) Composting toilets. Low cost hygienic toilets which produce compost for agriculture in an African context

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 5926
Downloads: 75

Gröber, K. et al. (2012) Sanitation as a business Factsheet of Working Group 9a

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 12124
Downloads: 566

NETSSAF (2008) Elimination securitaire des éxcreta en utilisant une toilette d´assainissement écologique. Manuel d´illustrations (in French) Safe disposal of excreta though the use of ecosan toilets. Illustrated guide

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 5220
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NETSSAF (2008) Comment construire une toilette à déviation de l´urine à fosse unique (in French) Ecosan Toilet Training (Part 2) -How to Build a Single Chamber Urine Diverting Toilet

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 5482
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Makaya, J. (2009) Contrôle des paramètres physico-chimiques et microbiologiques du fertilisant agricole à base des urines hygiénisées. Rapport d´évaluation d´impacts sanitaires a Ouagadougou (in French) Control of physico-chemical and microbiological agricultural fertiliser made with sanitised urine. Evaluation report of health impacts in Ouagadougou

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 4276
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Compaore, A., Dioma, S., Fall, A. (2009) Evaluation à mi-parcours du projet d’assainissement écologique dans les quartiers. Rapport final de l´evaluation a mi-parcours (in French) Mid term evaluation of the ecosan project in city districts. Final report of the mid term evaluation

Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 4415
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Online since: 17.11.2010
Views: 4711
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Abarghaz, Y. (2009) Assainissement écologique rural, projet pilote du douar Dayet Ifrah (in French) Rural ecological sanitation, pilot project of Dayet Ifrah village.

Online since: 16.11.2010
Views: 6352
Downloads: 103

Online since: 16.11.2010
Views: 4803
Downloads: 94

Djariri, M. L. (2009) Réduction des coûts des ouvrages d'assainissement dans le cadre du projet d'assainissement productif á Aguie au Niger (in French) Cost reduction for sanitation works within the productive sanitation project in Aguie, Niger

Online since: 16.11.2010
Views: 4419
Downloads: 34

Jansen, P. Pinera, J.-F., Bernard, O., Dross, J.-F., Conti, R. (2000) A strategic response to urban sanitation in a war-torn city Water, sanitation and hygiene: challenges of the millenium. 26th WEDC Conference

Online since: 16.11.2010
Views: 4500
Downloads: 31

Pinera, J.-F., Rudge, L. (2005) Water and sanitation assistance for Kabul: a lot for the happy few? Maximizing the benefits from water and environmental sanitation

(31st WEDC International Conference, Kampala, Uganda, 200) Kabul water and environmental sanitation services have been affected by war, which ravaged large portions of the city in the early 1990’s. After the fall of the Taliban in 2002, a considerable influx of returnees contributed to put an ever greater stress on already deficient systems. Large-scale water supply projects were initiated. However, they tackle only areas covered by […]

Online since: 16.11.2010
Views: 5146
Downloads: 87

Online since: 15.11.2010
Views: 5025
Downloads: 44

Online since: 11.11.2010
Views: 2914
Downloads: 21

Francis, J. (2002) Sidestream or Mainstream? Making all water uses the business of women and men

Online since: 11.11.2010
Views: 3188
Downloads: 11



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