SuSanA Library

Rosemarin, A. (2010) Peak Phosphorus, The Next Inconvenient Truth? 2nd International Lecture Series on Sustainable Sanitation, World Bank, Manila, October 15, 2010

Online since: 10.11.2010
Views: 6952
Downloads: 11564

Esrey, S. et al. (1998) Ecological Sanitation (in Chinese)

Online since: 10.11.2010
Views: 7271
Downloads: 25

Seibert, P. (2003) Application of Closed-Loop Sanitation Approaches in the Township of Yang Song (in Chinese) “ecological sanitation for ecomodel cities”. Workshop Report Yangsong, 17 – 20.03.2003

Online since: 10.11.2010
Views: 4108
Downloads: 27

Online since: 10.11.2010
Views: 5430
Downloads: 29

Rieck, C. (2010) Implementation programme of EPP/WSTF/WSB (internal document) EU-Sida-GTZ EcoSan Promotion Project (status 2010)

Online since: 08.11.2010
Views: 4036
Downloads: 13

Rieck, C. (2010) Sanitation project cycle for rural areas EU-Sida-GTZ EcoSan Promotion Project

Online since: 08.11.2010
Views: 4023
Downloads: 44

Online since: 29.10.2010
Views: 5222
Downloads: 38

Willets, J., Carrard, N., Retamal, M., Dinh, N., Nam, G., Paddon, M., Thuy, D.X., Trung, N.H., Mitchell, C. (2010) Selecting Sanitation Options: A case study of South Can Tho Technical Report

Online since: 26.10.2010
Views: 4030
Downloads: 18

Samwel, M. (2008) Water Safety Plans in Pictures Give children and local communities the knowledge to improve their own health and well-being

Online since: 25.10.2010
Views: 4269
Downloads: 57

Stintzing, A., Jönsson H., Schönning C., Hinkkanen K., Kvarnström E., Ganrot Z., Samwel M., Gabizon S., Mohr A. (2007) Urine Diverting Toilets in Climates with Cold Winters Technical considerations and the reuse of nutrients with a focus on legal and hygienic aspects

Online since: 25.10.2010
Views: 4741
Downloads: 79

Gjinali, E., Niklas, J., Smid, H. (2012) Wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands Tirana, Albania Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 25.10.2010
Views: 20233
Downloads: 1301

Sterve, H., Fogde, M., Schangwa, A., Morgan, P., Sawyer, R., Matiz, M.I. (2010) Saneamiento sostenible en Escuelas (in Spanish) Porque - que - como - Sustainable Sanitation in Schools - Why - what, how

Online since: 20.10.2010
Views: 4540
Downloads: 7548

Sim, J., Gröber, K., Greenlee, T. (2010) Making a Business of Sanitation Establishing a World Trade Hub for the Poor

Online since: 20.10.2010
Views: 3696
Downloads: 19

van der Wel, A., Bereziat, E., de Bruijne, G., Barendse, J. (2010) Financing the Informal Entrepreneur Recognizing Business Opportunities in Sanitation

Online since: 20.10.2010
Views: 4439
Downloads: 66

Online since: 20.10.2010
Views: 3970
Downloads: 28

Online since: 20.10.2010
Views: 5474
Downloads: 48

Fogelberg, K., Montes, J., Soto, B. (2010) From excrement to pines to mushrooms to money in Bolivia

Online since: 20.10.2010
Views: 5268
Downloads: 32

WaterAid Australia, IWC, IRC (2010) Sharing experiences: Effective hygiene promotion in South-East Asia and the Pacific

Diarrhoea is the leading cause of child deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa and the second largest cause of child deaths globally. The latest available data indicate that in 2008 1.3 million children under the age of five died from diarrhoea, an entirely preventable disease. Hygiene promotion, including handwashing with soap, has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of reducing diarrhoeal incidence. There […]

Online since: 18.10.2010
Views: 4970
Downloads: 61

Johannessen, A., Patinet, J., Carter, W., Lamb, J. (2012) Sustainable sanitation for emergencies and reconstruction situations Factsheet of Working Group 8

Online since: 14.10.2010
Views: 13064
Downloads: 489

de Souza Cannavan, F. (2007) Diversidade das comunidades bacterianas em solos de terra preta antropogenica da Amazonia Central e Oriental (in Portuguese) Diversity of the bacterial communities in Anthropogenic Black Earth from the Central and Oriental Amazon

Online since: 13.10.2010
Views: 4821
Downloads: 37



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