SuSanA Library

Hoffmann, H. (2008) Ejemplo para un saneamiento sostenible con reuso total de efluentes y biosolidos tratados, aplicado en el Colegio San Christoferus – Lima (in Spanish) Example for a sustainable sanitation with reuse of effluents and treated biosolids, applied at the Colegio San Christoferus – Lima - Conferencia Peruano de Saneamiento, PERUSAN, Perú

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 5802
Downloads: 96

Jenssen, P., Krogstad, T., Vråle, L. and Mæhlum, T. (2008) High performance constructed wetlands for cold climates

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 3809
Downloads: 112

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 4521
Downloads: 120

Kraft, L. (2009) Characterisation of greywater from peri-urban areas in Nakuru, Kenya Diploma thesis, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstefan

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 4363
Downloads: 38

Mohamed, A. (2004) Planung, Bau und Betrieb einer Pflanzenkläranlage in Syrien (in German) Planning, construction and operation of a constructed wetland in Syria

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 5495
Downloads: 68

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 14156
Downloads: 23586

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 4758
Downloads: 43

Platzer, C. (2000) Development of reed bed systems - a European perspective Proceedings of the 7th IAWQ Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Orlando, USA.

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 4710
Downloads: 71

Platzer, C., Hoffmann, H., Cardia, W., Costa, R. H. R. (2007) Dimensionamento de wetland de fluxo vertical com nitrificação - Adaptação de modelo europeu para as condições climáticas do Brazil (in Portuguese) Sizing of a vertical flow wetland for nitrification - adaption of European design to climatic conditions in Brazil

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 5922
Downloads: 301

Raude, J., Mutua, B., Chemelil, M. and Sleytr, K. (2009) Water, sanitation and hygiene: Sustainable development and multisectoral approaches Characterization of greywater from urban and peri-urban areas of Nakuru municipality, Kenya

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 4416
Downloads: 7341

Ridderstolpe, P. (2004) Introduction to greywater management Report 2004-4

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 4270
Downloads: 81

Kuchta, H., Sarana, P. (2008) FAQs constructed wetlands

Online since: 07.01.2011
Views: 3526
Downloads: 47

Fogde, M., Macario, L., Porsani, J. (2011) UDDTs in flood-response project, Guara-Guara, Sofala province, Mozambique Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 04.01.2011
Views: 12591
Downloads: 209

Müllegger, E., Freiberger, E., McConville, J., Samwel, M., Rieck, C., Scott, P., Langergraber, G. (2012) Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation systems Factsheet of Working Group 10

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 13158
Downloads: 372

Meinzinger, F., Otterpohl, R. (2007) Andere Laender – andere Toiletten. Sind unsere Sanitaersysteme auf Afrika uebertragbar? (in German) Other countries - other toilets. Are our sanitation systems applicable in Africa?

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 4516
Downloads: 31

Deutsche Bundesregierung (2008) Internationales Jahr fuer sanitäre Grundversorgung 2008 der Vereinten Nationen: Chancen und Potentiale der Sanitaerversorgung (in German) The United Nations International Year of Sanitation 2008: Opportunities and potentials for sanitation

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 3411
Downloads: 10

Winker, M., Behrendt, J., Estevez, C., Otterpohl, R. (2008) Pharmazeutika in Klaeranlagen: eine Übersicht mittels Datenbank (in German) Pharmaceuticals in sewage treatment plants: an overview via database

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 4130
Downloads: 22

Eid, U. (2008) „Toilette“ darf kein Tabu mehr sein. Das „Internationale Jahr für sanitäre Grundversorgung 2008“ (in German) Toilettes should not be a Taboo, The “International Year of Sanitation 2008”

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 4070
Downloads: 15

Peter-Fröhlich, A., Pawlowski, L., Bonhomme, A., Oldenburg, M. (2008) Separate Erfassung und Behandlung von Urin, Braun- und Grauwasser: Erfahrungen aus einem EU-Demonstrationsprojekt (in German) Separate collection and treatment of urine, brown - and greywater: Experiences from an EU demonstration project

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 4539
Downloads: 54

Oldenburg, M., Albold, A., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. (2008) Erfahrungen aus dem Betrieb eines neuen Sanitaerkonzepts ueber einen Zeitraum von acht Jahren (in German) Experiences with the operation of a novel sanitation concept over a period of eight years

Online since: 22.12.2010
Views: 5175
Downloads: 38



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