SuSanA Library

Samwel, M., Gabizon, S., Wolters, A., Wolters, M. (2006) From pit latrine to ecological toilet Results of a survey on dry urine diverting school toilets and pit latrines in Garla Mare, Romania - Experience and Acceptance

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 5808
Downloads: 61

Gajurel, D. R., Wendland, C. (2007) Ecological Sanitation and Associated Hygienic Risk An overview of existing policy making guidelines and research

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 4539
Downloads: 41

Deegener, S., Samwel, M., Gabizon, S. (2006) Toalete Uscate cu Sistem de Separare a Urinei (in Romanian) Principii, Exploatare si Constructie

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 4667
Downloads: 55

Moeller, D.; Samwel, M. (2008) Dezvoltarea Planurilor de Siguranta a Apei prin implicarea scolilor (Introducerea) (in Romanian) Developing water safety plans involving schools

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 4300
Downloads: 7149

Moeller, D., Samwel, M. (2009) Developing Water Safety Plans Involving Schools Introducing “Water Safety Plans” for small-scale water supply systems - Manual for teachers and pupils

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 8200
Downloads: 461

Deegener, S., Samwel, M., Gabizon, S. (2006) Contruction of Urine Diverting Toilets (in Bulgarian)

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 3869
Downloads: 6427

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 4236
Downloads: 7040

Gabizon, S., Samwel, M. (2006) Sustainable Development for All Reducing effects of polluted drinking water and inadequate sanitation on children‘s health in rural Romania

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 3898
Downloads: 6

Estado Plurinicional de Bolivia and Ministerio de Mediambiente y Agua (2010) Construcción módulo demostrativo de saneamiento, opción, técnica (in Spanish) Construction of a demonstration module of sanitation, choice, technique - Bano ecologico

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 4727
Downloads: 35

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 5346
Downloads: 29

UNICEF (2010) Proto Type Engineering Design of Eco-Toilet Action Research on Ecological Alternatives in Sanitation in Difficult Areas of Bangladesh, consultancy report by Practical Action for the SHEWAB project (Government of Bangladesh and UNICEF)

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 4896
Downloads: 97

ESF (2010) Activity Report For the period of June 2009 to March 2010

Online since: 28.09.2010
Views: 5839
Downloads: 9

Guthi (2010) Media Exposure Visit to Darechowk VDC Media Report

Online since: 27.09.2010
Views: 5090
Downloads: 32

Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström, T., Dagerskog, L. (2010) Practical guidance on the use of urine in crop production

This book gives practical guidance on the use of urine in crop production as a vital component of sustainable crop production and sanitation systems. It also includes guidance on how to start activities that will facilitate the introduction of new fertilisers to the agricultural community. The handbook should help in establishing links between research and professionals interested in implementation of sustainable sanitation systems. It is […]

Online since: 27.09.2010
Views: 15993
Downloads: 1557

Online since: 27.09.2010
Views: 3676
Downloads: 14

Ysunza Ogazon, A. et al. (2010) Sanitarios secos con separación de orina en una area rural, Tututepec, Oaxaca, México (in Spanish) Urine diverting dry toilets in a rural area, Tututepec, Oaxaca, Mexico - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 23.09.2010
Views: 13476
Downloads: 242

Miglio, R. (2010) Reuso de efluentes de un sistema de humedales artificiales, Trujillo, Perú (in Spanish) Reuse of the effluents of a man-made wetland system , Trujillo, Peru - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 23.09.2010
Views: 13434
Downloads: 283

KfW (2009) KfW water symposium 2009 Improving hygiene awareness and sanitation

Online since: 22.09.2010
Views: 3366
Downloads: 14

Schröder, E. (2011) Marketing human excreta A study of possible ways to dispose of urine and faeces from slum settlements in Kampala, Uganda

Online since: 22.09.2010
Views: 6084
Downloads: 252

DWA (2010) Brauchen wir in Deutschland neuartige Sanitärsysteme? (in German) Do we need New Alternative Sanitation Systems in Germany?

Online since: 21.09.2010
Views: 8368
Downloads: 572



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