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Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 2415
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Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 4066
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Heijnen, M., Greenland, K. (2015) Level of Behaviour Change Achievable by Handwashing with Soap Interventions: A rapid review

Evidence on Demand was requested by DFID to undertake a rapid desk-based study to assess the level of change in handwashing with soap that could be expected from a successful hygiene promotion intervention in a low or middle-income country setting. As part of this task, a summary of factors that may influence intervention outcomes and sustainability is provided.

Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 3196
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WaterAid (2017) Hand hygiene in health-care facilities Briefing paper

Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 4084
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Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 4229
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Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 3492
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Biran, A., (2009) The effect of a soap promotion and hygiene education campaign on handwashing behaviour in rural India: a cluster randomised trial

Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of a hygiene promotion intervention based on germ awareness in increasing handwashing with soap on key occasions (after faecal contact and before eating) in rural Indian households.

Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 2764
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Luby, S. P., (2005) Effect of handwashing on child health: a randomised controlled trial

More than 3·5 million children aged less than 5 years die from diarrhoea and acute lower respiratory-tract infection every year. A randomised controlled trial had been undertaken to assess the effect of handwashing promotion with soap on the incidence of acute respiratory infection, impetigo, and diarrhoea.

Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 3476
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Biran, A., (2014) Effect of a behaviour-change intervention on handwashing with soap in India (SuperAmma): a cluster-randomised trial

Diarrhoea and respiratory infections are the two biggest causes of child death globally. Handwashing with soap could substantially reduce diarrhoea and respiratory infections, but prevalence of adequate handwashing is low. Through this research it was tested whether a scalable village-level intervention based on emotional drivers of behaviour, rather than knowledge, could improve handwashing behaviour in rural India.

Online since: 25.04.2017
Views: 3735
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Abdi, R., Gautam, O.P. (2016) Approaches to promoting behaviour change around handwashing with soap

This paper seeks to improve understanding of approaches used to promote handwashing with soap, with a view to offering practical suggestions when selecting approaches.

Online since: 24.04.2017
Views: 3910
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WaterAid (2017) WASH and nutrition: why and how to integrate Briefing note

This note can be used as a practical guide for WaterAid country programmes on joint WASH and nutrition programming, implementation, monitoring and advocacy.

Online since: 11.04.2017
Views: 3589
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Simha, P., et al. (2017) Farmer attitudes and perceptions to the re–use of fertiliser products from resource–oriented sanitation systems The case of Vellore, South India

Abstract: Relatively little research has been conducted to date on farmer attitudes towards the use of fertilisers from resource–oriented sanitation systems. This study employed a psycho–sociological approach to identify factors that encourage, or discourage, negative and positive attitudes to human waste recycling among farmers in southern India. A survey involving face–to–face interviews was performed with 120 randomly sampled farmers, taking into account the following factors: gender, […]

Online since: 10.04.2017
Views: 3145
Downloads: 39

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, (2016) Code of Practice on construction and operation of ecosan toilets and constructed wetlands Towards improved - sustainable - sanitation for rural women, men and children

National technical standards on ecosan toilets and constructed wetlands initiated by WECF for the Republic of Moldova.

Online since: 10.04.2017
Views: 4834
Downloads: 211

Various authors (2017) Sanitation Marketing Resources

The following resources are hosted on and therefore not provided by SuSanA. We have gathered a list of SanMark resources for our Community of Practice to utilise. We would like this to be a shared library where we can assist one another with accessing information. If you would like to share a document, website or video we would all love to hear from you! Please […]

Online since: 07.04.2017
Views: 4250
Downloads: 7046

O’Reilly, K. et al. (2017) Understanding Gendered Sanitation Vulnerabilities: A Study in Uttar Pradesh Report

This report is the outcome of a study which aimed at understanding rural women and girls' age-specific experiences of using and accessing sanitation. The study focussed on the accessibility of latrines and the conditions of sanitation experienced across age, religion, caste, etc. The study objectives were informed by research indicating that women and girls have unique needs, and that these needs vary between urban and […]

Online since: 03.04.2017
Views: 8836
Downloads: 87

Hranova, R. K. (2005) The Wastewater Reuse Practice in Botswana A Challenge for the Development of the Water Sector

The paper presents different aspects of the wastewater reuse practice in terms of formulation and choice of strategies and approaches, and the development and implementation of projects. Also, it presents international experience in the field, common drawbacks in Botswana and lessons to be learned. As an example, the results of a study of an existing institutional wastewater reuse plant (at BOTEC) are presented and critically […]

Online since: 31.03.2017
Views: 3859
Downloads: 102

Blackett, I. and Hawkins, P. (2017) FSM Innovation Case Studies Case Studies on the Business, Policy and Technology of Faecal Sludge Management (second edition)

Worldwide, 2.7 billion people rely on onsite sanitation and more than 4.5 billion people do not have access to safely managed sanitation services. Yet, in many places there is still no management system in place to deal with the faecal sludge (e.g. septage and pit latrine sludge) from such systems. This results in the faecal waste often being dumped directly into the immediate residential surrounding […]

Online since: 30.03.2017
Views: 19660
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UKS, GIZ and UNICEF (2016) Kenapa Berdarah? “Why bleeding?”

A MHM comic in Bahasa Indonesia developed by UKS team and UNICEF, in collaboration with GIZ. This book aims to provide proper guidance for young women when they face periods, while at the same time providing education for young men to appreciate their female peers who are menstruating. This book was developed based on the results of a study on MHM in Indonesia conducted by […]

Online since: 24.03.2017
Views: 4197
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UNESCO (2017) WASTEWATER The Untapped Ressource

The 2017 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR) explores the issue of wastewater and its potential as a sustainable resource. However, the findings show how much work has to be done: “Worldwide, the vast majority of wastewater is neither collected nor treated. Furthermore, wastewater collection per se is not synonymous with wastewater treatment. In many cases, collected wastewater is merely […]

Online since: 22.03.2017
Views: 8312
Downloads: 13828

Shepard, J., Stevens, C., Mikhael, G. (2017) The world can’t wait for sewers Advancing container-based sanitation businesses as a viable answer to the global sanitation crisis

One in three people on earth — around 2.5 billion — lack decent sanitation. As the world’s population continues to urbanize at rapid pace, outstripping infrastructure and municipal capabilities, it’s a crisis that looms especially large over cities. With populations in informal settlements (“slums”) expected to double to two billion by 2030, these dense urban communities pose one of the biggest challenge to meeting […]

Online since: 22.03.2017
Views: 8735
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