Government of India initiatives have been instrumental in constructing or partially subsidising the construction of toilets for poorer households. However, even after two decades of such large-scale efforts, the programme failed to tackle the water-borne disease burden. Of late, studies have located the rift between construction and use of toilets. Scientific analyses of identifying inter- and intra-household barriers to the use of toilets have rarely been […]
Adequate access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) is every human’s and child’s right. Ensuring WASH accessibility in schools is encompassed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and is a priority area under the Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. This publication summarizes the status of WASH in schools in […]
Rights to education and to water and sanitation are important milestones for modern society. For all children, a healthy learning environment is a prerequisite for a decent life in the 21st century. The provision of easy access to safe and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in all child-care settings is vital for children’s best health, well-being and learning. There is no good learning […]
Water, sanitation an Hygiene (WASH) conditions are playing a big role in our everyday live. Having Information and knowledge as well as caring about hygiene can not only save lives and ensure better health but it could also help achieve educational, social and economic improvement. As we see it, schools, being a place of knowledge, are in a good position to get a massage across about […]
Holleta is an Ethiopian city located in the Oromia region at a distance of 35 Km from Addis Ababa, lying between levations of 2,320 and 2,460 meters above sea level. The average rainfall in Holleta is 1,367 mm and the mean temperature varies from 12.3 to 15.9oC. Population in 2015 was 57,828 with an average of 6.7 members per household. The main economic activity is […]
Just 71% schools worldwide have a safe water supply – as few as 54% in sub-Saharan Africa, and just 69% have safe sanitation access – as few as 53% in sub-Saharan Africa (UNICEF 2015). Correct use, maintenance, and sustainability of school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services, and hygiene behaviours, remain big challenges in many countries. WaterAid has conducted research in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and […]
Bahir Dar is a city located northwest Ethiopia with a tropical savannah climate. According to the Town Administration, the population is 318,429 people, where 85% live in the urban and 15% in the peri-urban and rural areas of the city (data from 2012). Economic activities include an expanding textile industry as well as rapidly growing agro-industries. The potential for tourism and real estate development is […]
Santa Cruz de la Serria Metropolitan Area (SCMA) is the second largest urban area in Bolivia. It is a major economic centre in Bolivia. There are approximately 1.9 million inhabitants in SCMA. The city is considered to be one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Santa Cruz is located in eastern Bolivia on the Pirai Riva at an altitude of 416 m above […]
Globally, millions of people lack access to improved water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Disabled people, disadvantaged both physically and socially, are likely to be among those facing the greatest inequities in WASH access. This study explores the WASH priorities of disabled people and uses the social model of disability and the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework to look […]
The guidebook on how to increase nutritional impact through integration of WASH and Nutrition programmes is an operational guidebook which demonstrates the importance of both supplementing nutrition programmes with WASH activities and adapting WASH interventions to include nutritional considerations i.e. making them more nutrition-sensitive and impactful on nutrition. It has been developed to provide practitioners with usable information and tools so that they can design […]
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) was formed in 2007 with the aim of promoting and lobbying for sustainability in sanitation in the context of the Millennium Development Goals. Over the last 10 years SuSanA has made a significant contribution to sector development, with sector actors now focussing increasingly on the sustainability of sanitation services in a variety of ways. Whilst globally significant achievements were made […]
This project description summarises the steps towards an energy and resource-efficient wastewater and septage management system in Kochi. It is a project coordinated by the Support to National Urban Sanitation Policy project of GIZ India.
While sanitation is fundamental for health and wellbeing, cities of all sizes face growing challenges in providing safe, affordable and functional sanitation systems that are also sustainable. Factors such as limited political will, inadequate technical, financial and institutional capacities and failure to integrate safe sanitation systems into broader urban development have led to a persistence of unsustainable systems and missed opportunities to tackle overlapping and […]
Sanitation21 is an important component of the global sanitation toolkit, which presents a planning framework based on international best practices. Initially developed in 2006, this updated version builds on recent experiences where good planning has formed an integral part of achieving improvements in urban sanitation. In the context of this document, planning is essentially about responding to real needs and making informed decisions about investments for […]
This publication summarizes the background, vision and sanitation policy issues in India that are adressed with the National Urban Sanitation Policy by the Ministry of Urban Development. It also provides draft frameworks, e.g. for City Sanitation Plans or developing state sanitation strategies.
This factsheet provides an overview of the SNUSP Project objectives, approach and achievements.
Under the umbrella of the SuSanA Indian Chapter, the India Sanitation Coalition in partnership with SuSanA, held a four-week thematic discussion on exploring opportunities and challenges of corporate engagement in sanitation. This synthesis is a summary of all topics discussed in the forum about corporate engagement. The discussion not only focussed on corporate engage-ment via Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but also took different forms of […]
Ensuring citywide sanitation is challenging and needs strategic planning as well as involvement of various actors /agencies, such as decision makers at state and city level, city engineers and technical experts in areas of urban planning, sanitation, technical infrastructure and financing. One of the main requirements in establishing a citywide sanitation system on the ground is strong institutions and technical as well as managerial capacities […]
This training programme is a unique blend of training courses for participants coupled with additional handholding support through various mechanisms in a step-wise manner. This is a distinguishing feature from other stand-alone training programmes and ensures that the participants are themselves capacitated through the training. Handholding support leads to transfer of knowledge on the ground for achieving actual change in their respective cities. This training […]
This factsheet was published by the Support to National Urban Sanitation Policy-Project by GIZ India to give an overview of ways that this project apporaches to manage Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in urban areas.