This UN-Water publication presents the Integrated Monitoring of water and sanitation related targets (GEMI), being currently development. This initiative complements the monitoring work on water supply and sanitation which is conducted by the WHO/ UNICEF Joint Monitoring Pro-gramme (JMP) and the UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS). These programs, JMP, GEMI and GLAAS will be responsible for global monitoring of progress […]
This document brief aims to give the context of the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and highlights the issues of water and sanitation in the SDGs. This should allow WASH actors to better link their actions to the implementation of the SDGs and easily find the key documents of the 2030 Agenda.
This study is based on surveys con-ducted in six poor districts of Oua-gadougou and five of Niamey. It gives a comparison of the situation between the two cities in terms of access to water and sanitation. Its Primary objective is to clarify ambiguous concepts of "precarious" and "poor", qualifying both households and neighbourhoods. The second objective is to appreciate the interlocking between recommendations from donors, […]
In preparation for the 2015 BORDA Symposium, BORDA had asked GRET to address the following questions: - What are the main challenges to make sanitation programmes at the municipal level successful? - What bottlenecks and mistakes in international cooperation should be avoided? - What is needed from national and local players and the international community to ensure integrated management of used water […]
This document UN-Water provides a summary on discrimination and inequality in the field of water and sanitation: it explains the concept of discrimination, details the human rights in regarding equity in the WASH sector and presents the course of action towards the elimination of discrimination and inequality.
Key Fndings • In general, the rural supply chains for sanitation products and services are well established in the three districts. • Uptake of toilets is showing steady progress but slows down drastically when the last mile 1 is in sight. • Rural households opt for high-end, rather expensive sanitation facilities. • The preferred types of toilet facilities are unaffordable for most […]
The potential menstrual hygiene management barriers faced by adolescent girls and women in workplace environments in low- and middle-income countries has been under addressed in research, programming and policy. Despite global efforts to reduce poverty among women in such contexts, there has been insufficient attention to the water and sanitation related barriers, specifically in relation to managing monthly menstruation, that may hinder girls’ and women’s […]
This paper presents the results of a mixed-methods study examining adaptation strategies that property owners in low-income, rapidly urbanizing areas in Malawi adopt to address the limitations of pit latrines, the most common method of disposing human excreta. A particular challenge is lack of space for constructing new latrines aspopulation density increases: traditional practice has been to cap full pits and simply move to a […]
Uncontrolled urbanisation and proliferation of slums makes development of urban sanitation a big challenge. To contribute to the efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of universal access to sanitation, the research A tale of clean cities aimed to learn from three cities that are performing well in sanitation: Kumasi, Ghana; San Fernando, the Philippines; and Visakhapatnam, India. Findings showed substantial but uneven progress along […]
Urban sanitation remains a significant challenge for most low and middle income countries. The urban population of the group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) more than tripled between 1990 and 2015. While access to sanitation in LDCs has increased in relative terms, in absolute terms the number of people using unimproved […]
Many low-income countries face the hefty challenge of increasing sanitation coverage, in both rural and urban areas, which demand di erent solutions. In response, governments, with support from international agencies, bilateral donors and non-government organisations, are deploying a range of programmes and policies to accelerate progress towards the new global goals. Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is one popular approach. CLTS works […]
Most sanitation promotion approaches are only partially successful in providing short term increases in sanitation coverage and usage. Behaviour change communication messages designed as marketing interventions often fail to address deeper underlying causes of resistance behind people’s reluctance to adopt improved and safe sani-tation and hygiene. This study was undertaken with the objective of understanding perceptions, barriers, and motivators for improved sanitation behaviour in nine […]
This paper presents the general sanitation practices by the traders in a major market in Kuje located in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja and our efforts in reorientating the market stakeholders towards the provision and use of a new dry sanitation toilet complex. The market is known for its diversity in Nigerian ethnicity, culture and the variety of goods and services. A novel toilet […]
Abstract: Excreta, Faecal or Shit Flow Diagrams (SFDs) are away to clearly represent how excreta flows along the sanitation service chain. This approach has already gaines popularity and many SFDs have already been produced. To date little attention has been paid to the methods and data used, or the credibility of the SFDs. The SFD Promotion Initiative has created a tool to enable the wieder roll-out […]
Globally 52% of the female population is of reproductive age, meaning approximately 1.9 billion women and adolescent girls menstruate each month for between two and seven days. A first examination of the MHM global landscape: literature, academic studies, main actors, and debates, by the Sector Programme Sustainable Sanitation of the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was discussed and made more comprehensive through discussions with members […]
This resource guide includes manuals, reports, academic studies, and organizations working on WASH and nutrition. The guide can serve as a tool for implementers and advocates in the WASH/Nutrition nexus looking to pursue and promote integrated programming.
La présente stratégie régionale mise à jour en 2015 a été lancée en 2012 face à la crise nutritionnelle et alimentaire au Sahel, révisée lors du processus de consultation en 2014, elle reste une orientation intersectorielle adaptable aux spécificités nationales et locales de chaque pays. French title: Stratégie - Groupe Régional WASH, Afrique l'Ouest et Centrale
The public health objective of sanitation is to reduce the risk of negative health outcomes from faecal contamination. For water-based sanitation systems at the household and community scale as practised in Indonesia and perhaps elsewhere, the liquid component of the effluent comprises a significant pathogen hazard. While increasing attention is paid to managing the solid fraction, the hazard in the liquid fraction goes largely unnoticed […]
SuSanA and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) held a sanitation-themed cartoon competition. The spirit of the competition was to create cartoons which would get people to laugh and talk about sanitation - towards breaking the taboo around sanitation! We received creative, funny, and profound cartoons from around the world, which highlighted humour around the subject, while also vividly displaying the seriousness of the issues. […]
To explore linkages between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and maternal and perinatal health via a conceptual approach and a scoping review Methods: We developed a conceptual framework iteratively, amalgamating three literature-based lenses. We then searched literature and identified risk factors potentially linked to maternal and perinatal health. We conducted a systematic scoping review for all chemical and biological WASH risk factors identified using text […]