Sales agents will learn the skills and knowledge necessary to make latrines a purchasing priority for the target market, and to effectively link the supply chain and the end consumer.
Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser und eine hygienische Abwasserentsorgung gehören zu den Menschenrechten und den menschlichen Grundbedürfnissen, die in humanitären Notsituationen gewährleistet werden müssen. Fehlende Abwasserentsorgung und mangelnde Hygiene stellen gerade für ohnehin vulnerable Gruppen ein erhebliches gesundheitliches Risiko dar. Humanitäre Maßnahmen im Bereich Wasser-, Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene (WASH) tragen dazu bei Leben zu retten und von Krisen und Katastrophen Betroffenen ein Überleben in Würde zu […]
UNDP works with its partners on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and recovery in more than 100 countries, promoting the importance of investing in DRR and effective disaster recovery in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
Humanitarian assistance and development cooperation pursue different aims and follow different principles. Their separation – while important to protect the independence of humanitarian action – has negative side effects. This paper seeks to contribute to the international debate by clarifying concepts, analyzing these effects and exploring donor strategies for addressing them. Strengthening the links between humanitarian assistance and development cooperation is essential for making international assistance […]
Sphere’s six Core Standards describe processes that are essential to achieving all the Sphere minimum standards, which are focused on meeting the urgent survival needs of people affected by disaster or conflict. They are a practical expression of the principles of the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and are fundamental to the rights of people affected by conflict or disaster to assistance that supports life with dignity. […]
These Guidance Notes are intended to help people involved with an Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) at coordination and field levels to prepare for, organize and carry out an IRA, analyse the data collected to make essential decisions on immediate response, funding and/or follow on assessments. Section 2 is primarily aimed at coordination level and Section 3 at field level. The sections most relevant for different […]
This book is primarily written for final year undergraduate civil engineering students in developing country universities, for post-graduate masters students in environmental, public health and sanitary engineering, and for practising engineers working in developing countries or working on wastewater treatment projects in these countries. The primary emphasis of the book is on low-cost, high-performance, sustainable domestic wastewater treatment systems. Most of the systems described are […]
The rapidly growing and small floating aquatic plants of the botanical family of Lemnaceae are capable of accumulating nutrients and minerals from wastewater. The latter are finally removed from the system as the plants are harvested from the pond surface. Because of their comparatively high productivity and nutritional value, particularly their high content of valuable protein, they provide an excellent feed supplement for animals such […]
New national goals in wastewater treatment in the United States of America place strong emphasis on the use of natural systems and improved biological processes. These goals encourage sewage reuse through agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture (Duffer 1982). However, the cultivation of fish in wastewater has been of interest in the United States for only a short time: from a practical point of view, it remains […]
This Irrigation and Drainage Paper is intended to provide guidance to national planners and decision-makers, agricultural and municipal managers, field engineers and scientists, health and agricultural field workers, wastewater treatment plant operators and farmers. Consequently, it covers a broad range of relevant material, some in considerable depth but some more superficially. It is meant to encourage the collection, treatment and use of wastewater in agriculture […]
The United Nations World Water Development Report, Nature-based Solutions for Water, launched 19 March 2018 during the 8th World Water Forum, and in conjunction to the World Water Day, demonstrates how nature‐based solutions (NBS) offer a vital means of moving beyond business‐as‐usual to address many of the world’s water challenges while simultaneously delivering additional benefits vital to all aspects of sustainable development.
This manual is used in selected schools in the Division of Batangas in the context of researching the conditions to improve O&M of sanitation facilities in public elementary schools in the Philippines. Users of this manual are highly encouraged to provide feedback on their experience using this tool to improve the next edition. The learnings of this research project are supporting the further roll out […]
Participants will learn how to produce a high quality, desirable pour-flush latrine that delivers maximum health benefits, durability, and attractiveness at an affordable price.
Participants will learn what it means to be a business owner and assess the strengths and weaknesses of their own business, so that they can manage them more effectively.
This manual is intended to be used as a reference by those responsible for implementing Sanitation Marketing in Lao PDR as well as by other organizations or third parties that have no experience with Sanitation Marketing.