Rangpur City Corporation (RpCC) is one of the twelve City Corporations in Bangladesh and is located in the Rangpur division, northern region of the country. The geographical coordinates of Rangpur City Corporation are 25.56° North and 89.25° East. Rangpur became a City Corporation from Paurashava on 28 June 2012 with an area of 205.7 km2, and is divided into 33 Wards. Figure 1 shows the […]
Dhulikhel municipality is located in Kavrepalanchok district of Bagmati province, Nepal. The municipality is divided into 12 wards. The municipality is home to 33,981 people as per census 2011. The population growth rate was 0.65% per year from 2001 to 2011. There are two major highways, B.P highway and Arniko Highway which pass through Dhulikhel. Dhulikhel is located at Eastern rim of Kathmandu Valley, south […]
Current solid and liquid waste disposal practices is far from desirable and needs a rethink and an innovative approach with emphasis on conservation and reuse to meet the goals of clean, healthy and liveable villages. Indiscriminate and uncontrolled abstraction has resulted in significant fall of ground water. Compounding the falling ground water table is the contamination of groundwater from untreated wastewater from households. Recharge of […]
Across six states, UNICEF and Johnson and Johnson created an enabling environment for MHM documented in this publication.
This strategy for ODF sustainability is guided by the vision of the state government and the requirement of the second phase of the sanitation movement. Further, meeting the said objectives will require progress in several dimensions of sanitation and involvement of different departments of the state government dealing with the particular matter as well as all other stakeholders working in the respective sector. The approach […]
Sustaining the ODF status in all districts of West Bengal is the need of the hour. Starting with the first ODF district- Nadia, which has already gathered considerable experience in ODF Sustainability, the entire State is now progressing from ODF stage to ODF Sustainability stage. The impact of ODF S including sanitation, safe drinking water and improved hygiene practices goes way beyond just having access […]
After achieving the target of universal coverage of individual household toilet, Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin is working towards addressing the menace of solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) to ensure clean and healthy villages. Government of Chhattisgarh has taken a sustainable approach to address solid and liquid waste in the state. SBM-G has adopted decentralized processes for waste management and conservation of natural resources. The Program […]
The Plus Codes are a unique solution, a digital address given to every location on earth. Shelter Associates and UNICEF partnered to map social and basic services of the slum settlements with unique location codes. This location code can be used on Google Maps and will allow slum residents to access services such as postal, emergency services, gas cylinders and other online services. In addition […]
This open access handbook, the first of its kind, provides a comprehensive and carefully curated multidisciplinary genre-spanning view of the state of the field of Critical Menstruation Studies, opening up new directions in research and advocacy. It is animated by the central question: ‘“what new lines of inquiry are possible when we center our attention on menstrual health and politics across the life course?” The […]
Many women and girls worldwide do not have the knowledge, skills, services, and products or support to ensure their well-being during menstruation. Due to the link of menstruation with health, education, water and sanitation, and socio-economic factors, these challenges are even more urgent for those who menstruate in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). At the same time, there is evidence that ensuring good menstrual […]
There has been significant increased attention to menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) in the WASH sector over the past decade, but it has not been accompanied by robust or consistent monitoring. While there is not yet sufficient evidence to recommend a comprehensive set of validated indicators and questions to support MHH monitoring, there are simple steps that can be taken now by governments and programme […]
From the executive summary: • This report summarises the work done under a grant from WSSCC (via UNOPS Geneva) to Skat Foundation to run and develop the SuSanA Forum. • The SuSanA Forum is a well-established, vibrant online community within the sanitation sector and a major global knowledge exchange hub on topics relating to practical implementation, research and policy. It is an essential part of the […]
Eket is a coastal city in the southern region of Nigeria in the vast low-lying region where the Niger-delta drains into the Gulf of Guinea. The population is 211,255 (as of 2021) of which 80% are considered to be rural dwellers (average population density is 1,200 people per square kilometre). Fishing, subsistence agriculture and commerce are the most common occupations, although in recent years there […]
This poster describes steps to ensure the safety of workers cleaning drains during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This poster is about the safety of FSTP plant workers in the COVID-19 pandemic.
These poster summarise safety procedures for Sanitation Workers keeping the COVID-19 pandemic in mind. The following are included: 1. Desludging operators 2. FSTP plant workers 3. Drain Cleaners
This document will act as a road map for functionaries at all levels, especially at the district and GP level. The strategy will be developed in the context of the current situation within the state regarding challenges faced and progress made in the last few years on total sanitation. SBCC activities are not conducted in isolation and their effectiveness cannot be measured in isolation either. The […]
The aim of this document is to explain the field level procedures in cleaning septictanks and the safe disposal of sludge. There are very few less than 4 major Fecal Sludge Treatment Plants in the state of Kerala. The floods of 2018due to south west monsoon, caused a very great havoc in 13 districts of Kerala by inundating all the wells and septic tanks. The […]
This manual begins with the status of sanitation in the state and key observations regarding sanitation followed by the concept, government guidelines and methodology for major stages of ODF are discussed in detail. Later, the components of sustainable sanitation, maintenance and repairs of sanitation facilities, alternative finance options, entrepreneurship development opportunities and concerned methodology is presented in the subsequent sections. The manual also discusses the […]
The training focuses on developing capacities of all the stakeholders including operators, service providers, Municipal Corporation, elected representatives etc. This training aims at conveying the key concepts and how to do the operation and maintenance of community toilets and management of feacal sludge in an effective manner, what are the basic non-negotiable elements versus want are the preferred element. The training element are based on […]