SFD Lite Report - Haldia, India Mishra, M., Tripathi, A. (2020)

Haldia is a city and municipality in Purba Medinipur district in the Indian State of West Bengal. The Haldia Township is bordered by Haldi River an off shoot of the Ganges River. Haldia is located at 22.03˚N 88.06˚E. The temperature ranges between 24˚C to 39˚C, during summer and 7˚C to 22˚C in winter. The city gets an average rainfall of 1440mm annually and monsoon months are between May to September. Depth of ground water in pre and post monsoon ranges between 3.05 to 16.34 meters below ground level (mbgl) and 2.71 – 11.63mbgl respectively (CGWB). Haldia city’s population for the year 2020 is estimated to be 262148 (Table No.1) and total no. of households (HH) is 55776 . Administrative boundary of the city is spread across 109 sq.km, divided into 29 wards (KII-1, 2020).

Bibliographic information

Mishra, M., Tripathi, A. (2020). SFD Lite Report - Haldia, India Centre for Science and Environment

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Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report


SFD Lite Report - Haldia, India

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SFD Lite Report - Haldia, India

Published in: 2020
Pages: 10

Centre for Science and Environment

Mishra, M., Tripathi, A.

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