Flooding, earthquakes, civil unrest and other natural and man-made disasters often cause damage to hand-dug wells. This technical note sets out the actions needed to repair and rehabilitate a hand-dug well so that it can be returned to its former condition. The emergency repair and rehabilitation measures proposed are temporary and should be followed by measures for permanent rehabilitation.
In an emergency situation, it is often necessary to quickly provide a basic water supply for the affected population. This may be because the normal systems of supply have been damaged or destroyed. The most common, immediate solution is to hire vehicles and tanks that have been used for other purposes or to retrieve collapsible tanks from an emergency store. In either case, they must […]
WASH markets are likely to be affected by a crisis. It can create disruption of both supply of and access to WASH-related goods and services. Both need to be considered and addressed by humanitarian responses to people’s needs. But if humanitarian agencies do not consider markets, interventions can accidentally harm these markets and the whole population depending on them. In the case of weak or […]
Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser und eine hygienische Abwasserentsorgung gehören zu den Menschenrechten und den menschlichen Grundbedürfnissen, die in humanitären Notsituationen gewährleistet werden müssen. Fehlende Abwasserentsorgung und mangelnde Hygiene stellen gerade für ohnehin vulnerable Gruppen ein erhebliches gesundheitliches Risiko dar. Humanitäre Maßnahmen im Bereich Wasser-, Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene (WASH) tragen dazu bei Leben zu retten und von Krisen und Katastrophen Betroffenen ein Überleben in Würde zu […]
Humanitarian assistance and development cooperation in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector – although very diferent in nature – are inextricably linked. WASH relief eforts are usually not self-contained, stand-alone interventions and relief actors inevitably need to consider longer-term local development issues and transition elements to allow for a successful hand-over afer the relief phase to local governments or other development actors as part […]
As of 1994, more than 1 billion people in the world still lacked access to safe drinking water (WHO/WSSCC/ UNICEF, 1996). The problem of unsafe drinking water is recognized to be not an isolated technical problem, but interrelated to the problems of adequate water supply, community education in public hygiene, access to sanitation, and effective and safe disposal of human and animal wastes (USAID, 1990). […]
This report presents the results of an evaluation of the Fairwater BluePump, an emerging rural water supply technology in sub-Saharan Africa. Claims about the BluePump’s durability and minimal maintenance requirements have provoked significant interest within the rural water sector. This evaluation set out to assess the suitability of the BluePump as a rural water supply technology, taking into account its operational performance, the experiences of […]
Dry toilets are one of the basic services provided for visitors in recreational wilderness areas. Operational environment for toilet waste management in these areas is challenging. At the same time the growing number of visitors in recreational areas is increasing the stress and loading on service infrastructure etc. toilets. The objective of this study was to recognize the major challenges in toilet waste management in […]
There are uncertainties with projected impacts of climate change, but reliability of projection depends on the area. For some regions projections of future precipitation change are more robust, while outside of these areas the predictions vary between models. Predictions also become less consistent between models as scale ecreases. One robust finding is that there will be changes in the seasonality of river flows in […]
In this report information is given about methods for the removal of arsenic from groundwater. The methods can be used by domestic well owners and communal water suppliers.
The evaluation reviewed the MEDAIR project in rural areas around Maroantsetra. Shallow boreholes were drilled using a technique of rapid well jetting. Canzee pumps were installed and users were trained in maintenance.
This manual has been prepared to cover installation and maintenance aspects of the Afridev Handpump. This document results from several years of work carried out by Water & Sanitation Program (WSP) in partnership with SKAT – RWSN (former HTN), NGO’s, handpump field workers and the private sector in several countries. The experience gained in recent years has been incorporated into this Specification. This Manual is […]
The SODIS method is a water disinfection method, making use of the sun’s energy and using PET bottles. It exploits the germicidal effect of solar radiation – especially UV-A radiation - on diarrhoea causing pathogens. SODIS is recognized as one of several viable methods for household water treatment. It has been promoted, both as a stand-alone intervention and as one component in broader HWTS (Household Water […]
Emergency water treatment approaches relying on coagulation vary from centralised modular and portable ‘‘kits’’ to ‘‘pointof-use’’ or ‘‘household’’ interventions. Typical coagulation practice in emergencies is reviewed in view of field constraints (e.g. equipment and resources) and contrasted with underlying theory and conventional water treatment procedures. Examples of coagulation in emergencies are also presented based on documented field experiences alongside the discussion of other relevant issues […]
Urbanization is one of the most important global trends of the 21st century. It has the potential to contribute to the “re-design” of our world supporting the creation of sustainable and inclusive cities for all. About 6.25 billion people, 15% of them with disabilities, are predicted to be living in urban centers by 2050. Urban environments, infrastructures, facilities, and services, depending on how they are […]
Barrier Analysis is a rapid assessment tool used in community health and other community development projects to identify behavioral determinants associated with a particular behavior. These behavioral determinants are identified so that more effective behavior change communication messages, strategies and supporting activities (e.g., creating support groups) can be developed. It focuses on eight determinants: perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived action efficacy, perceived social acceptability, perceived […]
The original framework for market-based programming is quite useful as an overview of market-based programming. This revised framework aims to elaborate in more detail on the types of market-based programs implemented by humanitarian and development actors.
Frequent and proper handwashing with soap is vital to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In response, we have developed this Handwashing Compendium for Low Resource Settings. Exinging existing information from different organisations into one place, the compendium provides guidance, local examples of and further resources on accessible low-cost handwashing facilities, environmental cues and physically distanced hygiene promotion.The compendium is a living document which will be […]
A summary of UNHCR water, excreta management, solid waste management, disease vector control and hygiene promotion indicators and targets for emergency and post emergency refugee settings including means of verification.