WASH markets are likely to be affected by a crisis. It can create disruption of both supply of and access to WASH-related goods and services. Both need to be considered and addressed by humanitarian responses to people’s needs. But if humanitarian agencies do not consider markets, interventions can accidentally harm these markets and the whole population depending on them. In the case of weak or damaged market systems, WASH programming can engage in support and rehabilitation to enable market actors to recover (e.g. through grants to repair equipment). Market-Based Programming and Cash & Voucher Assistance changes significantly the way we coordinate. It offers many more opportunities for inter-sectorial coordination and integrated programming (e.g. Multipurpose Cash Transfer) than non-market based approaches. It is crucial to coordinate with other actors via the WASH Cluster and Cash & Market Working Groups (if existing).
Global WASH Cluster (2016). Guidance on Market Based Programming for Humanitarian WASH Practitioners Global WASH Cluster
PractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish
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