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UNHCR (2017) Hygiene Promotion Guidelines

These guidelines provide additional support and information on designing and implementing hygiene promotion programmes or elements of hygiene promotion in the programmes of other sectors. They should be used in conjunction with the UNHCR WASH Manual and the summary guidance in the Hygiene Promotion Chapter of this manual.

Online since: 31.03.2021
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UNHCR (2016) Cash Based Interventions for WASH Programmes in Refugee Settings

Human rights underpin all aspects of UNHCR’s international protection work and provide a basic normative framework governing UNHCR’s protection and asistance activities, including in support to access water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. UNHCR supports the full implementation by States of their obligations under international and human rights law as provided for, inter alia, in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, The […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1063
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Collins, S (200) Hand-Dug Shallow Wells Vol. 5 of the Series of Manuals on Drinking Water Supply

Access to adequate water, sanitation, drainage and solid waste disposal are four inter-related basic needs which impact significantly on socio-economic development and quality of life. The number of people around the world who still do not have access to these basic facilities, despite enormous global effort over more than two decades, provides sufficient evidence that conventional approaches and solutions alone are unable to make a sufficient […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1343
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CAWST (2009) Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Fact Sheet: Ceramic Candle Filter

Locally produced ceramics have been used to filter water for hundreds of years. Ceramic candles are hollow cylindrical forms fastened into the bottom of a container. Water seeps through the ceramic candle and falls into a lower container, which is fitted with a tap at the bottom. Units often use more than one candle because the flow rate through one candle can be slow. A […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1631
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Casson, L., Bess, J. (2006) On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation

In this manuscript the on-site generation of sodium hypochorite for water and wastewater disinfection will be examined. The objective of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the equipment and operational requirements necessary for on-site sodium hypochlorite generation systems. This manuscript will review the following topics relative to on-site generation systems: Understand the basic equipment requirements necessary for on-site generation of sodium hypochorite, Understand […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1116
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CaLP (0) Comparative Table of Humanitarian Market Analysis Tools

There is currently a general acceptance within the humanitarian sector that market analysis should form a core part of the assessment process after crises, to inform the response options analysis and programme design. This is evidenced by the appearance of market analysis in broader tools such as the Multi Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) and the CaLP Minimum Requirements for Market Analysis in […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 935
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CaLP (2019) Glossary of Terminology for Cash and Voucher Assistance

Reflecting the pace of change, since 2016 CaLP has been reviewing, revising and updating the Glossary on an annual basis. This process (see flowchart below) is coordinated by the CaLP Secretariat and undertaken through the CaLP Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The TAG is a group of 25 technical experts in the field of cash and voucher assistance, drawn from CaLP’s membership. Feedback on the glossary […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 952
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Burch, J., Thomas, K.E (0) An Overview of Water Disinfection in Developing Countries and the Potential for Solar Thermal Water Pasteurization

This study originated within the Solar Buildings Program at the U.S. Department of Energy. Its goal is to assess the potential for solar thennal water disinfection in developing countries. In order to assess solar thennal potential, the alternatives must be clearly understood and compared. The objectives of the study are to: a) characterize the developing world disinfection needs and market; b) identify competing technologies, both traditional and emerging; c) […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 785
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Brown, J., Sobsey, M., Proum, S. (2007) Improving Household Drinking Water Quality Use of Ceramic Water Filters in Cambodia

Household-scale ceramic filtration technology is considered among the most promising options for treating drinking water at the household level in developing countries (Lantagne 2001; Sobsey 2002; Roberts 2004). Its use is Cambodia is widespread and growing, with the involvement of local and international NGOs and government efforts that have been supported by UNICEF, WSP-Cambodia, and others. Although several different kinds of ceramic filters are used […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1651
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Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 916
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Brand, A.P (2004) Low-cost pump alternatives for rural communities in Honduras Meeting demand for access to safe drinking water

With financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the technical assistance of WSP-LAC, the Honduras Water and Sanitation Network carried out a field survey on pumps being used in Honduras directed at identifying successful options for replication. The following report presents advantages and limitations of two types of low-cost pumps - the EMAS Flexi and the Rope Pump - used in […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 758
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SEI, UNEP (2009) Rainwater harvesting: a lifeline for human well-being

Rainfall and soil water are fundamental parts of all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems which supplies goods and services for human well-being. Availability and quality of water determines ecosystem productivity, both for agricultural and natural systems. There is increasing demand on water resources for development whilst maintaining healthy ecosystems, which put water resources under pressure. Ecosystem services suffer when rain and soil water becomes scarce due […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 924
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Thomson, P., Hope, R. A., Foster, T. (2012) Is silence golden? Of mobiles, monitoring, and rural water supplies

Reliable and cost-effective monitoring of rural water supply infrastructure has long been hampered by the geographical curse of dispersed and low-income populations, and weak institutional performance. Recent advances in monitoring technology combined with mobile network expansion into rural areas has created an opportunity to bypass these seemingly intractable challenges. Mobile-enhanced technologies have the potential to produce data that is orders of magnitude richer, faster, and […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 673
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Bourke, N., Carty, G., O’Leary, G., Crowe, M., Page, D (2002) Water Treatment Manuals Coagulation, Flocculation & Clarification

Absolutely pure water is rarely, if ever, found in nature. The impurities occur in three progressively finer states - suspended, colloidal and dissolved matter. Different methods of treatment are required for their removal or reduction to acceptable limits. Coagulation, Flocculation and Clarification, as well as Filtration are interdependent stages of the solids separationphase of water treatment. Failure or inadequacy in any of the stages will have adverse […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1551
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Boges & Mahoney Inc. (0) B1-150 OSEC® System. Manual

The OSEC® (On Site Electrolytic Chlorination) hypochlorite generationequipment described in this manual is designed for the continuous production of sodium hypochlorite from brine. The sodium hypochlorite isused in the disinfection of water supplies, being an alternative to the useof gaseous chlorination. The sodium hypochlorite produced by the OSECmethod is of much lower concentration than normal commercial suppliesand is thus far less hazardous to handle and […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1834
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Steets, J. (2011) Donor Strategies for Addressing the Transition Gap and Linking Humanitarian and Development Assistance A Contribution to the International Debate

Humanitarian assistance and development cooperation pursue different aims and follow different principles. Their separation – while important to protect the independence of humanitarian action – has negative side effects. This paper seeks to contribute to the international debate by clarifying concepts, analyzing these effects and exploring donor strategies for addressing them. The state of the debate The paper first defines the subject area – the main forms […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 788
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Baumann, E. (2011) Low Cost Handpumps

Groundwater supplies provide a significant proportion of rural dwellers in the developing world with access to a safe drinking water supply and will continue to do so in the near future. With the emergence of Self Supply and its increasing acceptance, low-cost handpumps have a role to play. Twenty five years ago the emphasis was on completely enclosed pumps (for drinking water only) to avoid […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
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Sphere Association (2018) The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response

The Sphere Project, now known as Sphere, was created in 1997 by a group of humanitarian non-governmental organisations and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Its aim was to improve the quality of their humanitarian responses and to be accountable for their actions. The Sphere philosophy is based on two core beliefs: • People affected by disaster or conflict have the right to life with […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 2407
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Souter, P. F., Cruickshank, G. D., Tankerville, M. Z., Keswick, B. H., Ellis, B. D., Langworthy, D. E., Metz, K. A., Appleby, M. R., Hamilton, N., Jones, A. L., Perry, J. D. (2003) Evaluation of a new water treatment for point-of-use household applications to remove microorganisms and arsenic from drinking water

Contamination of drinking water by microorganisms and arsenic represents a major human health hazard in many parts of the world. An estimated 3.4 million deaths a year are attributable to waterborne diseases. Arsenic poisoning from contaminated water sources is causing a major health emergency in some countries such as Bangladesh where 35 to 77 million people are at risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently […]

Online since: 31.03.2021
Views: 1265
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Baumann, E. (2000) Water Lifting Manuals on Drinking Water Supply. Volume 7

Focusing on the task of pumping water, Water Lifting serves either as a stand-alone reference text or as a valuable companion for the publications in this series that focus more on the subject of ensuring primary access to potable water.

Online since: 30.03.2021
Views: 1000
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