SuSanA Library

Montag, D., Gethke, K., Everding, W., Pinnekamp, J. (2009) Nährstoff- und Schadstoffgehalte in Sekundärphosphaten (in German) Nutrient and contaminant levels in secondary phosphates

Online since: 24.02.2012
Views: 4071
Downloads: 16

Winker, M., Dimova, D., Ritter, K., Otterpohl, R., Clemens, J. (2010) Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings

Online since: 24.02.2012
Views: 4232
Downloads: 26

Online since: 24.02.2012
Views: 6197
Downloads: 252

Braum, C. (2010) Economical feasibility of using urine versus struvite as fertiliser Using the example of GIZ in Eschborn

Online since: 24.02.2012
Views: 4672
Downloads: 56

Online since: 24.02.2012
Views: 5459
Downloads: 89

Ecosan Club (ed.) (2012) 10 years ecosan club

Online since: 20.02.2012
Views: 5166
Downloads: 37

Ecosan Club (ed.) (2011) Solutions for mountain regions

There are thousands of public and private mountain refuges located in the alpine regions. The increased number of visitors has raised the concerns on the environmental impact on the sensitive ecosystems. To ensure sustainability, integrated management of the alpine infrastructure is needed. Water supply, energy, wastewater treatment and solid waste management need to be assessed together for planning the infrastructure in refuges. A main criterion for […]

Online since: 20.02.2012
Views: 5574
Downloads: 116

Online since: 20.02.2012
Views: 4884
Downloads: 20

Chang, Y., Wagner, M., Cornel, P. (2007) Treatment of grey water for urban water reuse

Online since: 15.02.2012
Views: 5474
Downloads: 9100

Marcos, C. (2012) L'assanissement ecologique - Pourqoui, comment, combien? (in French) Ecological sanitation - why, how, how much?

Online since: 15.02.2012
Views: 4709
Downloads: 79

Carlesen, J., Vad, J., Otoi, S. (2008) Kampala City Council - A project for promoting ecological sanitation in Kampala, Uganda Final evaluation report

Online since: 14.02.2012
Views: 6025
Downloads: 55

GIZ, AHT Group (2011) Réutilisons des eaux grises pour les petits jardins Protégeons notre Source Sidi Othmane Faisons Florisser notre oasis (in French) Reuse greywater for small gardens protecting our Source Sidi Othmane Florisser

Online since: 14.02.2012
Views: 5090
Downloads: 56

Rosensweig, F., Kopitopoulos, D. (2010) Training and capacity building to scale up rural sanitation

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 4491
Downloads: 51

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 3787
Downloads: 40

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 5701
Downloads: 80

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 3925
Downloads: 32

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 6266
Downloads: 61

WSP (2011) Political economy of sanitation: How can we increase investment and improve service for the poor? Operational experiences from case studies in Brazil, India, Indonesia and Senegal

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 6616
Downloads: 76

Robinson, A. (2011) Enabling environment endline assessment: Indonesia Scaling up rural sanitation

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 4546
Downloads: 38

Online since: 10.02.2012
Views: 5866
Downloads: 90



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