Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings Winker, M., Dimova, D., Ritter, K., Otterpohl, R., Clemens, J. (2010)

Usage of urine in agriculture includes the risk of spreading pharmaceutical residues on to agricultural fields. It is unclear if concentrations applied can cause any adverse effects during germination. Therefore, germination tests of cress and four different cereals were performed where the seeds were germinated in urine-water mix containing one up to five different pharmaceutical substances in raising concentration. The seedlings show sensitivity against pharmaceutical agents but not at the concentration levels the agents are expected for average German urine. Aside, the urine matrix itself is much more affecting the seedlings due to its specific matrix than the active agents. Also, in certain cases reactions of seedlings towards the pharmaceutical substances can be observed. Overall, it can be concluded that the potential effect of pharmaceutical substances contained in urine towards plants cannot be determined in germination experiments.

Bibliographic information

Winker, M., Dimova, D., Ritter, K., Otterpohl, R., Clemens, J. (2010). Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings IWA Conference Sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems, Girona, Spain

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Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings

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Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

IWA Conference Sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems, Girona, Spain

Winker, M., Dimova, D., Ritter, K., Otterpohl, R., Clemens, J.

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