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Ackatia-Armah, T. N. M., Sommer, M. (2012) Growth and Changes Menstrual Hygiene Education Books (Ghana)

Online since: 27.07.2012
Views: 6426
Downloads: 124

Añorve, C. (2008) Manual para la construcción de baños secos (in Spanish and Náhuat) Manual for the construction of dry toilets

Intorducción El presente manual de construcción de baños ecológicos secos, cisternas de captación pluvial y filtros para agua de lluvia y aguas jabonosas sólo ha sido posible gracias a la experiencia del proyecto “École para la vida. Cuidar el agua es cuidar de nuestra salud y entorno. De cómo hacer baños secos en Tlalcozotitlán Guerrero”. Dicho proyecto generado en la Universidad La Salle Cuernavaca recibió el apoyo […]

Online since: 23.07.2012
Views: 9993
Downloads: 16637

Online since: 23.07.2012
Views: 5093
Downloads: 139

Online since: 23.07.2012
Views: 6651
Downloads: 109

Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M., EcoSan Club (eds.) (2012) Treatment wetlands

Online since: 19.07.2012
Views: 7153
Downloads: 248

Sommer, M., Connolly, S. (2012) Growth and Changes Menstrual Hygiene Education Books (Cambodia)

Online since: 19.07.2012
Views: 8082
Downloads: 243

Yeboah, B. A. (2012) Urine-diverting dry toilets at Adama University, Adama, Ethiopia Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 16.07.2012
Views: 14215
Downloads: 457

Online since: 13.07.2012
Views: 13979
Downloads: 642

Israr, H., Nasir, S. (2012) Low cost handmade sanitary pads! From design to production A step forward in menstrual hygiene promotion in Pakistan

Online since: 13.07.2012
Views: 8136
Downloads: 470

Rosensweig, F., Perez, E., Robinson, A. (2012) Policy and sector reform to accelerate access to improved rural sanitation Water and sanitation program: Working paper

Online since: 13.07.2012
Views: 5930
Downloads: 40

Perez, E., Cardosi, J., Coombes, Y., Devine, J., Grossman, A., Kullmann, C. Kumar, C.A., Mukherjee, N., Prakash, M., Robiarto, A., Setiwan, D., Singh, U., Warton, D. (2012) What does it take to scale up rural sanitation?

Online since: 11.07.2012
Views: 4743
Downloads: 48

Online since: 10.07.2012
Views: 13519
Downloads: 22500

Online since: 10.07.2012
Views: 5342
Downloads: 88

Various authors (2012) Workshop on Emergency Sanitation in Delft

Emergency camp’s sanitation infrastructure is often inadequate and the risks to people’s health become extreme. Governments, NGOs and Humanitarian organisations are fully aware of these problems and the fact that the basic pit latrine design has not been improved upon in decades which aggravated those problems even more. This is especially applicable for camps packed with tens of thousands of people, be it in refugee situations […]

Online since: 10.07.2012
Views: 8113
Downloads: 13718

BMBF (2010) Leitfaden zur Abwassertechnologie in anderen Ländern, Band 2 (in German) Guidelines for wastewater technology in other countries, Volume 2

Online since: 09.07.2012
Views: 4238
Downloads: 420

Cornel, P. et al. (2005) Anforderungen an die Abwassertechnik in anderen Ländern, Band 1 (in German) Requirements for wastewater technology in other countries, Volume 1

Online since: 09.07.2012
Views: 3993
Downloads: 87

Online since: 09.07.2012
Views: 4251
Downloads: 49

Kwikiriza, L., Asiimwe, A. Nuwamanya, H., Schattauer, H. (2012) Large-scale peri-urban and rural sanitation with UDDTs, South Western region, Uganda Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 03.07.2012
Views: 15217
Downloads: 557

Ayesha, J. (2012) Wastewater treatment in flood affected areas using constructed wetlands, Nowshera, Pakistan (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 03.07.2012
Views: 13128
Downloads: 593

Kjellén, M., Pensulo, C., Nordqvist, P., Fogde, M. (2012) Global review of sanitation systems trends and interactions with menstrual management practices Report for the menstrual management and sanitation systems project

This review of sanitation system trends and interactions with menstrual management practices has been conducted as part of the broader project on Menstrual Management and Sanitation Systems. It starts with a review of trends in the development of urban sanitation systems and then explores the interaction between menstrual management and sanitation systems, mainly relating to the issue of disposal of used menstrual blood absorption materials. Finally, it […]

Online since: 03.07.2012
Views: 9055
Downloads: 192



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