SuSanA Library

Khiyati, M. (2012) Estimation du coût de construction des systèmes d’assainissement écologiques rural - Projet Pilote Dayet Ifrah (in French) Estimation of construction costs for rural ecologial sanitation systems - Pilot Project Dayet Ifrah

Online since: 26.03.2013
Views: 6431
Downloads: 135

Heck, P. (2013) Elaboration d’une approche de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau non-conventionnelles (in French) Developing an approach towards integrated management of non-conventional water resources

Elaboration d’une approche de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau non-conventionnelles, basée sur l’analyse de la valeur potentielle des pratiques émergentes de l’épuration et de la valorisation des eaux usées au Maroc La présente étude concerne la préparation d’une étude d’analyse de la gestion des eaux non conventionnelles dans le cadre de la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau. L’intervention qui s’inscrit dans les […]

Online since: 26.03.2013
Views: 6855
Downloads: 168

Winker, M., Vinneras, B., Muskolus, A., Arnold, U., Clemens, J. (2009) Fertiliser products generated within new sanitation systems

Online since: 25.03.2013
Views: 4888
Downloads: 76

Wauthelet, M. (2009) Rapports d'expertise sur le projet pilote à Dayet Ifrah - Missions de 1 à 4 (in French) Expert reports about the pilot project Dayet Ifrah - Missions 1 to 4

Online since: 21.03.2013
Views: 5304
Downloads: 188

Online since: 19.03.2013
Views: 6342
Downloads: 264

Frenoux, C. et al. (2010) How to select appropriate technical solutions for sanitation - Guide 4 (in English and French)

Online since: 14.03.2013
Views: 7701
Downloads: 335

Online since: 13.03.2013
Views: 7640
Downloads: 193

Online since: 13.03.2013
Views: 10836
Downloads: 18136

Online since: 13.03.2013
Views: 4914
Downloads: 100

Drechsel, P. et al. (2011) L’irrigation avec des eaux usées et la santé (in French) Irrigation with wastewater and health

Online since: 04.03.2013
Views: 5874
Downloads: 68

Frederick, R., Gurski, T. (2012) Synapse Dewatering Investigation Report Omni-Ingestor Phase 2, Milestone 1

Online since: 03.03.2013
Views: 11998
Downloads: 159

Kossmann, W., Pönitz, U., Habermehl, S., Hörz, T., Krämer, P., Klingler, B., Kellner, C., Wittur, T., von Klopotek, F., Krieg, A., Euler, H., (1999) Biogas Digest (Volume III) Costs and Benefits and Programme Implementation

Online since: 28.02.2013
Views: 7043
Downloads: 175

Larsen, A. (2013) Urban Sanitation Solutions for High-Use, Flooded, and Difficult to Serve Areas Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 26.02.2013
Views: 6041
Downloads: 238

Gjefle, K. (2013) Universal slum sanitation with 100% safe reuse of nutrients Various documents on results from research grant

This library entry contains background documents and results for a grant that Karsten Gjefle is leading and which is funded by the WSH Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under the Grand Challenges Exploration (GCE) Round 6. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion Forum, see link below.

Online since: 26.02.2013
Views: 5611
Downloads: 312

Online since: 26.02.2013
Views: 4988
Downloads: 79

Baby, B. (2013) eToilet (India's first electronic public toilet) Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 25.02.2013
Views: 18992
Downloads: 2629

Still, D., Foxon, K., O’Riordan, M. (2012) Tackling the challenges of full pit latrines Volumes 1 to 3

Online since: 25.02.2013
Views: 40259
Downloads: 67108

Tang, Y. (2013) Conversion of fecal waste to biofuels by engineered microbes Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 23.02.2013
Views: 5287
Downloads: 8786

Parker, A. et al. (2013) The Nano Membrane Toilet Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 23.02.2013
Views: 8200
Downloads: 224

Online since: 21.02.2013
Views: 4137
Downloads: 37



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