Fertiliser products generated within new sanitation systems Winker, M., Vinneras, B., Muskolus, A., Arnold, U., Clemens, J. (2009)

The plant nutrients consumed in human society today are lost through the established wastewater treatment systems in industrialised countries as well as via insufficient or non-existent handling of sewage in the developing world. New sanitation systems have been designated to overcome this failure. The source separated wastewater streams collected within these systems contain a high nutrient content, and can be used as fertiliser as well as soil conditioner after appropriate storage and/or treatment. Application in agriculture with existing techniques is feasible. However, pathogens and pharmaceuticals contained in these fertiliser types are a potential hazard. Nevertheless, storage and appropriate treatment can minimise the risks. The products deriving from these systems have a high potential to preserve available plant nutrient resources and deficiencies in agriculture as well as being able to substitute synthetic plant nutrients and at the same time prevent unwanted environmental nutrient over-enrichment.

External Website(s)

New fertilizers from advanced wastewater treatment: Their potential values and risks

Bibliographic information

Winker, M., Vinneras, B., Muskolus, A., Arnold, U., Clemens, J. (2009). Fertiliser products generated within new sanitation systems International Ambition for Water Technology. WETSUS Congress, October 5-6 2009, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, Center of Excellence for sustainable water technology (WETSUS)

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Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsFaecal sludge treatment processesUrine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Faeces or faecal sludgeUrineRuralPresentationsEnglish

External links

 New fertilizers from advanced wastewater treatment: Their potential values and risks


Fertiliser products generated within new sanitation systems

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Fertiliser products generated within new sanitation systems

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0

International Ambition for Water Technology. WETSUS Congress, October 5-6 2009, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, Center of Excellence for sustainable water technology (WETSUS)

Winker, M., Vinneras, B., Muskolus, A., Arnold, U., Clemens, J.

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