SuSanA Library

Buckley, C. (2012) Data acquisition and field support for sanitation projects (Phase 1: 2011-2012) Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 19.02.2013
Views: 6440
Downloads: 10934

Online since: 12.02.2013
Views: 6354
Downloads: 346

Winker, M., Rieck, C. (2013) Schlussbericht SANItärRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) (in German) Final report SANItaryRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH)

Online since: 08.02.2013
Views: 5344
Downloads: 70

Krause, A. (2010) Hydrothermale Carbonisierung organischer Reststoffe - Machbarkeitsbetrachtung der technischen Realisierungsmöglichkeiten in der Region Kagera/Tansania (in German) Hydrothermal carbonization of organic waste - Feasibility analysis of realisation in the region of Kagera/Tanzania

Online since: 05.02.2013
Views: 4382
Downloads: 65

Zimmermann, G. (2006) Vergleichende Betrachtung der Effektivität und Effizienz von konventioneller Abwasserbehandlung (mehrstufige Kläranlage) gegenüber neuartigen, kreislauforientierten Sanitärsystemen an ausgewählten Bespielen in Syrien (in German) Comparative analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of conventional wastewater treatment (with several stages) to innovative, reuse-oriented sanitation systems with selected examples in Syria

Online since: 31.01.2013
Views: 6074
Downloads: 44

SNV, IRC (2012) Asia Workshop on Scaling up rural sanitation and hygiene Workshop Report, Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Online since: 24.01.2013
Views: 4485
Downloads: 55

Online since: 24.01.2013
Views: 5023
Downloads: 38

Krause, A. (2012) Systemanalyse einer kombinierten Energie-, Sanitär- und Nahrungsmittelversorgung (in German) System analysis of a combined energy, sanitation and food supply

Online since: 24.01.2013
Views: 5462
Downloads: 69

Online since: 22.01.2013
Views: 7236
Downloads: 315

Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M. (eds.) (2013) Selected contributions from the 1st WATERBIOTECH conference, 9-11 October 2012, Cairo, Egypt

Online since: 18.01.2013
Views: 7522
Downloads: 79

Fundación Sumaj Huasi (2012) Saneamiento Ecológico en areas periurbanas de la ciudad de El Alto (in Spanish) Ecological sanitation in peri-urban areas of the municipality of El Alto

Online since: 16.01.2013
Views: 4722
Downloads: 62

Online since: 14.01.2013
Views: 8894
Downloads: 265

Nodo de Conocimiento en Saneamiento Sostenible Descentralizado (2010) Tres experiencias: Saneamiento ecológico sostenible descentralizado en Bolivia y guía de sistematización (in Spanish) Three experiences: Sustainable and decentralized ecological sanitation in Bolivia

Online since: 14.01.2013
Views: 5438
Downloads: 161

Online since: 11.01.2013
Views: 4712
Downloads: 7838

Okan-Adjetey, P. (2013) Urine diversion dehydration toilets at Valley View University in Oyibi, Greater Accra region, Ghana Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 11.01.2013
Views: 13298
Downloads: 22140

Fundación Sumaj Huasi (2012) Modelo Mejora (in Spanish) Model improvement

Model of the sanitary unit with dry toilet, urinal, shower and hand-washing that Fundación Sumaj Huasi has been developing in El Alto, Bolivia.

Online since: 10.01.2013
Views: 5962
Downloads: 315

Kent, J. G. et al. (2011) Modelo de financiamiento y estrategia de marketing social de banos ecologicos (in Spanish) Financial and social marketing on ecological sanitation

Online since: 10.01.2013
Views: 5446
Downloads: 69

Bustillos, D. S. (2012) Formal and Informal Institutions Shaping the Use of Ecological Sanitation A Minor Field Study conducted in the city of El Alto, Bolivia

Online since: 10.01.2013
Views: 4972
Downloads: 51

Okan-Adjetey, P. (2012) Ecological sanitation efforts in Africa: Lessons learned and further recommendations for future project design The case study of Valley View University in Accra – Ghana

Online since: 10.01.2013
Views: 5044
Downloads: 88

Online since: 09.01.2013
Views: 5477
Downloads: 147



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