Key challenges for Sustainable Sanitation Services Snel, M., Nothomb, C. (2015)

There are today more people without access to adequate sanitation than in 2000, despite the commitment included in the MDGs to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to basic sanitation. This has many consequences for the well-being and potential of many people: sanitation related diseases account for about 800,000 children death per year; open defecation leads to increased risk of stunting and related intellectual development limitations; lack of access to sanitation impacts dignity, privacy and safety and affects more women than men; there are costs to the environment; and it is overall a direct cause and effect of the poverty vicious circle.

This document approaches the following questions:
What are the key challenges to increase the number of people with access to sanitation, and to maintain the use of facilities in a safe and sustainable manner? What are the fundamental roots that have caused this sanitation crisis? Where have we collectively failed?

Bibliographic information

Snel, M., Nothomb, C. (2015). Key challenges for Sustainable Sanitation Services International Water and Sanitation Center (IRC)

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Key challenges for Sustainable Sanitation Services

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Key challenges for Sustainable Sanitation Services

Published in: 2015
Pages: 7

International Water and Sanitation Center (IRC)

Snel, M., Nothomb, C.

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