SuSanA Library

WSTF (2009) Public Sanitation Block, Kenya To cater for 500 - 1000 people a day

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 7820
Downloads: 766

Gassmann, S. (2007) Ecosan - source streams

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 4367
Downloads: 29

Gassmann, S. (2007) Ecosan-Concept Separating waste streams

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 5636
Downloads: 73

EcoSanRes (2005) Closing the loop on Sanitation

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 4633
Downloads: 51

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 20345
Downloads: 33938

Herrmann, M. (2006) Technische Zeichnung für eine Horizontale Pflanzenkläranlage (in German) Technical drawing for a horizontal flow constructed wetland

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 6825
Downloads: 402

Fauter, D. (2006) Constructed wetlands Overview drawing of a constructed wetland for single household

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 5886
Downloads: 379

NETSSAF (2008) Ecosan latrine training (Part 1) Safe disposal of excreta using an ecological sanitation toilet

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 6909
Downloads: 115

Harvey, P.A. (2007) Excreta Disposal in Emergencies A Field Manual

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 17408
Downloads: 28995

CREPA (2007) Le circuit ecosan (in French) The ecosan cycle

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 4635
Downloads: 44

AKUT (2008) Fixed dome Biogas plant Overview drawing of 124 m3 fixed dome plant

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 19092
Downloads: 1764

GTZ/SIDA (2007) Using the EcoSan toilet

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 16829
Downloads: 28027

WHO (2006) WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater (Volume III: Wastewater and Excreta Use in Aquaculture)

Volume 3 of the Guidelines informs readers on the assessment of microbial hazards and toxic chemicals and the management of the associated risks when using wastewater and excreta in aquaculture. It explains requirements to promote safe use practices, including minimum procedures and specific healthbased targets. It puts trade-offs between potential risks and nutritional benefits in a wider development context. Special reference is made to food-borne trematodes.

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 5875
Downloads: 82

GTZ (2003) Ecosan – Closing the loop in wastewater management and sanitation Shortcomings of conventional wastewater systems

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 7772
Downloads: 238

WHO (2006) WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater (Volume II: Wastewater Use in Agriculture)

Volume 2 of the Guidelines explains requirements to promote safe use concepts and practices, including health-based targets and minimum procedures. It also covers a substantive revision of approaches to ensuring the microbial safety of wastewater used in agriculture. It distinguishes three vulnerable groups: agricultural workers, members of communities where wastewater-fed agriculture is practiced and consumers. It introduces health impact assessment of new wastewater projects.

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 5825
Downloads: 139

Otterpohl, R. (2002) Concepts Innovateurs sur l´Eau orientés réutilisation haute-intermédiaire et basse technologies (in French) Innovative concepts on water, reuse oriented with high - medium and low technologies.

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 4001
Downloads: 17

WHO (2006) WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater (Volume I: Policy and Regulatory Aspects)

Volume 1 of the Guidelines presents policy issues and regulatory measures distilled from the technical detail found in volumes 2, 3 and 4. Those faced with the need to expedite the development of policies, procedures and regulatory frameworks, at national and local government levels, will find the essential information in this volume. It also includes summaries of the other volumes in the series and an […]

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 4191
Downloads: 59

UA magazine (2008) Water for Urban Agriculture

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 3728
Downloads: 14

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 3746
Downloads: 17

Online since: 28.07.2010
Views: 3566
Downloads: 12



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