SuSanA Library

Petersen, L., von Bechtolsheim, M. (2007) Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Antworten der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (in German) Adaptation to Climate Change: The German Development Cooperation's response

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 3573
Downloads: 17

Olt, C. (2008) Emissionshandel für kreislaufwirtschaftsorientierte Sanitärsysteme in Entwicklungsländern (in German) Emissions trading for recycling-oriented sanitation systems in developing countries

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4284
Downloads: 14

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 3364
Downloads: 27

Michaelowa, A., Gagnon-Lebrun, F., Hayashi, D., Salgado Flores, L., Crete, P., Krey, M. (2007) Understanding CDM Methodologies A guidebook to CDM Rules and Procedures

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 5049
Downloads: 60

Mang, H.-P., Jurga, I. (2005) Biogas Sanitation Systems

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4579
Downloads: 87

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 5740
Downloads: 156

Liptow, H. (2004) Clean Development Mechanism What is it? How does it work?

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4618
Downloads: 31

Kossmann, W., Pönitz, U., Habermehl, S., Hörz, T., Krämer, P., Klingler, B., Kellner, C., Wittur, T., von Klopotek, F., Krieg, A., Euler, H., (1999) Biogas Digest (Volume II) Biogas - Application and Product Development

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 8076
Downloads: 247

Kossmann, W., Pönitz, U., Habermehl, S., Hörz, T., Krämer, P., Klingler, B., Kellner, C., Wittur, T., von Klopotek, F., Krieg, A., Euler, H., (1999) Biogas Digest (Volume I) Biogas Basics

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 6591
Downloads: 166

Quiton, M.; Martinez, A. (2001) Sistemas condominiales de alcantarillado sanitario (in Spanish) Condominium sewage systems - Guía de procedimientos

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4762
Downloads: 114

Melo, J. C. (2005) La experiencia de los sistemas de agua y alcantarillado condominiales en Brasil (in Spanish) The experience of water and condominium sewage systems in Brazil - Estudios de casos de Brasilia, Salvador y Parauapebas

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4312
Downloads: 32

Martinez, A. et al. (2001) Sistemas condominiales de alcantarillado sanitario (in Spanish) Condominium sewage systems - Manual de diseño y construcción

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 7073
Downloads: 11771

Cannelli, N. (2001) Sistemas condominiales de agua y alcantarillado (in Spanish) Condominium water and sewage systems - Cambios en la disponibilidad de infraestructura sanitaria y en hábitos de higiene a partir de la implantación del proyecto piloto: Un enfoque cuantitativo

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4878
Downloads: 25

Arevalo-Correa, E. (2003) Las normas técnicas y la ampliación de cobertura de acueducto y alcantarillado hacia los sectores pobres (in Spanish) Technical standards and the growth of water supply and sewerage coverage to the poor - El proceso de modificación de la Norma Boliviana NB 688

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4314
Downloads: 18

Alvestegui, A. (2004) Tecnologías alternativas para la provisión de servicios de agua y saneamiento en pequeñas localidades (in Spanish) Alternative technologies for water and sanitation services supply in small towns - Memoria del Simposio Internacional

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4523
Downloads: 7521

WSP (2001) Objectivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en el Perú (Región Lambayeque) (in Spanish) Millennium Development Goals in Peru (Lambayeque)

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4034
Downloads: 13

Erzinger, F. (2011) Low cost upgrading of pit latrines with UDDTs for private households Bottom-up approach for handling and valorisation of human excreta in Fada N’Gourma, Burkina Faso

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4517
Downloads: 72

Erzinger, F. (2008) La gestion et la valorisation des boues de vidange à Fada N'Gourma (Burkina Faso) (in French) Sludge management and recovery in Fada N'Gourma (Burkina Faso). Ecological sanitation adapted to the reality of Africa

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 4945
Downloads: 81

Erzinger, F. (2008) WC ecosan Ara (adapté à la réalité africaine) (in French) Urine diversion seat or squatting toilet - ecosan Ara (adapted to African conditions)

Online since: 05.08.2010
Views: 6235
Downloads: 163

Online since: 04.08.2010
Views: 4341
Downloads: 64



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