The Water Industry is justly proud of the influence that it has had in improving safety standards, not only within its own industry, but in the UK as a whole. The original Occasional Guidance Note (OGN) upon which this revision has been based, was drafted at the request of the Health and Safety Executive and authored under the guidance of Rob Gwyther and Richard Locke as […]
The Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) is an institution established under TEVETA Act No. 13 of 1998, read together with the Amendment Act No. 11 of 2005. Its functions include, to regulate, coordinate and monitor education, vocational and entrepreneurship training in consultation with stakeholders. TEVETA executes its regulatory function through the provision of services, among others, the development, review and approval of TEVETA […]
Kabarto 2 IDP Camp is situated in the KRI and located in the Sumel District, which is part of the Duhok Governorate administration, and it lies approximately 13km southwest of Duhok. The population figures are managed by the camp management on behalf of the Directorate of Migration and Crisis Response (DMCR) and, the population present at the time of the key informant interview with the camp […]
Kabarto 1 IDP Camp is situated in the KRI and located in the Sumel District, which is part of the Duhok Governorate administration, and it lies approximately 13km southwest of Duhok. The population figures are managed by the camp management on behalf of the Directorate of Migration and Crisis Response (DMCR) and, the population present at the time of the key informant interview with the camp […]
Sharya town is situated in the KRI and located in the Sumel District, which is part of the Duhok Governorate administration, and it lies approximately 15km south of Duhok. Sharya Town is currently hosting large numbers of IDP’s, both in and out of camps. Figures received from the HoM, relating specifically to the town in 2021, state that there are 7,254 individuals in the hosting community […]
The objective of the seminar was to enable anyone responsible for the sustainable operation of on-site sanitation systems to find out about new developments in the field, and to share their experience with counterparts from elsewhere in Southern Africa and the world. The seminar was split across six sessions and ended with two field visits (hosted by eThekwini's Water and Sanitation Department, EWS). The sessions ran as follows: Session 1: […]
Faecal sludge management (FSM) covers the whole chain from containment, emptying and collection, transportation, treatment and disposal and end-use. Faecal sludge management (FSM), nonetheless, is applied to the context of onsite sanitation (OSS) systems only. This is particularly important for Zambia where in general close to 85 percent of the population relies on on-site sanitation system. CSO (2016) showed that 77 percent of Zambians depended […]
Faecal sludge management (FSM) involves the collection, transport, safe treatment and disposal of the full contents of an on-site sanitation system e.g. a pit latrine, or a septic tank. To manage the contents appropriately; the sludge, the water and the solid waste within the containment system must be appropriately treated and disposed of. In Kisumu, approximately 75% of household sanitation systems are pit latrines, yet services […]
Sanitation issues are some of the most significant development challenges for Kampala City, Uganda. Like many other capital cities in developing countries, Kampala is experiencing rapid population and economic growth. However, provision of key services including adequate sanitation for the city population has not been in tandem with these developments. Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH […]
This competency framework is designed to be a tool for emptying service providers, and the capacity development organizations that work with them, to understand the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to deliver a high-quality service. This competency framework can be used by: 1. Emptiers and capacity development organizations to structure professional development activities for emptying service providers, by outlining required knowledge, skills, and abilities. 2. Municipalities and utilities […]
Over the years, SOIL has developed a model to provide a safely managed sanitation service to densely populated communities in Haiti, using containerbased sanitation. The objective of such an intervention is to reduce the risks to public health and the environment that unsafe sanitation practices create, and risk-based assessment methods such as Sanitation Safety Planning are a valuable tool to help evaluate the impact of […]
• Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act 2013 bans hazardous cleaning of sewer/ septic tanks. • Definition: Hazardous cleaning by an employee, in relation to a sewer or septic tank, means its manual cleaning by such employee without the employer fulfilling his obligations to provide protective gear and other cleaning devices and ensuring observance of safety precautions, as may be prescribed or […]
As per the 2011 census, the share of urban population is 31.2% as against 28% of 2001 census of the total population of the country which is expected to be 50% by 2050. This increase in population has created a significantly enhanced demand on urban sanitation, inter alia. As per the 2011 Census, 81.4% households have toilet facilities within their premises. Out of this, 32.7% households have water […]
This Guidance Document on Equipment & Workforce Norms for Managing Waterborne Sanitation in India is prepared keeping in view the Safai-mitra Suraksha Challenge, 2021. All sanitary structures like sewer and septic tanks which manage sewage are susceptible to getting choked at some point of time due to ingress and settling of solids and require regular cleaning or maintenance. Cleaning of sewer and septic tank sometimes require manual […]
It is known that eradicating open defecation is only half the battle. For improving sanitation, faecal sludge and wastewater also needs to be safely managed. It is in this context that Government of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) issued a National Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) Policy3 . It recommends regular desludging of septic tanks through a systematic extraction and collection […]
The partially treated sewage that is stored in a septic tank is commonly called as Septage. It includes the liquids, solids (sludge), as well as the fats, oils and grease (scum) that accumulate in septic tanks over time. Septage management includes the entire process of design, collection, safe treatment& disposal of septage based on generation of sewage. A comprehensive program that regulates periodic septic tank […]
Availability of adequate sanitation services is one of the most significant development challenges experienced in the rapidly growing Kampala city. Over 90% of Kampala’s population relies on on-site sanitation which include flush (pour and cistern) toilets, Urine Diversion Dehydrating Toilets (UDDTs), Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines (VIPs) and traditional pit latrines. The toilets are put up by individuals and different institutions with no proper guidance to inform […]
Images are a big part of communication, today more so than ever. Not only do we consume more visual media than ever through social media and streaming sites. More and more we use images to communicate with each other, e.g. gifs and memes. Yet the way we read and understand an image is influenced by several factors including historical and cultural context or background, age […]
WASHaLOT 3.0 is a versatile design of a group handwashing facility that accommodates many users at the same time and a water-saving facility with automatically closing individual water outlets. To support the adaption of the WASHaLOT 3.0, documents are made available to the public to guide in the production process of the WASHaLOT 3.0.
This users guide provides information on the installation, operation and maintenance of the WASHaLOT for schools and communities. It was produced jointly under a collaboration between MoEYS, GIZ and UNICEF in Cambodia.