
NIUA National Institute of Urban Affairs

National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is a premier institute for research, capacity building and dissemination of knowledge for the urban sector in India. It conducts research on urbanization, urban policy and planning, municipal finance and governance, land economics, transit oriented development, urban livelihoods, environment climate change and smart cities. The institute was set up to bridge the gap between research and practice, and to provide critical and objective analyses of trends and prospects for urban development. NIUA has assisted in policy formulation and programme appraisal and monitoring for the Ministry of Urban Development, state governments, multilateral agencies and other private organizations. It contributed to the National Commission on Urbanisation, participated in drafting the 74th Constitutional Amendment of 1992, prepared the Draft National Urban Policy and […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6585


Youthaiti is dedicated to helping and encouraging Haitian young people in their development of ecological projects in sanitation and water source protection, community gardening, and reforestation in their own communities. Partnering with rural communities we have built both UDDTs and household Arborloos, utilizing a sanitation marketing approach. We include agricultural education and community gardens and tree nurseries as part of the model. We recently also began a menstrual hygiene management curriculum for girls in grades 3 - 9.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3762

KIRDARC Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Center

Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC Nepal) is a Nepali Non-governmental National Organization, registered at District Administration Office, Jumla in 1999, and operating in 15 districts of Mid and Far Western Development Region and 6 districts of Central Development region. It is affiliated with Social Welfare Council, the regulatory body of Government of Nepal. Historically, it has been visualized by the youths from Karnali as rights based organization to empower the marginalized, vulnerable and excluded people to raise their voice at national development mainstream. Currently, it has been engaging more than 500 community institutions to consolidate their knowledge, skills and capacities to sustain their lives in dignified manner. Recently KIRDARC finalized its five years strategy plan 2014-2018 which envisages a just and prosperous society. Mainly, KIRDARC […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5239

WANA WANA Institute

The West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute is a non-profit policy think tank based in Amman, Jordan. Operating under the chairmanship of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, the Institute works to promote a transition to evidence-based policy and programming to combat the development and humanitarian challenges facing West Asia and North Africa. The WANA Institute aspires to be a trusted source of knowledge, evidence and opinion, and to provide a forum for open debate for leading researchers and policy-makers in the region. We undertake research, host conferences and conduct training workshops in the areas of social justice, sustainable development and human security. We believe these three areas represent both the most pressing issues facing our region and the greatest opportunity for our work to create vital […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5017

IIHS Indian Institute for Human Settlements

The IIHS provides advisory services to national and state governments, public, parastatal municipal agencies, international agencies and private firms in the broad area of human settlements and urbanisation, with a view to providing cutting edge and integrated solutions to some of India's emerging urban development challenges. It also serves on a number of national and state level government committees and policy fora. These engagements have considerably influenced policy process and implementation in sectors like water and sanitation, housing, climate change and land records, among others. Current IIHS practice on the environmental services focuses on a range of issues such as water supply, sanitation and integrated basic environmental services. Practitioners have also been exploring notions of common property and shared natural resources, environmental governance, issues of water […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4582

Bridgers Bridgers Association Cameroon

Bridgers Association Cameroon was founded in 2013 and registered in 2016 as a not for profit organization with mission to empower women/girls through advocacy. This is attainable through Bridgers programs such as WASH, Agriculture & Environmental Education, Human Rights & Citizenship, Women & Leadership. With a flexible and passionate team enthusiastic to achieve household and community water sanitation and hygiene projects at grassroots levels in Cameroon. Bridgers Association Cameroon is eager and looking forward to network with other partners and development agencies as well as organizations in other to bring positive impacts in the lives of less privilege people and communities. Bridgers team is passionate to end open defecation and provide communities with clean water through the rehabilitation of water catchments and water systems, raising awareness […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4765

Gather Gather

Gather uses data intelligence to get toilets to those who need them.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3624

SLH The Sanitation Learning Hub

We are a learning and research programme focused on sanitation and hygiene in low and lower-middle income countries. Our vision is that everyone realises their right to safely managed sanitation and hygiene – making sure no one is left behind in the drive to end open defecation for good. We are committed to eliminating discrimination and to embedding and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce, in our work and in all our activities including recruitment and selection.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1168

Practica PRACTICA Foundation

PRACTICA Foundation is a non-profit centre of technical expertise with a mission to strengthen the skills and tools for entrepreneurs in the African and Asian water, irrigation and sanitation sector. Our offices and workshops are based in the Netherlands and in Madagascar. We work with international & local organizations to develop and implement innovations in their programs: • We facilitate practical trainings to strengthen technical & business skills of local enterprises • We contribute to their enabling environment, aligning the enterprises with suppliers, customers & institutions • We provide technical assistance for project implementation to NGOs, governments and consultancy firms • We conduct applied research & product development to ensure continuous innovation Regarding FSM, Practica supports cities with 50,000 to 300,000 inhabitants in the implementation of Equitable, Safe, and Sustainable FSM services. Our sanitation services […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1635

PadCare PadCare Labs Pvt. Ltd.

PadCare is an unprecedented hygiene management solution that completes the loop of menstrual hygiene economy by generating harmless, recyclable output out of soiled pads.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 2752

WASHi WASH Institute

WASH Institute has been strengthening the capacity, and skills of professionals involved in WASH sector across India through intensive trainings since 2008. The organization is a sector partner of National Jal Jeevan Mission and support the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India, in implementing Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban and Gramin). Through its skill and capacity building programs, WASH Institute has trained more than 11000 professionals across the country.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1966

Instituto Puxirum Instituto de Sustentabilidade e Eficiência Energética Puxirum

The Puxirum Institute develops social and environmental projects in the areas of energy and basic sanitation for riverside and indigenous populations, through actions that include access to public policies and educational processes that promote awareness and social transformation, operating in a territory called the Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR) of Tupé, located in the riverside region of Manaus (capital of the state of Amazonas in Brazil).

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1644

OSA Ocean Sewage Alliance

The Ocean Sewage Alliance is a diverse collective of organizations and academic scientists committed to reducing the threat of sewage and other wastewater pollution in our oceans, while increasing the health and well-being of both humans and nature. We aim to achieve our mission by collaborating across sectors, synthesizing and sharing knowledge, developing solutions, and raising awareness.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1427

KWRwater KWR water

Bridging Science to Practice is KWRs motto. Our researchers work at the interface of science, business and society. Their strength lies in their translation of scientific knowledge into applicable, practical solutions for end-users in the Dutch and international water sector. We have built a solid reputation as top-level innovation accelerators and international network builders, and increasingly play a coordinating role in national and international collaborations. Our shareholders are the ten Dutch water companies and the Belgian De Watergroep. Water is the basis of life. It is essential for nature, people, food production and economic development. In our water-wise world research program we work on the optimal organization and management of the whole water cycle, with a circular economy as a key driver and the […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1184

AWSPN-ZC African Women Sanitation Professionals Network- Zambia Chapter

The African Women Sanitation Professionals Network- Zambia Chapter (AWSPN-ZC) was formally established in September, 2020. The Zambia-Chapter is part of the African Network that is being formalized in Kenya. The network aims to transform how women professionals participate in the sector and work towards tackling barriers to result in their inclusion in leadership roles. The goal of the AWSPN-ZC is to equip and advance the number and prominence of women in the sanitation sector, enabling them to assume strategic roles beyond being users of sanitation services. This will be achieved through the following objectives: a) Establishment of a Zambia Chapter of the African Women Sanitation Professionals Network and facilitating networking, coordination and mobilization of women in the sector b) Function as a resource reservoir for potential professional sector-based […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1689

VcA Viva con Agua

Viva con Agua pays special attention to Container Based Sanitation / composting toilets. To strengthen WASH systems, we foster Sanitation Marketing Groups and promote WASH-related Social Business. That enables people to change their roles from user groups to customers and producers and increase their responsibility for a successful outcome of WASH activities. It sets examples that promote trust and entrepreneurial spirit of other local stakeholders.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1339

Bipoba Bipoba Yema

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1230

UP United Purpose

UPs WASH work has historically been rooted in its robust community-focused WASH interventions, and UP has strong expertise in areas of rural water supply infrastructure and maintenance, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and our innovative approaches for behaviour change in our WASH in Schools work. Since 2012 (when we started tracking these metrics across the organisation), UPs WASH programming has increased access to basic drinking water supply services for 1.4 million people, supported 11,800 villages to become Open Defecation Free - ODF (and helped create the first ODF local government authority area in Nigeria), and has improved WASH facilities and practices in over 2,500 schools. We have developed an innovative financing model for rural water supply maintenance. Beyond such community-focused programming, in recent years, UP is increasingly […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1241

CaDev CaDev_Capacity Development

CaDev is a company of experienced professionals designed to provide capacity development, training, advisory, knowledge management and consultancy services in water and sanitation and agribusiness sectors (crosscutting gender and climate change) in Zambia, across the African continent, and worldwide. We believe in building on existing knowledge and experiences to achieve desired results and create long-lasting impacts within organisations, communities, target groups and designed programmes and projects.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1756

CBSA Container Based Sanitation Alliance

The Container Based Sanitation Alliance (CBSA) aims to be the credible voice of Container- Based Sanitation (CBS) providers. Established in 2016, CBSA represents its members as a neutral, independent, not-for-profit association. Our vision We believe that with the right support, CBS services can scale to provide affordable, safe, and dignified sanitation to 50M people in LMIC by 2030, in line with SDG 6.2. Our goal CBSA promotes the use of CBS as a safe and essential component of blended, city-wide approaches to sanitation. Our goal is to help scale the adoption of CBS by public and private providers, customers, and governments in Low-and-Middle Income Countries (LMIC) cities. In order to maximise our impact, we regularly collaborate with other organisations to overcome barriers to growth of the CBS industry.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1210



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