
CUNP Clean up Nepal

Clean up Nepal is a for-purpose, non-government organization registered in Nepal in 2014 that envisions communities having access to a solid waste management and water, sanitation and hygiene system with the associated knowledge and resources that will enable them to live a healthy, disease-free life. Clean up Nepal works to provide an enabling environment to improve sanitation and hygiene in Nepal by connecting, educating and empowering local communities and relevant stakeholders through a people-centered, strength based approach to improve community health, well-being and opportunity. Clean up Nepal achieves this by: 1. Improving public health and the environment through systematic improvements of existing solid waste management systems and helping set up new systems where none exist, and 2. Preventing deaths caused by hygiene related diseases through our sanitation […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9820

GSI Governance Systems International

Governance Systems International (GSI) is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing technical expertise to National/Sub national Governments, Private Sector Companies and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across the African continent. GSI was formed to respond to the current capacity gaps in provision of consulting services in governance and development work in many African countries. Our multidisciplinary team of professionals work as a network of renowned experts in areas of Governance and Public Administration; Health; Agriculture and Food Security; Water Supply and sanitation; Environment and Natural Resources; Urban planning and Development; Renewable Energy and Efficiency, Trade and Enterprise Development; Logistics and Event Management including Project Evaluations & Development Research across sectors. We have a passion for our work and confident in our ability to serve our local and […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6992

BEDS Bangladesh Environment and Development Society

Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) is a non-profit, non-political organization committed to sustainable socio-economic development, conservation of natural resources, use of clean energy and protection of the environment through research and implementation of specific activities. A group of enlightened environmentalists, development workers and nature lovers came together with the idea of advocating to protect the ever-degrading coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. As a result, BEDS was formed on July 26, 2010, to work with the grassroots-level community. The organization promotes the long-term co-existence of people and natural ecosystems on our planet, creating harmony among all living beings. BEDS exists to address and solve integrated environmental and socio-economic problems. It has been working on: issues arising from global warming and sea […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7195


EACO is a Community Based Organization committed to reducing poverty in rural Uganda through economic empowerment, educational opportunities and support for marginalised groups of people. EACO has a team of 4 full time staff and 3 part-time with assistance from the Community members. EACO currently operates six different programs, instilling hope and improving life for more than 4000 people in the rural Mukono district. EACO does trainings including hygiene promotion, construction of latrines, repairing boreholes and WASH. Besides that trainings target the links between water, sanitation and health, the nature of, and the threats posed by environmental diseases, the importance and main elements of hygiene-promotion and the complexity in delivering safe water and sanitation in an emergency.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5834

RH Reaching Hand

Mission Statement: Reaching Hand's Girls Glory project provides infrastructural and educational support to eliminate hygiene and sanitation barriers in Indian government schools, enabling young girls to continue to attend school with confidence and dignity.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5892


At FRANK Water, we partner with organisations that local people trust to help them build their own water systems, access funding from the Indian government to build toilets and learn more about hygiene and health. Our projects include gravity-fed and pumped water supply systems, catchment and watershed management, water treatment, sanitation infrastructure, and education programmes. We work on a small scale and use our research to help communities leverage more funds from local and national government. We conduct our own research, work alongside external consultants who evaluate our programmes and create partnerships to build knowledge of the causes of the WASH crisis and develop proposals for action.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6924

IWRP Institute of Water Resources Planning - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

The Institute of Water Resources Planning (IWRP) is a part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). IWRP is among the most important institutions in Vietnam that deals with studies related to river systems. IWRP specializes in policies, planning, engineering and consultancy. It's function is to operate within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other provincial levels in formulating water resources (water supply and sanitation, drainage, flood and drought prevention), energy, climate and environment across Vietnam to help facilitate socio-economic development. Major tasks include regulating the use of water resources, as well as protecting and developing water resources and the environment in a sustainable way. IWRP's tasks and mandates include: 1. To prepare and submit to MARD: Strategies and long-term planning […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8802

MEDRC Water Research

MEDRC Water Research was established to deal with two of the most pressing global and regional grand challenges; water and peace. It is a unique international organization where ten co-equal partners work together on solutions to fresh water scarcity by supporting research, training, knowledge exchange and capacity building. MEDRC Headquarters is in Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman where it operates a state of the art research and training facility. In delivering its mission MEDRC will become a viable and transferable model for governments seeking a mechanism to address significant regional or trans-boundary environmental challenges.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7416

BET Biome Environmental Trust

Biome Environmental Trust (The Trust) has been set up with the aim to conduct research, public education, practice-to-policy bridging and policy advocacy in the areas of land-use & land-use planning, energy, water and sanitation. The key concerns of all its activities in these areas are ecological and social sustainability in India and the developing world. In an era of emphasis on economic growth coupled with the threats of climate change, The Trust seeks to evolve solutions to critical resource problems of the present and future. Concerns of Equity, Environment and Economy are all equally integral to the Trust's endeavors. Its research encompasses scientific, technological, socio-economic and policy research. The overall approach is solution centric and one of knowledge-based activism through Action Research, engagement with citizenry, […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7899

WSTF Water Sector Trust Fund

Water Sector Trust Fund (WSTF) is a Kenyan Institution established under the Water Act of 2002 with a mandate to assist in financing the provision of water services to areas of Kenya which are without adequate services. WSTF operates under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. In the Water Act 2016, The Mandate of the Fund is to provide conditional and unconditional grants to the Counties and to assist in financing the water and sanitation services in the marginalised and under-served areas including: a) Community level initiatives for the sustainable management of water resources b) Development of water services in rural areas considered not to be commercially viable for provision of water services by licensees; and c) Development of water and sanitation services in the under-served poor urban areas WSTF works with […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10575

ACWUA Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

ACWUA, as a global center of excellence, will work in partnership with water and wastewater utilities in the Arab countries, on building capacities within the utilities, and on instituting best practices within a high quality level. Quality is herein defined as conforming to the requirements and specifications in all matters of training, technical Support (projects management, research & studies) and events management in the field of water and wastewater. Thus ACWUA is committed to meet ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 standards requirements. In addition to, environmental protection, preservation of injuries and other legal requirements. We committed to achieve this through continual improvement by planning and implementing specified and measurable quality objectives and activities to achieve members and other interested parties' satisfaction. We also recognize the importance of the entire […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9048


BENAA is building the capacities of the youth in order to build-up sustainable development projects, and create an enabling environment in the MENA region.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9004


Difaf's mission is to identify and assess activities that impact water and environmental systems, to design, implement and monitor engineering and management solutions, and to promote appropriate technologies and sustainable methods for natural resources restoration and conservation. Difaf is a consultancy and technical design bureau born in 2014 in Lebanon from a team of engineers, natural scientists, and policy experts. We are eager to deliver proficient cross-disciplinary work tailored for resilient localized successes. Difaf bridges the gap between science and policy, and to deliver measurable and direct improvements in water and environmental resource management. With an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach, Difaf targets sectors where activities have the highest degree of impact on the hydro-environment such as: fresh water resources, wastewater, agriculture, solid waste, and […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6083

AOH Africa Our Home

Africa Our Home seeks to bridge cultures, support African development and cultivate lasting trusting partnerships between Africa and the rest of the world.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5771

AI Arctic Infrastructure

Arctic Infrastructure (AI) is a private establishment with broad focus on infrastructure delivery, urban development and environment. It is a development organization engaging in the planning, engineering, procurement, construction and management of infrastructure and spaces. Arctic Infrastructure (AI) envisions a world where access to sustainable infrastructure and livable environment will not be restricted to any human being based on social, economic or spatial status. It is committed to improving access to good living conditions and promotes harmony between development and environment.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7697

WADA Welfare Association for Development Alternative (WADA)

Welfare Association for Development Alternative (WADA) established in 10 September 2011 as a non-profit, non-political, non-government organization and registered from Department of Social Services under the Government of Bangladesh with a view to work those disadvantaged people especially women, youths, girls & children through different development approaches such as food security and nutrition, education, health, gender equality, women rights and empowerments, water and sanitation, climate change and environment. WADA has a team of social workers who are well qualified and experienced to project implementation. The organization follows regular monitoring, sharing experiences and immediate action for the successful implementation the activities. WADA specially targeted to ensure its support to establish rights of the women, youths and children to remove social injustice and bring a society […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6624

AF Antenna Foundation

Antenna Technologies is a Swiss foundation committed to the scientific research of technological, health and economic solutions in partnership with universities, non-profit organizations and private companies to meet the basic needs of marginalized populations in developing countries.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6785

CEE Centre for Environment Education

CEE's mission is to enhance understanding of sustainable development in formal, non-formal and informal education through its work with schools, higher educational institutions, policy makers and reaching out to youth and the general community. It is to integrate education as a key driver for change in demonstrating and advancing sustainable practices in rural and urban communities, and in business and the public sector, and in meeting challenges of global issues such as climate change and biodiversity conservation. CEE also promotes individual and collective positive Handprint actions that are environmentally sound, economically viable and socially beneficial.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6194

RAE Reseau de l Assainissement Ecologique

The RAE was created in 2006. It is a collective of associations, consulting firms, craftsmen, companies and individuals active in the promotion and Implementation of ecological sanitation systems in France and in Europe. The RAE target to defend the general interest in ecological sanitation. The RAE is therefore not a trade union, it does not work to study or defend the rights, nor the material or moral interests of its members. The network was created in 2006 during the meeting of ecological sanitation actors with the desire to get to know each other, to exchange and share their experiences. It was then decided to formalize these annual meetings, called "Les Intestinales". They become the highlights of the life of the RAE, but work continues throughout the […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4094

CYF BORNEfonden Children & Youth Foundation

BORNEfonden Children and Youth Foundation BORNEfonden CYF is a Danish development organisation working to enable a sustainable future for children, youth, families and communities in West Africa. Established in 1972, BORNEfonden CYF works in Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Togo and Cape Verde focusing on WASH, health, education and income generation in rural areas. In cooperation with authorities, organisations and local communities, BORNEfonden CYF works 15-20 years in each community to create resilient and empowered children and youth. Collaboration and partnerships are key in BORNEfonden's work to establish lasting change. BORNEfonden CYF also provides humanitarian assistance in response to emergencies. In the sector of WASH, BORNEfonden CYF works to improves access to clean water and improved sanitation in households, health facilities and schools through CLTS programmes.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6556



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