
Gather Gather

Gather uses data intelligence to get toilets to those who need them.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3624

Bridgers Bridgers Association Cameroon

Bridgers Association Cameroon was founded in 2013 and registered in 2016 as a not for profit organization with mission to empower women/girls through advocacy. This is attainable through Bridgers programs such as WASH, Agriculture & Environmental Education, Human Rights & Citizenship, Women & Leadership. With a flexible and passionate team enthusiastic to achieve household and community water sanitation and hygiene projects at grassroots levels in Cameroon. Bridgers Association Cameroon is eager and looking forward to network with other partners and development agencies as well as organizations in other to bring positive impacts in the lives of less privilege people and communities. Bridgers team is passionate to end open defecation and provide communities with clean water through the rehabilitation of water catchments and water systems, raising awareness […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4765

IIHS Indian Institute for Human Settlements

The IIHS provides advisory services to national and state governments, public, parastatal municipal agencies, international agencies and private firms in the broad area of human settlements and urbanisation, with a view to providing cutting edge and integrated solutions to some of India's emerging urban development challenges. It also serves on a number of national and state level government committees and policy fora. These engagements have considerably influenced policy process and implementation in sectors like water and sanitation, housing, climate change and land records, among others. Current IIHS practice on the environmental services focuses on a range of issues such as water supply, sanitation and integrated basic environmental services. Practitioners have also been exploring notions of common property and shared natural resources, environmental governance, issues of water […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4582

WANA WANA Institute

The West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute is a non-profit policy think tank based in Amman, Jordan. Operating under the chairmanship of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, the Institute works to promote a transition to evidence-based policy and programming to combat the development and humanitarian challenges facing West Asia and North Africa. The WANA Institute aspires to be a trusted source of knowledge, evidence and opinion, and to provide a forum for open debate for leading researchers and policy-makers in the region. We undertake research, host conferences and conduct training workshops in the areas of social justice, sustainable development and human security. We believe these three areas represent both the most pressing issues facing our region and the greatest opportunity for our work to create vital […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5017

KIRDARC Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Center

Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC Nepal) is a Nepali Non-governmental National Organization, registered at District Administration Office, Jumla in 1999, and operating in 15 districts of Mid and Far Western Development Region and 6 districts of Central Development region. It is affiliated with Social Welfare Council, the regulatory body of Government of Nepal. Historically, it has been visualized by the youths from Karnali as rights based organization to empower the marginalized, vulnerable and excluded people to raise their voice at national development mainstream. Currently, it has been engaging more than 500 community institutions to consolidate their knowledge, skills and capacities to sustain their lives in dignified manner. Recently KIRDARC finalized its five years strategy plan 2014-2018 which envisages a just and prosperous society. Mainly, KIRDARC […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5239


Youthaiti is dedicated to helping and encouraging Haitian young people in their development of ecological projects in sanitation and water source protection, community gardening, and reforestation in their own communities. Partnering with rural communities we have built both UDDTs and household Arborloos, utilizing a sanitation marketing approach. We include agricultural education and community gardens and tree nurseries as part of the model. We recently also began a menstrual hygiene management curriculum for girls in grades 3 - 9.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3762

NIUA National Institute of Urban Affairs

National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is a premier institute for research, capacity building and dissemination of knowledge for the urban sector in India. It conducts research on urbanization, urban policy and planning, municipal finance and governance, land economics, transit oriented development, urban livelihoods, environment climate change and smart cities. The institute was set up to bridge the gap between research and practice, and to provide critical and objective analyses of trends and prospects for urban development. NIUA has assisted in policy formulation and programme appraisal and monitoring for the Ministry of Urban Development, state governments, multilateral agencies and other private organizations. It contributed to the National Commission on Urbanisation, participated in drafting the 74th Constitutional Amendment of 1992, prepared the Draft National Urban Policy and […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6585

Reall Reall

Sanitation is vital for people's wellbeing and health, but in dense urban areas low quality and unhygienic solutions frequently prevail. Pit latrines are quickly overloaded, and municipal sewerage systems rarely cover more than the central core of a city. The richest 20% of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa is almost five times as likely to use an improved sanitation facility as the poorest quintile. Reall work predominantly in high density urban and peri-urban areas constructing incremental housing with associated infrastructure. Reall's interventions benefit their low-income clients by using housing as a nexus for the sustainable delivery of infrastructure including improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4928

RRI Rebuild and Relief International

Rebuild and Relief International (RRI) is a German non-governmental organization focusing on the support of refugees and IDPs in Iraq and Syria. RRI has specialized on the provision of humanitarian assistance to people in need, living in "hard-to-reach-areas". Our core competences are "WASH" ​​(water, sanitation and hygiene) and "shelter rehabilitation" (reconstruction/rehabilitation of houses and buildings).

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5060

LGC Living Green Cameroon

Living Green Cameroon (LGC) is a youth-led non-profit NGO based in Kumba, in the South West Region of Cameroon entirely run by volunteers, 14 staffs and 104 volunteers. Founded in 2008, registered on the 10 August, 2011 with the mission of aiding in community development through combating socio-cultural and economic ills affecting their communities. Living Green Cameroon helps empowers vulnerable children, young people and their respective communities so that they will become active and emerging forces for positive change. For the past 2 years Living Green Cameroon recognized the need to shift the pursuit of community development to sustainable community development in shared models of the SDGs inclusive approach. Base on evidence of success, our work is focus on empowering vulnerable children, young people […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4349

Rich Earth Rich Earth Institute

The Rich Earth Institute advances the practice of peecycling: reclaiming "waste" as a resource to complete the food nutrient cycle. Human urine contains vital nutrients for growing crops. By reclaiming urine as an agricultural resource, communities can prevent downstream pollution, access a local fertilizer, and conserve clean water. For over a decade, the Rich Earth Institute has operated the nation's first and largest community-scale peecycling program. Learn more at

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4529

AIT Asian Institute of Technology

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is an international postgraduate institute of higher education based in Thailand. Established in 1959 as the first postgraduate school in the region, it boasts of over 21,000 alumni in 101 countries and territories. Ranked world's Number "1" in international orientation (by UMultirank), AIT works with nearly 200 partners all over the world.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5165

ROSE Rose Academies-Uganda

Since 2014, Rose Academies has been working in remote, rural villages of Central and Eastern Africa to empower the world's most oppressed persons with knowledge. Today, we are working in Uganda's rural poor communities as we teach healthcare, nutrition, water & sanitation and disease prevention. In 2020, despite COVID, we established a fellowship program for young Ugandan adults that is a unique approach to the provision of career skills in healthcare, education, research and technology. Our fellowship program is entering its 3rd year and during that time has provided healthcare workshops to 5,000+ pregnant women and new mothers, teaching them how to care for their infants with the primary objective of lowering the high neonatal death rates. Strong Partnerships We believe in the power of collaboration […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3577

IBS Inclusive Business Sweden

Inclusive Business Sweden (IBS) is a not-for-profit centre whose mission is to enable business to meet global development needs. We engage and support organisations in developing sustainable, innovative and inclusive business models with the so-called base of the pyramid BoP - the 4.5 billion people who live on less than 8 dollars a day. Since 2013, we have been working towards our goals by delivering collaborative programmes and direct business services, both locally and globally. At Inclusive Business Sweden, we are making it our business to end poverty

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5002

n/a WaterSHED

WaterSHED uses a systems-approach to build the rural market for water, sanitation, and hygiene products and services across Southeast Asia. Based in Cambodia, WaterSHED uses in-depth research to identify strategic opportunities and gaps in the wider system, and then works to strengthen the capacity and relationships between key actors to create a more dynamic and resilient market. By engaging key actors in the system, including small businesses, customers, and local government, WaterSHED facilitates the adoption of toilets, water filters, and handwashing stations - building a market that functions independent of traditional aid. To date, WaterSHED's Hands-Off marketing approach has successfully enabled small businesses to sell more than 180.000 toilets, generating more than USD $9 million in revenue for rural businesses, and helping accelerate sanitation coverage from […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3991

CAYA CAYA Constructs

CAYA Constructs was set up in 2015 to deliver social and sustainable innovations to contribute towards SDGs. In sanitation, CAYA uses precast reinforced cement concrete technology (RCC) to factory-manufacture household toilets, community toilets, and on-site sanitation units at large scale. CAYA is also providing daily cleaning and maintenance by well-trained Swachhta Sainiks and conducting behaviour change campaigns. Thus, CAYA is the first and only company to provide a Total Sanitation Solution - our team of 60 has the experience to cover the entire value chain.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8483

FSE Fundacion Somos Ecuador

Somos Ecuador is a non-governmental organization that implements integral processes focused on promoting sustainable habitat management.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4729

UMC Urban Management Centre

The UMC group of organizations works towards professionalizing urban management in India and South Asia. Since 1997, we have worked with urban local governments across India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Indonesia and several other countries, successfully delivering results across the spectrum of urban management contexts - from urban water and sanitation, heritage management, urban planning, municipal finance, climate change mitigation and adaptation to urban health system improvements. We are an urban-biased organization with focus on management and improvement of systems of urban local bodies. We provide technical assistance and support to city governments and facilitate change through peer-to-peer learning processes. With our understanding of adult learning pedagogies, capacity building and training, we work towards building individual and systemic capacities of cities. Though our network of […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5787

KUMEA Kujenga Maisha East Africa (KUMEA)

Kujenga Maisha East Africa (KUMEA) is the development arm of the New Apostolic Church, East Africa. The organization is officially registered as an NGO in Kenya with branches in Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan. It is a faith based Organization (FBO) whose mandate is to facilitate the poor communities in East Africa. KUMEA currently has 6 board members and 5 permanent staff based in Nairobi. Temporary staff and consultants with specific expertise are regularly hired based on the projects being implemented. The board oversees the running of the organization. Community Liaison officers are volunteers appointed to a project for a fixed duration and are responsible for coordinating the activities of common Interest groups (CIGs) and reporting to the secretariat.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3353

CYPLP Children and Young People Living for Peace. (CYPLP)

We are volunteers promoting water security and water rights, health and well being of vulnerable and marginalized children and women in poor communities across Nigeria and Africa.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5096



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