
Kemisan Kemisan Klor-Alkali A.S.

Kemisan has been designing and manufacturing electrolysis technology for more than 45 years. On-site Electrochlorination Generators that have been developed by Kemisan offers the most sustainable, economical, and effective disinfection solution with easy of use systems.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1804


WOCO is a Congolese (DRC) NGO aimed at bringing rural woman/girl to discover her potentialities and to accompany her to exploit them for an inclusive development. At WOCO we believe that ?No health, survival, growth or development without drinking water, without sanitation and without hygiene; however, for a large part of the poorest people on the planet, these basic necessities remain a luxury? Access to improved WASH services is precarious in the DRC. Only 52% of the DRC's population has access to improved water sources and less than 29% of them have access to improved sanitation. Women and Girls being the most affected due to their social position with heavy consequences to the whole community such as being the one of the countries most affected by […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 2952

T4A Toilets for All, Geneva, Switzerland

Toilets for All is a Swiss foundation which contributes to closing the huge gap in access to clean and dignified toilets for the world’s population (SDG 6.2), leaving no one behind. We aim to achieve this goal through different collaborative actions, acting as an enabler for both entrepreneurs and funders, but also legislative organisations, select communities and government bodies, and focusing on the emergent sector of circular off-grid in-home sanitation (COGIHS) and related hygiene efforts. We believe that is where the highest impact can be made, with the greatest knock-on effect on other SDGs.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 2124

IYCY International Youth Council-Yemen

International Youth Council-Yemen (IYCY) is a nonprofit, non-governmental and Youth-led organization that is targeting Youth, Women and community in general. IYCY has a legal and independent personality. IYCY was founded on 01/02/2012 headquartered in the capital city, Sana'a under the provisions of Associations and Institutions Law No. (1) For the year 2001 with licensing number (24) . Since the establishment of the international Youth Council-Yemen (IYCY) in 2012, IYCY has been implementing several programs in different sectors reached the most vulnerable population groups regardless of gender, age, income, culture or location, with lifesaving and economical projects through Yemeni governorates such as Alleviate poverty; suffering and injustice, the majority of vulnerable communities we serve face dire situations in the areas of health and nutrition. IYCY works to […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1637

AI Athena Infonomics

Athena Infonomics is a data-driven global consultancy. We combine social science research methods and ICT tools to drive innovation in policies, processes and programs in international development. Athena Infonomics has offices in India and Washington, D.C., alongside program hubs across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Athena Infonomics has worked extensively in South Asia and East Africa in design and delivering new generation programmes on data ecosystem strengthening and WASH. Supported by an active network of distinguished industry veterans, policy makers, academicians and intellectuals, the team at Athena consists of a diverse mixture of educational and professional backgrounds from engineering, management, economics, statistics and development from some of the top educational institutions in the world. Athena distinguishes itself through an unflinching dedication to leveraging cutting-edge research methods and […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4822

ACEPESA Asociación Centroamericana para la Economía, la Salud y el Ambiente

ACEPESA is a non-governmental organisation in the area of Costa Rica and Central America. The organisation contributes to innovative technical products and high quality as well as to the articulation of public and private efforts in managing the development and sustainability.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7548

IBBK Internationales Biogas und Bioenergie Kompetenzzentrum

The work of the IBBK covers regional, national and international activities. The Centre of Competence is setting up an additional impulse beyond the traditional lobby work and is striving to cover the growing demand for independent, neutral dissemination of information in the field of biogas, bioenergy and ecological sanitation. The main emphasis is in educational (transfer of knowledge in form of seminars, workshops and conferences among others) and project work. The International Biogas and Bioenergy Centre of Competence (IBBK) brings together experts and companies, as well as groups of interest and educational institutes in the field of biogas, bioenergy and ecological sanitation.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7591

ASKNet African Sanitation Knowledge Network

The ASKNet Goal: To enhance the ability of academics and professionals across the disciplines to contribute to the mainstreaming and up-scaling of sustainable sanitation in Africa, to the benefit of livelihoods, health, and the environment.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7583

BASA Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement

Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA) is a non-government, non-profit and non-political organization established in 1991 to serve the socio-economically depressed communities in Bangladesh. BASA works in the fields of sustainable development, poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor (particularly women) through the provision of micro-finance services supported by a wide array of other development programmes.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10839

ICC International Code Council

The International Code Council (ICC) is a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention. ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace. The I-Codes are a complete set of comprehensive, coordinated building safety and fire prevention codes. Building codes benefit public safety and support the industry’s need for one set of codes without regional limitations.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7521

AEE INTEC AEE-Institute for Sustainable Technologies

The AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) is active in the development of scientific and technical basics for solar thermal applications, with the development of efficient energy supply systems for buildings as well as the development of sustainable technologies for water supply and sewage disposal. The pillars of these topics are the work on prototype development and the implementation of pilot projects. Beyond this, the institute provides know-how and carries out planning and consultation.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9622


Akvo helps donors and doers reach out to fund many thousands of new water and sanitation projects. Money flows quickly because donors choose what to fund and follow progress online. People can use these storylines to build exciting new campaigns and networks. Akvo's partners lead the world in sharing updates using Akvo tools. Better feedback means happy donors, and dialogue between field workers builds skills and improves quality. Time and money are saved while people across the world get safe drinking water and proper sanitation.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10161

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8608

Backlund Ecology

Backlund is working out sustainable sanitary solutions (Ecological Sanitation), systems for production and usage of biomass energy and other selected environmentally friendly products. BACKLUND is a knowledge producing company and has from the start in 1986 worked with cleaner technology and handling of different streams of material.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7520

BWC Better World Cameroon

Better World Foundation is a registered non profit, non governmental and non political organization in Cameroon. It is a humanitarian aid development charitable organization that focuses on emergency relief services, economic development and civil society initiatives to unleash the potential of people who can win against impossible odds, to alleviate poverty, suffering and oppression by helping them build secure, productive, and just communities.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7220

Bioforsk, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research

Bioforsk conducts applied and specifically targeted research linked to multifunctional agriculture and rural development, plant sciences, environmental protection and natural resource management.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9908

BUW Bauhaus University Weimar

With faculties and areas of study such as Architecture, Art and Design, Civil Engineering and Media, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a distinctive identity. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has become well-known for its wide range of teaching and research activities based on civil engineering and architecture-oriented disciplines. Today the University offers an extensive spectrum of instruction with over 30 courses of study, including free art, design, web design, visual communication, media design, media culture, architecture, civil engineering, materials science, processing technology, environment and management.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10034


UG EKOPOT is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-partisan organization registered as association for development, advancement and promotion of ecological agriculture, tourism and environment protection. UG EKOPOT was established in July 2001 and operates regionally in the Western Balkans.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6424


Biobox provides Total Water Cycle Management™ solutions. They specialise in the design, supply and installation of water and wastewater (sewage) treatment and filtrations systems for irrigation, flushing, washing, process or potable use.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8165

BORDA Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association

BORDA e.V. (Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association) is a German non-governmental organisation, headquartered in Bremen with a network of local partner organisations in more than 20 countries worldwide. Since founded in 1977, BORDA is active in the fields of poverty alleviation, sustainable protection of natural resources and the develops, implements and disseminates decentralised sustainable technologies and social measures for water, wastewater, energy and waste. Currently BORDA is focusing on decentralized sanitation solutions for the poor in peri-urban and urban areas in Africa, Asia and Latin America. To increase access to improved sanitation, BORDA provides demand oriented service packages including decentralised wastewater management solutions (DEWATS) and decentralised solid waste management (DESWAM). BORDA has regional offices in Tanzania, India, Jordan, Indonesia and Mexico. BORDA is mainly supported by the […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 17125



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