

AHT GROUP AG is a privately owned independent consulting firm which was founded in 1960. They offer management and engineering services in their core fields of activity i.e. water supply, wastewater management and sanitation, water resources management, agriculture, governance and environmental and solid waste management. The scope of their services covers management and organisational aspects, institutional development and training, and the entire project cycle from preliminary and feasibility studies to detailed design, project implementation and evaluation. Their clients include national and local government institutions, private sector companies and all the major international development organisations.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 12182


Company based in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, promoting organic farming, ecosan, decentralized wastewater treatment, terra preta, EM practices, biodynamic farming and related concepts and technologies. Dealership in (Dr. Higa's authentic) EM, educational programs, consultancy etc.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7411

Ruby Cup

Women and girls in developing countries face challenges when dealing with their monthly cycle. Disposable menstrual hygiene products are often unavailable or exorbitantly expensive. As a result, girls do not go to school because they are afraid of leaking during class. This amounts up to 20% of days missed in school. Ruby Cup provides a solution to this problem. It is an alternative menstrual hygiene product made of medical grade silicone that can be re-used up to 10 years.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7882

MWA Millennium Water Alliance

MWA is a permanent coalition of WASH implementing NGOs, funded by the members and program grants from foundations, corporations and government, with a full-time staff headquartered in Washington DC . MWA members include: Aguayuda, CARE, Catholic Relief Services, El Porvenir, Food for the Hungry, Global Water, HELVETAS Swiss International Cooperation, IRC, Living Water International, Pure Water for the World,, WaterAid, Water4, Water For People, Water Mission, and World Vision.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7936

Earth Forever

Earth Forever is a non-profit non-political non-religious non-governmental organisation, registered in Bulgaria to work for sustainable development of communities. The organisation is specialized in sanitation and hygiene promotion, awareness raising, introduction of sustainable sanitation technologies through implementation of pilot projects in rural areas, schools, etc.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6416


Tearfund is a UK-based Christian relief and development agency working through a global network of churches to help eradicate poverty. Tearfund supports local partners in more than 50 developing countries and has operational programmes in response to specific disasters.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7718

WMG Watershed Management Group

Watershed Management Group (WMG) develops community-based solutions to ensure the long-term prosperity of people and health of the environment. We provide people with the knowledge, skills, and resources for sustainable livelihoods.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6540

SaniTronics International BV

Specialized in self cleaning toilets and urinals and or showers. Also in emergency toilets and closed circuit systems for handling black water back to drinking water.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6026

Hering International

HERING has over 30 years of experience in the field of construction, operating sanitation facilities and prefabricated concrete structures. HERING has established a production workshop for high quality sanitation facilities with the aim to provide the South African community with these superior facilities. With this knowledge HERING has developed prefabricated sanitation solutions which offer maximum creativity, functionality and longevity. The long term plan is to create a sustainable business in South Africa which will create jobs and transfer different skills.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7089

Appropriate Technology

Development magazine focussing on ideas, policies and practices which help to alleviate poverty and hunger.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6586

IPStar B.V.

IPSTAR is the technology transfer agent for the European Space Agency MELiSSA research program. The acronym MELiSSA is short for 'Micro-Ecological Life Support Alternative' and is a development program of a microbiological and horticultural plant based closed loop ecosystem. The system is used for regenerative life support systems for long-term space missions to lunar bases or flights to Mars. IPStar’s mission is to stimulate and facilitate the commercialization of primarily know-how and intellectual property generated within the MELiSSA consortium consisting of an international group of renowned universities and institutes and to enhance and foster linkages between the MELiSSA research community and industry.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5848

EcoLoo AB

EcoLoo AB is a Swedish GREEN innovation company. We develop, build and market unique & patented innovations and environmental solutions. Our patent-pending toilet solution is sustainable, odor-free, maintenace-free, consumes no energy nor water. The end product is fertilizer.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8191

Innovations Unlimited

With the vision of providing Dignity and Privacy for all irrespective of their Socio-economic status, we came up with our innovation, nCircle R, and launched, INNOVATIONS UNLIMITED, an all Women Start-up Entrepreneurial Organisation.Our Patented Innovation nCircle R, is a quickly Deployable Total Toilet Solution as well as a standalone Superstructure, which ensures Privacy and Dignity to all especially Women while catering to all of their Personal Needs like taking a bath, Changing or Feeding their babies.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6249

DES Decentralised Environmental Solutions

DES strives to promote self-sustainable communities through linking innovative environmental solutions to people’s livelihood strategies in South Africa. •A healthier life through Improved Sanitation for All. •Sustainable agriculture through usage of nutrient rich effluent. •Food security and Job creation.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6876

Envirosan Sanitation Solutions

International manufacturer and service provider of sanitation systems and facilities, based in Durban, South Africa. Envirosan’s core business is to provide a comprehensive range of plastic injection moulded sanitation systems and solutions, specialising in waterless sanitary products. Quality and reliability are of paramount importance to our customers and ourselves – we are committed to building mutually beneficial relationships with our customers by providing cost effective products, technical excellence, superior quality and unrivalled levels of service.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8779

pS-Eau (Programme Solidarité Eau)

The pS-Eau is a French non-profit organisation working to support and enhance actions for universal access to water and sanitation in developing countries since 1984. It supports an international and multi-actors network to facilitate local initiatives for international cooperation in the WaSH sector. It also facilitates local networks of actors in focus countries such as Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Niger, Lebanon, Benin. The pS-Eau was first created as a network during the International Water and Sanitation Decade in 1984. First hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then by the NGO GRET, with financial support from the nongovernmental cooperation mission of the French government, it became an autonomous organisation in 2003. As neutral platform for coordination and alignment between WaSH stakeholders and for capacity-building, pS-Eau doesn’t […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7746

Eram Scientific Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Eram Scientific Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the part of Eram Group which has a proven track record in multifaceted activities ranging from Engineering, Infrastructure Development, Clean Tech, to Information Technology, among various other key sectors. We seek to go beyond the conventional thinking and traditional standards to a pro-earth approach. Eram Scientific is the venture that aims to develop innovative and utility solutions by combining cross platform technologies and domains. We are a Social Enterprise, positioned in a niche market for developing socially relevant solutions. The key project of the Company is in the sanitation front with India’s First and Only eToilet, the Electronic Public Toilet. The Patent Pending eToilet incorporates a full cycle approach in sanitation using technology where all activities involving starting the unit, […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 11271

Climate Foundation

the Climate Foundation focuses on carbon sustainability in soils and oceans, including biochar sanitation infrastructure.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7853

CPUT Centre for Water and Sanitation Research - Cape Peninsula University of Technology

CWSR is a multi-disciplinary research unit based at Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town, South Africa. CWSR has undertaken several research projects in the field of water and sanitation in rural, peri-urban and informal areas. Key research outputs include: operation and maintenance of basic water and sanitation; User acceptance of mobile sanitation facilities in South Africa; Srategic framework for basic water and sanitation services; Farm dwellers sanitation services; Adaptation and piloting of CLTS in South Africa; An approach to reducing risks and hazards from human waste and recently the unit is looking at School sanitation and Reuse of reclaimed wastewater for domestic application in South Africa. The unit has a multi-disciplinary range of researchers drawn from engineering, education, social and environmental science backgrounds.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8990


LeAF provides independent and high quality advice on the development and implementation of sustainable environmental technologies for treatment and valorisation of organic residues.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5708



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