
CLTS Foundation Community-Led Total Sanitation Foundation

Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an innovative methodology for mobilising communities to completely eliminate open defecation (OD). Communities are facilitated to conduct their own appraisal and analysis of open defecation (OD) and take their own action to become ODF (open defecation free). At the heart of CLTS lies the recognition that merely providing toilets does not guarantee their use, nor result in improved sanitation and hygiene. Earlier approaches to sanitation prescribed high initial standards and offered subsidies as an incentive. But this often led to uneven adoption, problems with long-term sustainability and only partial use. It also created a culture of dependence on subsidies. Open defecation and the cycle of fecal–oral contamination continued to spread disease. In contrast, CLTS focuses on the behavioural change needed […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10801

UST Unnayan Shahojogy Team

Unnayan Shahojogy Team (UST) is a national NGO working in Bangladesh since 1986. It is registered with NGO Affairs Bureau in Bangladesh (Redg. No.291). It mobilizes available resources for the benefits of the rural poor, especially for the disadvantaged women and children. UST has been working in typical geographical (Char) areas in Bangladesh with the disadvantaged people, especially with women; children and adolescent girls to promote and protect their right. UST also works at grass root level with civil society for strengthening local governance towards sustainable development. UST believes that it is possible to bring changes in the situation of disadvantaged rural women through empowering them. This empowerment process is essential for shaping people's capacity to manage and control over all kinds of livelihoods assets in […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8234

NETWAS Uganda (Network for Water and Sanitation)

NETWAS Uganda (Network for Water and Sanitation) is a non- profit making organization. Since 1996 it has contributed to enhancing water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) through sector capacity and also carries out social mobilization, research and dissemination of information. NETWAS has been a partner of IRC since 2003 on learning initiatives in Uganda and is currently the Ecological Sanitation Research knowledge node on sustainable sanitation in Uganda in partnership with Stockholm Environment institute (SEI). NETWAS hosts the Sanitation Water Alliance and the Appropriate Technology centre in Mukono on behalf of the Ministry of Water and Environment; it carries out Capacity Building, Evidence Based Advocacy, Research and Knowledge Management.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10548

PHLUSH Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human

As a public restroom advocacy group founded in Portland, Oregon in 2006, we have achieved our original goal of increasing toilet availability in the Old Town Chinatown neighborhood. In our small downtown area there are now five locations, three 24/7, serving 2000 users a day. Our new focus is ecosan research and development appropriate for a city renowned for its urban planning and commitment to sustainability. Specifically, we are working with partners to find alternatives to the environmentally dangerous chemical porta potties used at arts and sporting events. We support partners prototyping portable waterless urinals and composting toilets with research, information,marketing, advocacy, and support for regulatory and code change.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6557

ISF-UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney

The Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (ISF-UTS) leads research and evaluation to inform policy and practice. ISF-UTS is a global leader in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), providing evidence to support advances in sustainable, equitable services in developing country contexts in Asia, Pacific and elsewhere, as well as a leader in the water sector internationally. Committed to ethical principles of participation, gender equality and social inclusion, ISF-UTS’s multidisciplinary approach provides knowledge and know-how to support the technical, economic, legal, environmental and social dimensions of WASH. ISF-UTS are leaders in economic analysis and sustainability assessment to inform infrastructure decision-making and development of appropriate institutional arrangements to support a service-delivery approach. Further information about ISF-UTS and our work in WASH can be found at

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8984

SI Synergy International

We identify and qualify technologies to help resolve issues of the rural and remote communities living without basic utilities like grid electricity, safe drinking water, sanitation, education, health services etc.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6881

Women in Sustainable Development of Moldova WiSDOM

WiSDOM (the abbreviation of Women in Sustainable Development of Moldova) is a non-governmental organization that promotes the concepts of sustainable development pleading for a wise attitude toward present and future and empowering the women participation in sustainable development. Among the main activities of WISDOM are: elaboration of sustainable strategies, implementation of demonstrational projects, and dissemination of good practices. For ensuring a success in the projects implementation WISDOM considers assessing the needs of specific communities, tackling the multi-stakeholder approach and involving the adequate expertise. The activities are carried out in collaboration and with the implication of the beneficiary communities. The current projects are related to ecological sanitation, sustainable use of resources and capacity building of rural communities.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5926

ACF Action Contre la Faim

Action Contre La Faim (ACF, Action Against Hunger) is an international humanitarian organization committed to ending world hunger. Recognized as a leader in the fight against malnutrition, ACF saves the lives of malnourished children while providing communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. With more than 35 years of expertise in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity, ACF runs programs in over 45 countries. ACF's 6,500+ professionals work to carry out programs in nutrition, food security & livelihoods, and water, sanitation, & hygiene (WASH). ACF’s humanitarian programs directly assist over seven million people each year, along with countless others, through capacity building programs in collaboration with government ministries. Committed to principled humanitarian action, ACF restores dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 16074

SES Efficiency

As a response to the current and future demand of Sustainable Development in our Countries, Regions and Cities, we have developed SES Efficiency (Sustainable Energy Solutions). Based in Spain SES develops concepts and solutions in different areas of sustainability and accompany with the design, planning, implementation, execution and monitoring of its projects. Our S O L U T I O N S are designed for towns and cities to be economically competitive, socially progressive and environmentally responsible.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5805

GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (formally known as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH is a federally owned organisation. It works worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Their mandate is to support the German Government in achieving its development objectives. It provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, economic, ecological and social development in a globalised world.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 20571

DORP Development Organization of The Rural Poor

DORP is an NGO working in the field of development in rural Bangladesh since 1990 with the proper approval of the Government. DORP is implementing various projects related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)with the assistance of National and International Organization/Donor. It also work on Maternal and Neonatal Health Care program.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8786

ADA Austrian Development Agency

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation. The Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) supports countries in Africa, Asia and Central America as well as in South Eastern and Eastern Europe in their sustainable social, economic and democratic development. The Austrian Foreign Ministry (FMEIA) plans ADC strategies and programmes, while ADA implements these together with public institutions, non-governmental organisations and enterprises.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 11022

VLRC Vrutti Livelihoods Resource Centre

Vrutti, a livelihood resource centre, focuses on inclusive growth and reduction of poverty in India and South Asia. The Mission is to promote livelihoods of disadvantaged groups at a scale by working with communities and partners for developing effective strategies, approaches, models, capacities and policy frameworks. It strives to bring out business solutions to development challenges in the livelihood space.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8622

Arche noVa (initiative for people in need) e.V.

Arche noVa - initiative for people in need is a non-profit- and non-governmental organisation from Dresden/Germany working primarily on the field of humanitarian aid, development cooperation and education. Regardless of the victims' ethnicity and ideology we support all those who suffer from war, suppression and natural disasters. With special regard to discriminated social groups our main aim is the rapid provision of sustainable aid in order to ease adversity and to assist self-help initiatives. To guarantee fast and effective action in difficult situations we offer our logistics and experience to local cooperating partners.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 13700

AOSED An Organization for Socio-Economic Development

AOSED is a grassroots organization working on IWRM, WatSan, Climate Change and Agriculture issues in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Vision: Develop a just, prosperous and environment-friendly Society in which there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, caste, creed, gender or occupation whatsoever.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7691

BGR Federal Institute for Geosciences & Natural Resources

The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources is the central geoscientific authority providing advice to the German Federal Government in all geo-relevant questions. It is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6699

NYN Northern Youth Network

Northern Youth Network (NYN) is a youth network based in Northern Region of Malawi led by active young people. Our program are designed to provide and support youth groups, community based organization and empower them with various skills, knowledge and sharing of best practices for effectively delivery of good services to instill positive values, foster good citizenship and build self-confidence among young people

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6093

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center is an international nonprofit research and development institution committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10724

Fundación SODIS

The SODIS Foundation works in Bolivia since the year 2001. It is a non-profit organisation that aims at creating, developing and managing sustainable projects to benefit the most vulnerable population. It is involved in water and sanitation interventions, reduction of child mortality and morbidity caused by infections related to lack of safe water such as diarrhoeal diseases. It develops and applies technology and biotechnology related to water purification and latrines. It is also committed to fight effects of climate change, and reduce impact of humans on nature through behaviour change, education and health promotion. In addition, it contributes to several academic and epidemiological studies in cooperation with universities and institutions working on public health in several countries. The Foundation is currently searching for donors and institutional […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8037

CCS Community Cleaning Services

CCS (Community Cleaning Services) is a social microfranchise focused on enabling young entrepreneurs to start and grow their own businesses providing sanitation services, mainly toilet cleaning and light maintenance.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9232



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