Implementation of UDDTs by Community Based Organisations Ugunja District, Western Kenya Case Study of Sustainable Sanitation Projects Mboya, P., Blume, S. (2009)

The overall objective is to increase access to sustainable sanitation in rural households and therefore improve public health and generate income for farmers. The project is being implemented by the Community Based Organisation (CBO) Rambula Magoya Development Network. The CBO is supported by the EcoSan Promotion Project (EPP), which is an EU-SIDA-GTZ financed component of the GTZ Water Sector Reform Programme in Kenya. The EPP aims to reach 50,000 beneficiaries with reuse oriented sanitation systems until 2010. One focal area of the EPP is provision of safe dry sanitation systems which generate fertiliser- so called Urine Diverting Dehydrating Toilets (UDDTs) - to people living in rural and peri-urban areas.

Bibliographic information

Mboya, P., Blume, S. (2009). Implementation of UDDTs by Community Based Organisations Ugunja District, Western Kenya Case Study of Sustainable Sanitation Projects

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) RuralEnglish


Implementation of UDDTs by Community Based Organisations Ugunja District, Western Kenya

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Implementation of UDDTs by Community Based Organisations Ugunja District, Western Kenya

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0


Mboya, P., Blume, S.

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