Ecosan. A step towards sustainable rural development in Eastern Europe Samwel, M., Otterpohl, R., Deegener, S., Gabizon, S. (2005)

In this paper the implementation of double vault urine diverting toilets and waterless urinals in a rural Ukrainian school as a pilot-project is presented. As a sustainable sanitation system this kind of toilets offer all the benefits of Ecological Sanitation: Protection of water resources, recovery of nutrients and minimisation of water-based infections. Special attention was turned towards the education of the toilet-users and interested locals, maintenance of the toilets and the hygienically safe reuse of the recovered products (stored urine and decomposed faeces) in horti- and agriculture. Urine with its high content of nutrients and trace elements is an excellent fertiliser and faeces, when treated properly are a good soil conditioner. This is important for the mainly poor population, that cannot afford chemical fertilisers. It was shown that the installation of double vault urine diverting toilets is a low cost, very fast and easy to realise possibility to protect the groundwater and thus improve health conditions. The establishment of ecological sanitation is especially reasonable in regions with no central water supply and no sanitation system except pit-latrines

Bibliographic information

Samwel, M., Otterpohl, R., Deegener, S., Gabizon, S. (2005). Ecosan. A step towards sustainable rural development in Eastern Europe Third international conference on ecological sanitation

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Greywater or wastewaterRuralEnglish


Ecosan.A step towards sustainable rural development in Eastern Europe

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Ecosan. A step towards sustainable rural development in Eastern Europe

Published in: 2005
Pages: 0

Third international conference on ecological sanitation

Samwel, M., Otterpohl, R., Deegener, S., Gabizon, S.

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