Sanitation for those with special needs Planning and management of water and sanitation technologies for low-income communities Bwengye, E. (2004)

For a long time, the Ugandans with special needs have been marginalised. They hardly can access public buildings – offices, places of worship, classrooms and more important, latrines used by people without special need (normal people). Of recent, the Government of Republic of Uganda, together with external support agencies has attempted to help people with special needs live a decent and independent life. This move has been characterised by a proliferation of programmes and plans to work with people with special needs and “liberate them”. The government has set up rehabilitation centres to fabricate aids, for people with special needs. The special schools for training teachers (Special Needs Education-Kyambogo) have been set up to train teachers and inspectors of schools to effectively handle children with special needs.

Bibliographic information

Bwengye, E. (2004). Sanitation for those with special needs Planning and management of water and sanitation technologies for low-income communities LMI and WEDC

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Sanitation for those with special needs

Published in: 2004
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Bwengye, E.

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