Operation and maintenance of sanitation systems in two public institutions Experiences from Uganda Muellegger, E., Freiberger, E. (2010)

The O&M of sanitation systems in two Ugandan institutions works sustainably because the stakeholders were involved in the planning and decision making and are benefitting from the introduction of the sanitation systems. In this article two examples of resource?oriented sanitation systems in Ugandan institutions are presented. The implementation of these systems led to an improvement of the sanitation situation in these institutions; the human waste is now safely disposed of and reused. In the Kalungu Girls Secondary School pupils are responsible for operating the urine diverting dry toilets. In the Maracha Hospital three attendants are employed to operate the sanitation system. Both institutions are gaining an extra benefit by selling the compost (Maracha) or using it in the own gardens (Kalungu).

Bibliographic information

Muellegger, E., Freiberger, E. (2010). Operation and maintenance of sanitation systems in two public institutions Experiences from Uganda Sustainable Sanitation Practice Issue 2, Ecosan Club, Austria

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Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsFaeces or faecal sludgeEnglish


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Operation and maintenance of sanitation systems in two public institutions

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

Sustainable Sanitation Practice Issue 2, Ecosan Club, Austria

Muellegger, E., Freiberger, E.

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