Factors which have influenced the acceptance of ecosan in South Africa and development of a marketing strategy Holden, R., Terreblanche, R., Muller, M. (2003)

This paper contends that the marketing of ecological sanitation is no different for any other sanitation technology. People are motivated by reasons other than health to improve their sanitation such as no smell, safety, security, comfort, privacy, convenience, minimum handling of excreta and the quality of pedestals and structures. At present many promoters of ecological sanitation focus on re-use, as the primary motivating factor for people to adopt the technology. The results of the South African Sanitation Programme, however, have shown that by marketing the product to people’s aspirations ecological sanitation can be successfully introduced at a wide scale in a sustainable manner, whilst at the same time satisfying the Governments desire to provide access to sanitation to all. This paper sets out how ecological sanitation was introduced as an alternative technology into the Sanitation Programme in the Northern Cape Province, political support gained, and introduced subsequently into other Provinces.

Bibliographic information

Holden, R., Terreblanche, R., Muller, M. (2003). Factors which have influenced the acceptance of ecosan in South Africa and development of a marketing strategy IWA - 2nd international symposium on ecological sanitation

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Factors which have influenced the acceptance of ecosan in South Africa and development of a marketing strategy

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Factors which have influenced the acceptance of ecosan in South Africa and development of a marketing strategy

Published in: 2003
Pages: 0

IWA - 2nd international symposium on ecological sanitation

Holden, R., Terreblanche, R., Muller, M.

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