Water treatment options in reuse systems Integrated concepts for reuse of upgraded wastewater de Koning, J., Miska, V., Ravazini, A. (2006)

Europe has a long history in water management in general and more specifically in the “small water cycle”; the treatment and distribution of drinking water and the collection and treatment of wastewater are well developed practices. However, the recycling of treated wastewater has not been widely applied in most European countries. But due to the increasing need for protection of water resources, the growing environmental awareness and the public inclination to sustainability the pressure on water recycling is gradually increasing. The general target of the Aquarec project is the development of 'integrated concepts for reuse of upgraded wastewater'; with special focus on the European Countries. To reach this target the project was divided in 8 workpackages; 3 on the strategic level, 3 on the management level and 2 on the technological level. In this report the research in WP7 is published. The objective of WP7 is the definition of wastewater treatment options in reuse systems, with focus on reuse of municipal wastewater.

Bibliographic information

de Koning, J., Miska, V., Ravazini, A. (2006). Water treatment options in reuse systems Integrated concepts for reuse of upgraded wastewater AQUAREC

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Water treatment options in reuse systems

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Water treatment options in reuse systems

Published in: 2006
Pages: 0


de Koning, J., Miska, V., Ravazini, A.

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