To commemorate World Toilet Day 2022, the SuSanA Working Group on productive sanitation and food security (WG5) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), along with partners, organised a webinar about the role of standards and certification systems in the safe reuse of nutrients from sanitation systems. Moderated by WG5 Lead Daniel Ddiba.
This entry is the collection point of the different resources from the webinar, including the screen recording, PowerPoint presentations and program overview.
We once again thank all the speakers and everyone who attended!
Event Page of WG5 webinar on Standards and Certification
SuSanA (2022). WG5 Webinar: The contribution of standards and certification to the safe reuse of nutrients from sanitation and waste systems SuSanA
Food security and productive sanitation (WG5)Faeces or faecal sludgeGreywater or wastewaterPoliticians and local decision makersPractitionersPresentationsVideos and webinar recordingsEnglishFertiliserWater (irrigation, process, other)
Event Page of WG5 webinar on Standards and Certification